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Jan 2021 · 174
The Gift
Kathleen Jan 2021
Little drops of water fall
From the heavens they are sent
Messages held in the balance
Delivering to those who wait

Awash with letters from the past they surge to appease

Catch them if you can
Hold them in your hand
Look awhile
then let them pass

For these are messages from those who lived
They cleanse your souls and bring you joy
A gift to you my friend
Jan 2021 · 513
There is no end
Kathleen Jan 2021
In a new land I await
The moon is always visable
Yet it is not dark
There are no shadows
No sounds disturbs this tranquil land
I walk alone and feel no pain
I leave no footsteps inthe sand
There is no sun
I feel no cold
I am where I began
Dec 2020 · 104
Kathleen Dec 2020
The world is covered with a blanket of snow
Icicles glimmer in the light
Sounds of children laughing
Excited about the visit
Chimneys bellow out smoke
Pots and pans gleam
And the cats got the cream

I sit in a empty house
All cold and alone
No fire in the grate is lit
No presents lay waiting to be unwrapped
I cast my mind to days gone by
When laughter filled these walls
When footsteps were in the hall

Forever young with these dreams
But still all alone
Dec 2020 · 252
Kathleen Dec 2020
Alone I stand, in a field full of solace,
Life brings the wind to cascade down  my branches
To cast away the leaves I have nourished
Bring me light so I may flourish
The sun to warm my inner spirit
My roots reach to the inner core,
I stand solid,
So bring the rain, the snow, the sun
For I am that tree that stands Alone.............
Nov 2020 · 127
Kathleen Nov 2020
Loud sounds
The mind
Sometimes everything seems the same
Nov 2020 · 168
Kathleen Nov 2020
If the earth has no boundaries
No start no finish
The land always giving birth
The sky full of floating clouds
The seas reaching far off destinations
Birds singing like a joyful chorus

Why are there boundaries
When the earth is free
All are equal
None are better
We breathe,  we live ,we die

It's a never ending circle
This life
Nov 2020 · 239
Kathleen Nov 2020
If I walk down this path
Will you follow me ?
Hold my hand
Soothe  me
Let our shadows intertwine

Will you not be by my side
Every step of the way
Be judgemental
Question me ?

This path of life
Is mine alone
No book or map to guide me
Just a mind wandering
Like my soul
Nov 2020 · 254
My love
Kathleen Nov 2020
Whisper my name again my love
Shout it to the stars
Make the wind blow
The earth shudder
Put your arms round me my love
Make my  world safe
Keep me warm in your embrace
Walk with me my love
Let us run together
Laugh at the rain
Dance in the moonlight
My love forever
Nov 2020 · 150
What am i thinking about
Kathleen Nov 2020
What am I thinking ,

I'm thinking of days gone by,
Warm light
Dark shadows
Corners of my mind
I thought lost forever

I'm thinking of solitude
Gentle rivers flowing
Mighty seas crashing
Skies that cry

I'm thinking about life itself
The  beginning
The end
Nov 2020 · 100
If yesterday was today
Kathleen Nov 2020
If yesterday was tomorrow
I'd still be with you
Laughter and lifes promises
Sun and gentle rain
Clouds parting in the sky
If yesterday was tomorrow
Music drifting in the air
Bubbles in our glasses
Smiles upon our faces
If yesterday was tomorrow
I'd of  saved myself from such sorrow
Nov 2020 · 251
Kathleen Nov 2020
If I could have one moment
Just a second of your time
A smile
If I could just talk to you
For  one second
A smile
If I could hold your hand
For  one second
A smile
I'd have all this for just one second more
For today I have
No smile
Nov 2020 · 255
Kathleen Nov 2020
Whispers caress my soul
Trees sway gently in the wind
Leaves shatter below my feet
Shadows accompany me
Colours of autumn blind me
Time stands still
Once more
For this is the Season of beauty
The earth preparing for winter
Nov 2020 · 262
Dance of the shadows
Kathleen Nov 2020
Shadows dancing on the wall
They never fall
Conjuring shapes of all disguises
Elongated limbs
They run away
They follow you
Every corner of every street
Nov 2020 · 137
Spirit of life
Kathleen Nov 2020
Across the distant lands I watch
Blow gentle winds to make the trees dance
Sprinkle it with water and see the grass grow
Mould cotton and place them in the sky
Warm you with a golden globe

Release the choir of birds to warm your souls
Fill the fields with golden straw
I make the rivers grow
The seas swell

I am old as time itself
Looking down on the earth I grew
Smiling on a few
The spirit of nature
is the name I take
Nov 2020 · 180
The dream
Kathleen Nov 2020
Last night I dreamt of you
Once again I was young
You took my hand and smiled at me
We walked a while and laughed a lot
No shadows interrupted us
Only light whiter then white was in my dream
Warmth engulfed my soul
The  air I breathed was yours alone
You held my hand only  in my dream
My heart forever
Nov 2020 · 169
The tide
Kathleen Nov 2020
If I was the tide
I'd rush out and join the sea
Youd never see me

I'd have the fish swim in my depth
The sun explode like a diamond mine

Ships would sail above me
Sails bellowing in the wind

I'd never search for the sand
Where seagulls scurry
Forever more banished from the land
Nov 2020 · 328
The Trench
Kathleen Nov 2020
I stand alone , in mud and blood .
The sky is dark full of smoke and dust . My comrades lay silent beneath my feet .
A voice shouts out in the Distant gloom
are we ready boys ?
My hat lays low upon my brow ,
my hands tremble from the cold
I look left and right ,
and the motionless bodies rise once more
Our eyes lock for just a moment , and then I look towards the huge climb
My heart pounds , it’s in my ears, so loud now I can’t hear
I grasp the mud and with all my might I climb the walls , my prison for these few days
As I reach the top I let out a shout and gun fire greets me
The darkness fades into pastures green where my love ones wait for me

I may have fallen , but where I lie a poppy lives
So when you see the fields so red , just cast your mind to all who sacrificed..
Nov 2020 · 263
Fearless was my middle name
Kathleen Nov 2020
If you should ever come my way , just pause a while and stay
For many years I have lain
I once was young and unafraid

Fearless was my middle name
Left my familiar land of green
To a far more desert land

No birds sang
No flower raised its head
For all was dead

We reached the ravaged land
Not knowing what we would find
Only a red thin line that stretched  and grew

Knee deep in mud and topped with snow
We knew it would be slow
Huddled together to keep some warmth
Amongst the chatter

Lonely voices wept
And the months crept
Still no sign of a end
I lost many a friend

When days are long and nights even longer
The dreams of home are all you have
To return is all you desire

But here I lay
On pastures past
In a country I do not love
Many more beside me
So stay a while and cast your mind to a bright summers day  
When I was young and unafraid and
Fearless was my middle name

— The End —