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Apr 2020 · 1.3k
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
When things go south
When it doesn't all fit
When colours get dull
When monotony overflows

Because there is no use staying
You are a passenger
You have always been
Because you must one day go
So why not set out in your today too?
Because life is fleeting and time ain't still
Because as your soul grows weary
It needs freshness instilled !
Because there is no one good time to go
Because you can always get out and let it all flow
Travel my friend, don't waste quietly in thy hermit cove
For there is a great lot you aught still to see
And there is a great lot your soul daily does sought
.. needn't pack away, keep thy baggage at bay
For you are not leaving.. hands-full !
Nor your gold, neither valor shall you take back
Let the air of those gone-bys rinse through as you soak their yonder sighs;
Travel, as the sights of the bygone monumental leaves you mesmerized !
Don't despair, the show goes on without you dear,
Travel anyway .. and often. and you shall soon find thy home awfully near !
Apr 2020 · 109
Such is Life
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
It's a tragedy of confusion,
With mingled remorse of sorts.
The doubtful few were weary,
Though soulful were their souls.

It's a barbaric camaraderie
The loved ones, unloved; far
Holy was their affinity,
Though, always from afar.

It's the ache of a new dawn,
Light piercing by heart's frost.
Blighted innocence, little was left
So much of yesteryear was lost !

It's a gentle trudge to unknown,
Handful do make it past noon,
Yearning to stop by, admire it all
Hath stopped so many too soon !

It's the night owl's sharp screech,
Attempting cordiality with the dark,
It was wise and could fathom,
What busy bees never could hark !

It was a beautiful endeavour of sorts,
Trudging of life, and it's miseries,
As nubile squires don the cloak
To try get over the long night !
Apr 2020 · 177
On Rain
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
It pours from the heavens
A long confinement sealed
It drops like hail cannons,
A moment of reprieve.
Thunder dear, never could drum
Deliverance that fell from up high
Lightning was a screeching flash
Affection falling from the sky !
And night clouds do not dissolve
Dubious why it wasn't made known,
All black, a shimmering design,
The solipsistic man's joyous cry.
And till next morn's awakening,
Might there be tip-tapping more.
As night takes over,
And rain acts transporter,
Transcending it all to a level high !
Apr 2020 · 258
Lettres d'amour
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
The glint from your eyes,
A hint of your smile.
A subtle affair.
A subtle affair.
Lines that from you are made,
Love that for you emanate,
My heart, melts away.
My heart, melts away.
Truth be told, I am infatuated.
Love not, it's a lightning strike.
And I am lost,
Darling, I am lost.
Would you then, take your pen?
And pen down few words to me?
Write me a love letter,
Honey, write me a love letter.
Wouldn't you ?
Apr 2020 · 163
The colurs of Existence
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
If blue is a state of the human mind,
We are hued now in its deepest stain.
Apr 2020 · 104
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
Out the corner of my right side eye,
I stole a glimpse of her morning dew
As a waft of her innards came flying,
The heavenly essence of a dream.
Love from a passion-filled stream.
Under influence when naught else could seem,
Enticing; but the touch of her eyes looking back.
Apr 2020 · 1.1k
Wishes upon dying Stars
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
We went barefoot
To the edges of where
The earth uprooted, and
Trees lay barren, with sand
tracks bearing testimony to a
Wretched depravity of time !
And we lay threadbare
In the cool April
Gazing upsky for hours,
Waiting in expectations,
For ñ elusive silverlight,
Of the fiery celestial might.
Of it's exhilarating approach,
and it's rapid tumultuous demise,
East onto west; upon the lunar sky.
And we wished to capture it, but
All that we could come up with,
Ws' an oak tree, in its wry solitude
Standing stolid, sly and slender

Mere spectator to the cosmos,
Yet, laughing at our fascination;
Of a lucid spectacle,
Which it did witness,
In its forlorn anomaly,
Innumerable instances
Of it's stoic incessant
Meteor showers 21/04/2020
Apr 2020 · 204
The Givers
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
It takes very little to
Make people feel loved
Many of us do not try, yet
A few others make it a point
To not let go of an opportunity
To let others know and feel
In their own small ways
That they are loved
And cherished

I thought
I was alone
With these beliefs
Though now, my dear
Because of you
I know better.
In a world full of selfish takers, be a giver.
Apr 2020 · 262
On Sleeping
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
I escape !
The eyes close,
My brain, a barn on fire
Burning; numb the sore
Sweat, tracing it's track
Swoop, the drool flows
Heaviness in the head,
Flash, ran the fly across
Light sways tumultuous,
Drumroll; a fleeting close
Lucid acid dreams,
Sweet almonds,
Thought of you.

And suddenly nothing.
Visions of a sleepy head.
Apr 2020 · 554
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
I longed for you
As a poet would
Over his elusive villanelle

I longed for you
As the Sun would
Daft love for end of day

I longed for you
As Spring would
Showers of June to rain

I longed for you
As my love brood
Incessant and partly gray

Pray ardourous affection pull you in
And treat my throbbing heart of May !
Infatuation for someone I had a crush on.
Apr 2020 · 648
The Kitchen Wizard
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
A gentle pungence of the nutmeg
Burns the hands that dwell in its ashes
Sprinkle generously, lest you want the
concoction, to turn out bland.
Yet, how would bland be? A curry.
Dressed in an assortment of spices,
As, Cardamoms and Peppercorns and
Cinnamons and Aniseeed_ Do add a
bay leaf as you temper the potion
to a base.

It is joy, manifold_ flavours not just in
conclusion but odyssey of the process.
It is joy, unbound, creation nienté
could bring about such happiness !
Joy of the 'Kitchen Wizard' is
in his pots and potions found !
Afterglow from a meal cooked right.
Apr 2020 · 370
Life Jacket (A Sonnet)
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
In times like these, prepare a life jacket
Keep it donned lest you fall down and drown
Take measures full to not let health sicken
There is full season left to weather out
May stay inside, pick up a lost hobby
May reconnect with one's far flung and old
May find joy in just keeping to oneself
May do a thing not before once foretold
Desperate measures you will have to take
Loved ones dear may not share your heartache
Help yourself then and be not sad, my boy
Grace from above shall fall on your ship of Troy
A lighthouse at shoreline seen from here afar
Till then, be safe and rejoice in your bell jar.
An exercise in Iambic Pentameter. Desperate times, desperate measures. This pandemic has us all riled up bad. Stay home, stay safe.
Apr 2020 · 130
Lavender thoughts
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
Won't you accept these few letters
That I, to you - today address
A few words worth of silent adore.
That I, for you- have for long had.
Don't you reject my swollen affect.
I haven't to any other, apprise
Won't you accept these few letters
That I, to you - today ascribe?
Oh ! What, the pains- I took to rank,
Oh ! For love, all that I today, drank.
My heart, it had long back, a fell.
My life; willfully, I today kneel.
Bow down, if I must then, but do.
What else would you have me see to?
My Princess, you are all I yearned.
And longed for till my breath a-run.
One day, I shall have you a-whole.
Till then, I will try and console.
A lover's grief no one will know.
Till then, my love for you will grow.
Rage on, till life runs in my veins.
Won't you accept my written remains?
An exercise in Iambic Pentameter. Take it as a love letter of sorts. Cheers !
Apr 2020 · 205
The Human Condition
Zhavaed Haemaed Apr 2020
Out by thy window to Hope
Thou seest, but the green sigh.
Hope for all other life shimmer,
As dark black consumes thy nigh.

Yet, thou resort to vile tirade, for
Samekind breathing thy exhaled air,
In knowledge, indictment just a mirage.
The anger merely reflection of a fear.

Do thee then, think in retrospect ?
Or do then, prospectively act ?
What shall be thy salvation ?
When thou deny, what is but fact !

Killing thy way to the top, Human.
Death ,destruction; ever on thy mind.
Why then do thee hope for revelation ?
To thy fellow never, thou were kind !

Ignominious downfall imminent,
Epiphany written on the wall !
It takes a toll to be sentient,
As thy numbers grow; to fall !

Nature can sustain only so much,
Thy ignorance, avarice as vile.
Preparedness never for this coming,
A war against all you did defile! Yet,

May thee rise from ashes, resurrected.
Sustenance, compassion_ thine aim !
All is not lost, if thou realise this,
Viirtuousity: thy only saving dame !
About the current times, about the pandemic, about what could have been done .. and how we still live in denial. I know it's a tad pessimistic, but care, there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Mar 2020 · 93
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Warm were hands that
gifted me flowers
White roses and
tulips in bloom
Scent nascent
sans sly fervour
Innocence intense
invigorating shy plume

Creased, the hands that
cleansed this fever
Wilted roses and
tulips no more
Torment was
listless subservience
My wildflower was lost
to shore

Waiting then for a Panacea
Is it futile, or is it hope
Crumpled, fractured
Is, my Pangea
Pray, deliverance !
A means to cope?
Mar 2020 · 455
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
I am not here ..
This is not me ..
The hands. They're tied
The eyes, can they even see?
I am not here ..
My heart aches furthest away
My lips still taste freshness of the dew
Wisp of the morning air as I alight here
Those far off hills still hear my silence
Strengthen my arms to attain a balance
In an utterly unbalanced existence
Of bidding at a foreigners' coherence
Emotionally capsized as I try to rise
Mindless, alive _ as I count my breath
This is not me ..
I do not live here ..
Humility defeated at novelty's sake
Honesty killed at the behemoth's gate
Humming a hymn of the hilly way
Gathering pain for all It is at stake
Making a living, just not living today
This is not me ..
Find me someplace else
Have never been charred as I seem
Have never been jaded and careless
Over analysing was a known part
Yet I let it all just go by cynic's way
This is not me ..
I have to dream now
Final reprieve from this trying stay
Heaven stands witness I tried today
Quitting sans fight has never been my way
Caged yet with the birds I warged in today
Love in their flight, wish I could stay
Wish I could stay
I am not here
Not at all here
Title credits: Radiohead !
Mar 2020 · 258
Healer / Doctor ⚕️
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Trudge on we must !
Strive on we shall !
One more day done !
Tomorrow lies in wait !
Glee fills us at times !
Sunshine other days !
Laughter, ours is eternal !
Dark clouds won't  prevail !

They said ,
Arise awake and conquer !
Stop not till work is heeded !

We replied ,
Our all to the suffering !
Death for many was defeated !

Solace in art she got !
Words had him comforted !
In service for someone to live !
They had their days limited !

Yet onwards to arms they went !
Valuable jewelry round the neck !
Hopeful the servitude was important !
Smiling faces on a weary back !
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
I am a tangled mess of wired emotions,
That flow on out from, haywire.

Ill-conceived, hapless use of my tentacles,
Connecting and disconnecting all the while.

Incorrigible, orchestrated rythm I follow,
Guilty as charged of culpable suicide.

Limited edition amongst an otherwise limitless species,
Slowly marching towards a spiritual demise.

Austere with my principles, I am
An embodiment of selfless grace.

Happy to readily disagree, I am
Also the pleasant sunshine in your face.

Punity dissolved upon your manners,
You won't find me dictating terms,

Yet the tangled mess of wires afront me,
Is untangled at a surly pace _

Unravelling lines to withdraw my mind,
Impromptu creation awaits.

The mess inside has been aligned,
I arrive at clarity's gates.

Today !
Mar 2020 · 53
To Poetry
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Poetry, a language that few speak,
Poetry, when unexpressed was received,
Poetry, in solitude akin in crowd..
Poetry, a wandering soul's retreat !
Words, my saviour in every respite..
Words, the lifeboat when my ship capsized,
Words, that conjoin all mindful there are,
In words, I bid adieu amidst this subtle midnight !
Mar 2020 · 298
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Light steps taken through teenage and out,
Into the labyrinth of knowledge immense.
The days he spent were rigorous & tough,
Enlightenment sought for a spiritual dance.
Six years went by and more eventually will.
The eternal student in the medical field.
Harrowing swiftly over his patients of old,
And sick and depleted and demented and cold.
He earned his due over their recovery, well
A touch of satisfaction akin divinity's swell.
Higher powers of cure none else could whim,
But wait, the pack made a all-knowing of him.
"How could he not cure the morbid of ills?
What use of his nobility if the reaper won still?"
And it was then that the violence did start!
With bare hands, metal bars and no holds bar!
He survived, near death_just mortal he was,
The in-fights & dog-fights & fist-fights too much.
With loss of faith and beliefs in shambles,
The young doctor, yet arose atop all scandals!

Distraught and desolate yet dauntless in will
He hopes for his servitude to have a meaning, still!
Written in solidarity with the doctor fraternity in India. The young gun, the best minds of the country .. being subjected to violence at the hands of those that, in their griveous hurt_ take it all out on the young doctor. For no fault of his.
Mar 2020 · 299
The bends
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
How far would you today go
To find that you had been looking for
It stares at you expectant
Yet you pass by not knowing where

What shall illuminate, bright lights there
Lost, clueless wanderers in the dark
A tunnel deep excavated in their beings
A depth in seclusion and bereft of share

A song not sung in unison
A  few yards to the vanity fair
What is it then that propels you
What grips you to this nonchalant sphere

Wish we knew
Wish we knew
Mar 2020 · 87
Elle/ Her 🌷
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
She is an open book,
Written in a language,
Long forgotten.

She is a well of secrets,
A keeper to your
sands, of time.

She is the unsure tune,
Your piano sings to,
Obscure lines.

She is a hollow reed,
Yet full to the brim
With sugar sweet.

She is the clouds blue,
Do gently tread, lest
You fall flat down.

She is in the league
Of unfathomable few
One of a kind.

She is a tragedy
Opaque obliquity,
A distinctive shine.

She is the madness
You seek within, but
Can never find.

She is the storm, raging,
Not in your grasp,
Never thine.

She is the simpleton
Extravagant exception,
A crack in time.

A handsome betrothal
Unto the subconscious,
Seek not her, but delve in
And disappear, in her rhyme.
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Cut by a purple shard of glass,
Sprinkled eggnog just on top,
Cheesy yellow, a hint of gold;
May this serenade never stop !
In the clamour of breaking dawn,
Lifelines that just aren't there,
Nature, herself calms the soul
Nature, I breathe her in the air.
Loveless, as you roam about,
Hapless, and in spirits lost.
Won't the wind, sun and trees,
Save from this dire scare ?
Into yourself, as you retreat
Confined, in shapes of square
May you find a saving grace,
A meaning to this ordeal, rare.
Mar 2020 · 125
Ode to AfirA
Zhavaed Haemaed Mar 2020
Sun in your face
Did it warm your soul?
Or the brazen rains, fill
Your heart with gloom.
And is it heat that
You miss the most.
Or is dread when
The cold wind blows.
March and thunder
Do they ever go along.
Rainy showers, prior
As lilacs doth sprung.
But as in rain, as is sun
For without another,
The other is none. But,
A trace of lonesome,
Weeding growth;
Or desert thorn, which
Is short of _ a loved one's
Kiss. It's petals torn &
Strewn about. Without
One, the other was not.

In Sun nor rain,
In winds of May.
In warmth nor gloom,
In audacious bloom.

May your cold hearth

   9th March, 2020
©️Zhavaed Hamaed

— The End —