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Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Vinay Kr Aug 2015
Bruised and beaten, black and blue,
Climbed the peak, having won the battle.
Sets his fierce eyes on life anew,
To break another limit, the painful shackle.

A tree he spots, to mark with his pug,
He calls it his, this piece of wood.
Engulfed with pride, that stature, the ****,
Sees only the battles he won and the ones he could.

He forgets not those million scars,
The tissues that made him only stronger,
The days he spent behind those bars,
The ones so long, those nights of anger.

Gathers them all in this one mighty breath,
Smears his symbol of rage on this tree,
Announces to the jungle beneath,
He is here, now wild, he is is free.

Letting the roar out, he looks below,
Making his presence felt, majestic, his vibe,
Knowing not what's ahead, the peaks to conquer,
the rivers that flow.

This eternal solitary vibe,
The one I imbibe,
Gives me shivers when I think of him,
My alter ego, the face within.

I share his freedom,
The peace sublime,
And I set out to roam the jungle,
Among the brave, those masters prime.
The Tiger Vibe.
Vinay Kr Aug 2015
The eternal song of the ever blissful one,
I write tonight.
To her, who lives in the twilight of human states,
Her love, divine.

She knows not what she beholds, within her,
The grace, the flawless ease, the wonder.
She looks to me, like how she should be,
When she drops her masks, those clothes of yonder.

If she saw, herself, what I could see, she would walk,
A walk, radiating freedom, a gaze, speaking elegance.
I try to show her, but all I can do is talk,
While she slowly moves towards herself, a blissful dance.

Once there, there won't be no coming back,
The eternal twilight of the true self would then dawn on those eyes.
Those eyes that search and can't say goodbye,
Will now look with a roar of ecstasy.

I take it upon me then, to give her that gift,
So the eternal song of the ever blissful one,
I write tonight,
To her, that lives in the twilight of human states,
Her love, divine.
Aug 2015 · 3.2k
The Jungle, My Love.
Vinay Kr Aug 2015
Finally, closer I came to you,
Realizing that desire held for lifetimes,
Welcomed by the soft winds you blew,
The ancient memory, I forget sometimes.

The fool I had become,
Trapped in a mess, that Illusion,
Your sweet voice spake, called me home,
Said, " In dropping the question, lies the solution."

You touched me, so warm, exquisite welcome,
Wasn't the first, yet, so new.
Reminded, " There ain't nothing to do, nobody to become,
You are born blissful, so blue!"

That smell, the distant drops of dew,
The graceful fall to the earth,
For that one taste, my senses subdue,
With life answered, you gave me a new birth.

Here I was, exactly where I needed to be,
"All so strange", said my wonder.
"What caused this divine surrender?
Was it you? Or was it all just within me?"
Written while at Muthanga Wildlife Reserve, Kerala, India.
Jul 2015 · 473
Masks, them all.
Vinay Kr Jul 2015
You came here raw and naked,
You came here free,
Your playfulness divine,
Your laughter, sacred.

You were freshness embodied,
Your joy, The morning sun,
Warm, subtle, gracious.
Your prayer, your fun.

Life, just a divine play,
But then began the game,
Survival, this sorry world,
The money, the identity, the name.

All masks, you learnt to wear,
One by one, you tried them all,
Some a pleasure, felt so dear,
Some, such pain.

You began now, your blind run,
Chasing that mask of pleasure,
Running too hard, you lost your fun,
Your prayer, that treasure.

In the chase you forgot to see,
What you run after, illusion, just a mask,
You came here perfect, you came complete,
The moment the reminder strikes,
In eternal glory, you bask.
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
What long term travel does to you,
As time passes,
You begin to forget who you were.
You go on.

Now, your base, you constantly change,
You have hardly any time to become someone else.
You go on.

You lose identity,
You drop the ego,
There is nothing left onto which you can hold.
You go on.

A true witness you become of yourself,
Of cultures, of people and their emotions,
Of the constructed world that surrounds,
You go on.

Suddenly, this is the most liberating experience you have of life,
Your life becomes beautiful without a reason,
No festive, but your life, a constant celebration.
You go on.

Ecstacy becomes yours,
The highest bliss,
The ultimate joy,
And still, you go on.

You become a Parivrajaka,
The eternal wanderer,
A pure spirit,
And there is no you anymore,
It all just goes on.
Parivrajaka is a sanskrit term. It means " The wandering monk".
Jun 2015 · 2.5k
Aloneness 10w
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
Aloneness is ecstasy,
Aloneness is bliss,
Lonliness is aloneness misunderstood.
Jun 2015 · 814
Relationship, a mirage.
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
She chases her men, she weeps and cries,
O' how do I tell her, she is being blind.
She falls each time, telling herself lies,
Try hard to tell her, what she looks for, she won't find.

I tell her and I tell you too,
Your love isn't for the person but for the image in your mind,
So is the other, in love with an image of you.
This kind of love, so misaligned.

That's all a relationship is,
The conflict of a mental image,
What you feel, you think it's bliss,
But are befooled by a mirage.

The illusion, created based on your past,
The image, projected based on your need,
Love is to be felt, not forced to last,
You become time and again, a victim of your greed.

You never fall in love with the person,
But with the feelings you give yourself,
Realize this, you will be loving without a reason,
You will come home to your true self.
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Longed for you, eternally.
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
For you, I longed, in every breath,
For lifetimes,
Those infinite cycles of birth and death.
You gave me not your soothing touch,
For ages,
Those moments in sorrow, that pain, so much.

For your voice, my heart longed, in every beat,
For years,
Those moments spent alone in silent retreat.
You called me not, with your melodious tone,
For what felt like time infinite,
Your light I was never shown.

After all that wait, the moment had to arrive,
That taste, for which I chose to strive.
Like a lightning you came,your voice, the thunder,
Struck by awe I was, your glory, the wonder.

Lifetimes of thirst, quenched in a moment divine,
One with you I became, barriers broken, that dividing line.
The fool I was, looking for you in a place distant,
You were right here, within me, every instant, the presence, constant.

All this while I was looking the wrong way,
That step within, I took this day.
A fish I was in your divine sea,
Looking for water, that which was always all around me.
Jun 2015 · 639
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
In love I fell, within me,
With the void, the vastness.
In love I fell, I learnt to just be,
With my silence, the emptiness.

In love I fell, with space,
With the cosmos, the writer of fate.
In love I fell, needed no symbol, no face,
With spirit universal,the natural state.

In love I fell, with nothingness,
The truth I realized this way.
In falling in love with that which is not,
In love I fell with everything there is.

In this love I can simply be,
Without a point, without a trigger,
In this love I am blissfully me,
No reason, no person, no figure.
Jun 2015 · 624
Boundary 10w
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
Every boundary you see,
Every *******,
Is self-created and imaginary.
Jun 2015 · 597
The Beyond.
Vinay Kr Jun 2015
Free the body and mind of all clutter,
Free it of judgement and conditioning,
**** yourself, the false one,
You will then taste the beyond .

For the first time, you will come alive,
Breaking free from the mundane rut.
You will feel light.

So light that the body moves into dance,
The voice breaks into song,
The mind spills poetry.
You cannot now help but be overwhelmed,
By the exuberance of existence.

You will become so vulnerable,
So sensitive,
Yet in all this openness,
Within you will lie an unshakable strength that needs no display.
This human state,
Is the only thing worth striving for.
May 2015 · 709
Life, an art.
Vinay Kr May 2015
Live your life like it is a poem,
And you are the words that complete it.
Live your life like it is a painting,
And you are the canvas of the divine.
Live your life like it is a song,
And you are the note arising from the unknown.

The rest is just survival, mundane.
May 2015 · 4.3k
Society. 10W
Vinay Kr May 2015
Yes! You're free!
Can't see?
Within this prison,
Go wherever.
A take on the modern psuedo-secular society. How can we overlook the fact that even our freethinking has a limited bandwidth of acceptance?
May 2015 · 1.3k
Vinay Kr May 2015
There isn't a feeling more intense than lust,
Nothing more engulfing, more true.
Makes the hardest obstacle look like mere dust,
No space for mind, no sign, no clue.

What can explain the urge?
That moment all energies converge,
Illusion or divine upsurge?
None can articulate which leads to this splurge.

Yet in all my experience I have been a seer,
Studied the feeling, up-close and near.
The blinding force that goes beyond fear,
Makes you forget life and everything dear.

There wasn't anything that made me more sure,
There couldn't be a feeling more pure.
Wondered why it was the lowest sin,
The blinding desire for another's skin.

It then struck me like an arrow,
Why does it have to be so narrow?
What if lust was elevated to emotion?
What if the same happened in life, or still, in devotion?

Could there be a higher way to forget yourself?
To taste the beyond and come out of your shelf.
Yes! Yes! it struck me right,
In one moment of divine insight.

Then for truth I began my lust,
A desire just as robust.
From the root, to the crown, felt a mighty ******,
That cleansed a stagnant mind of its rust.

And so again I was made a child,
Full of innocence, yet so wild.
Blinded once more, but with a lust divine,
Cracked open to see the subtle and the fine.

Two centers exist through which your energies explode,
The result the same, you become fierce.
******* both,
The root, a seed for creation,
The crown, the creators seat.
This one talks about the spiritual journey of lust. From the carnal to the divine. Both *******, but very different in experience.
May 2015 · 891
My eternal muse!
Vinay Kr May 2015
In all my lifetimes I saw,
a repeating constant, death.
I embraced her and made love.
She cleared my canvas and let me
paint the immortal.
May 2015 · 726
Death, My friend.
Vinay Kr May 2015
Don't know why they cloud you with so much negation.
O' Death, you aren't the end.
You are life's fulfilment, its completion,
You must be looked at instead, as a friend.

What are you? What is me that dies?
Questions I have asked you time and again.
You answered me, you told me no lies,
Truth as it is, without a single bargain.

My clock starts the first time I inhale,
That one mighty breath of life.
Then you follow me through every intricate detail,
In my every joy and in my every strife!

The people dread you, they say you take away everything dear,
Say you are the end, You! The root of all torment!
Yet a man that has known you, has no fear,
He knows by death, he is being paid the greatest compliment.

For he has developed with you a great friendship,
In knowing you he knows what is true.
Now his life is but a beautiful courtship,
A poet he becomes, so blissful and so blue.

This one that has known his mortal nature,
Lives at the peak and cherishes all he has,
Not a moment has he to waste in worry of ego and stature,
A life lived of a different class!

And when the time is ripe, his death he blissfully welcomes,
Letting go of all in the last exhalation.
Inching towards the peak of all *******,
Readies himself for the ultimate relaxation.

In knowing you he lived a life so full,
He lays down at peace and breathes his last.
Knowing he will be taken to the eternally beautiful,
Smiling, he bids adieu to a beautiful past.
Written while wandering alone in the Manikarnika Ghat, where the public burning of dead bodies take place, Varanasi, India

A man that has known death, Knows life. Every moment he breathes in, he is born and every moment he breathes out, he dies. Within a life, he is born and dead millions of times. To a yogi, a mystic, Death is the ultimate ******, the truest friend.
May 2015 · 921
Stop and think!
Vinay Kr May 2015
Never before did I stop and think,
Never before did I wonder.
As I sat down one summer evening and sipped my drink,
I began to see what an illusion I am under!

They went past my mind so swiftly,
All the lies I had been told.
That I needed to get somewhere quickly,
Or I may regret when I am too old.

I saw these patterns of induced fear,
The automated lives we live, the lessons on what to see.
We are told whom to hate and who is dear,
For once the society will never let us just be.

It is against their profit and against their deception,
If we realize what they have induced is all just a lie.
With vision renewed and an altered perception,
We would break past this cage of illusion and simply fly.

With a new gift of a child's innocence,
And the raw awareness of the wise.
I saw for the first time, divine essence,
Free from conditioning, free from societal devise.

I looked at the endless blue sky,
So infinite, so vast.
This flight, no money could buy.
The universe was so still, yet changing so fast.
I tasted the bliss and freedom of transcendence,
Of breaking free from mundane existence.

They always told me happiness is something I should strongly pursue,
That's just society's way of getting work out of you.
The truth is that there is nothing to do,
Nowhere to go and nothing is due.

Life is just one majestic chaos,
You are nobody's slave, nobody is your boss,
Come with me and be a part of this celebration,
Look at the world through my eyes!
Stop and think,
Let's just sit back down and sip our drink.
Written sitting in a restaurant at The Ridge, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. I was travelling alone in the mountains and came across this beautiful city and this beautiful restaurant with a stunning view of the Himalayan Icy Mountains.
May 2015 · 707
Thy Distant Call
Vinay Kr May 2015
The distant call of thy flute,
Gives me a peak into bliss absolute,
Helplessly drawn I am to your cosmic tune,
I let my ego drop, the moment seems opportune,
Now I just gaze at the whole of existence,
My first peak into transcendence,
I realize this is home, where from I come,
The magic of thy breath brought me back here,
To this place so serene, so beautiful,
How could I have been blind to this all my life?
Why could I not see?
This bliss, that was right within me.
Probably, I needed thy call,
Now, here I am, basking in bliss eternal,
There is nothing more I need.
I will rest here now, in the lap of the universe,
Don't send me back to the mundane ways,
For then again, I shall recall,
The distant call of thy flute,
And be back home to bliss absolute.
Written while appreciating the classical Indian Flute. Was mesmerized, transported to bliss.
May 2015 · 2.1k
Himalayan Majesty
Vinay Kr May 2015
I gazed at thy icy peak,
And something in you finally silenced this freak.
Powerless and stunned, I sat down,
Staring at your majestic white crown.

Something like you, I never saw before,
With your intensity you took me back to my core.
Looking at you I began to wonder,
How are you such a divine expression? And me, just a blunder.

You said to me that I am failing to realize,
What was being said by every man so wise.
That I too am just you, we are no different,
Me too, another divine expression, but with an ego and judgement.

I dropped them and looked at all your snow,
I realized to be one with you was to know.
I began to melt,
Like this, never before had I felt.

We are all here by divine will,
I missed it because unlike you, I was never still.
I was fooled by them people, into thinking I am not enough,
You drilled the truth into me, so beautiful, yet so tough.

I sat there unaware of what was me and what was you,
There was nothing left to know, nothing left to pursue.
In your majesty, I realized mine,
We were both equal expressions of the divine.

Finally you silenced this freak,
And I can never forget thy icy peak.
Was at Fagu Valley in Shimla, Himachal, India when I wrote this. Was wandering alone in the gigantic snowy mountains, the highest in the world and was awestruck by their beauty that I had to pen my feelings down.

— The End —