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Bekah Halle Jan 19
My walk to freedom;
There is no tomorrow.
Yesterday is gone.
There is only here, now.
Let the forest speak:
The mountains and the water,
Hear their voices, they become
pathways to wholeness, giving you
Freedom in thought.
Feet in front of the fire,
life pulsating by.
As we slow for a second,
In the hazy historic high
of Beechworth; bank robbers, like Ned,
buccaneers and watch the gold rush by.
Bekah Halle Dec 2023
See the world distinctly?
A kaleidoscope of memories?
Or lucidly look differently?
A beggar, or free from the constraints of Western reality?
New eyes take in all perspectives: perceptions,
Compelling new experiences: horizons.
Releasing shame; distorted distractions.
Embracing imperfections, peccadillos,
Layers of realities,
Depths, and
Bekah Halle Dec 2023
I don't think I spend too much,
But then I spill out my shoe
Collection, an addiction sorted by hue.
Cupboards flung open to reveal the gradient of such
And don't get me started on bags and the clutch!

Rivers of life run deep,
But then I look at the contents of my journals;
The "now and not yet" cries reveal how hormonal
Am I. Dim focus on the eternal creeps
To cover more of the heart, I try to keep.

New year near and nearer;
But a return to stillness yearns.
When we hide, these addictions burn,
Igniting guilt, shame and all,
Where are you simplicity? Is this the fall?
Bekah Halle Feb 11
How sad? that my initial thought,
When I saw a man in church,
Lead youth out, was: how creepy!
I’m sure he is lovely, but even his looks
Made me lurch,
within myself, and yell: it’s not safe!
This distorted world robs innocence,
Smashes precious platforms and
Hijacks joy.
How do we restore this;
Elevate hope again?
All I have are questions, no answers.
How can we better love ourselves and one another?
How can we extend compassion?
It starts with ourselves!
This happened this morning and it prompted me to write this to make sense.
Bekah Halle Jul 20
People, people everywhere, but
No life I enjoy.
Disinterest feigns my heartbeat,
Where is my joy?
Bekah Halle Jun 2
You numbered me!
My hair, quirks, looks and glares,
What a great mystery!
Held and aware, even trials you permit as fair.
Bekah Halle Jan 31
Little girl, big brimmed hat,
alone, with suitcases,
traveling to boarding school she sat.
Wanting to be embraced by loving arms,
reassuring tones, peaceful pungent breaths, she calms,
but, the war loomed outside,
and onwards she tried.
The constant Chameleon: hairdresser, interiors, reporter and healer,
now, the season of inner healing to transform into a counsellor.
But, it’s the true counsel that she heeds,
to transform from the wounds that bleed.
May she hear from You, the One who truly heals.
May You lovingly embrace and hold all she feels.
May the little girl grow up into the woman You imagined,
And may she bloom into a lush garden with seeds You've planted.
Bekah Halle Apr 4
Off the top of my head,
here are the body idioms that I can recall;
we could go eye for an eye,
or tooth for a tooth over them,
and we'd be neck and neck with all the phrases,
but we'd still fall short recalling them all, I'm sure.

We'd probably get bored,
because it's a tall order.
If it turns into a fight,
you may get sick to the stomach or
fall head over heels about it
and then you'd be really in over your head.

It might be a total, 'no-brainer!'
and I may continue for a little longer to pick your brains,
but you will start pulling your hair out, I'm sure.
I would then suggest a drink to let your hair down,
where you could oblige or tear your hair out in frustration.
We may even split hairs over the peculiarities of every phrase.

Perhaps you'll raise an eyebrow over some,
especially if you wear jeans and a T-shirt for a dinner party,
that will raise eyebrows!
If you're not nosy, then you'll move on,
and I will seal my lips about the subject.

You could then pay lip service to coax me back and sink your teeth into a new round.
But by that stage, all the sayings will be on the tip of my tongue and
I'll just have to face the fact that
there'll always be two-faced people in the world,
no matter how kind you are to include them in this game.
Bekah Halle Jun 11
To know one's heart is to unlock yourself from the darkness of the mind; freeing the soul to live Its true self.
Bekah Halle Feb 2020
Screaming on the inside again,
This horrible feeling hangs over me like shame,
Will it ever be different, or just the same?
Even when the fires are raging all around,
A new fire is taking shape on the inside.

No more, no more, no more!
Give this tune a new name, it’s time to soar,
Time to stop being silent; no, it’s time to roar!
I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m grown,
It’s time to harvest the seeds sown.

Dream big, play hard it’s time, let’s go!
Put the books on the shelf, there’s so much to know,
In life, through experience, grow in confidence as you flow,
There’ll always be more,
So just step out and taste what’s install!
Bekah Halle Mar 15
Over and over
Over and over
And over
I will
Bekah Halle Sep 4
poetry percolates
in the unconscious
waiting for a triggered start.

poetry then lays dormant in the body
until it's ready to surface
in the heart.
Bekah Halle Apr 18
I cannot be everything to everyone!
I do not want to be everything to everyone!
I am not going to be everything to everyone,
because in the end, I will be nothing to everyone, and
I won't be me.
Bekah Halle Aug 11
Play days, are
Lazy days, where we spend them in
Many ways; cooking, laughing,
Taking photos and making up say-ings.
Rain or shine, these moments are divine,
Memories with loved ones,
I can't help but cherish them more.
“We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are at play.” - Jackie Mulligan
Bekah Halle Aug 5
Poetry can be found anywhere;
In the simple and sublime.
In a tweeting Talaud Kingfisher,
Or a dry, dead gum leaf in your backyard or mine
Be inspired to look around,
And you can find provocation for every line.
Bekah Halle Aug 11
simple delights: warm air carrying buzzing bees,
pollinating big trees, bringing me to my knees,
alive and grateful; yes, please!
Bekah Halle Jun 14
Suppression and revelation,
two entwined masters of destiny?
Bekah Halle Apr 23
Word wranglers wound up together, in an
Exchange at a hotel.
One said this, others said that...
And many a champas gulped and guzzled in between giggles and gazes, as
The past was pulled, kicking and screaming, into the present.
Was it a gift?
Were past pains put to peace?
Or did it awaken promises long forgotten,
That was once under the authority of the surgeons' scalpel.

Shakespeare once wrote, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Solomon, in Proverbs, posed that the power of life and death is in the tongue.
Words create worlds, whether written or spoken: they liberate or load us up.
This power is with us every minute of every day in every hour.
Will I write new words with my weapon whence today?
Will blossoms bloom in your heart or weeds strangle the hope in your womb?

Death always steals the show,
But it is joy that revives it.
Entering within, re-wiring love,
Breathing new life, with new words;
Remembering promises of a powerful and plentiful future.
Declaring death dead and life to be lived.
Declaring love released, and again risking heart-fully.
Bekah Halle Feb 6
We have privilege and power;
How do we use it in this hour?
For money and fame,
To produce more of the same? Or
In humility seek,
Platforms for those who cannot speak?
Bekah Halle Jan 1
The time taken was not what I dreamed
of, craggy paths, dead ends, or so it seemed.
But now, with back a turn, I see a glimmer,
of the bigger picture, that calls me nearer.
With eyes wide open, listening ears;
a heart full and my spirit clear,
peace and acceptance: my purified pearl.
Bekah Halle Jun 9
"I want to know what love is,"
The ballads croon, a yearning I can't dismiss.
seeking love in all the ‘right’ places,
but come up short, heart strewn, finding no traces.
I have strayed in dares and curiosity,
overwhelming sensations birth animosity.
Pushed down, down, down deep below,
dormant, to 'fit in’, the ‘pill’ I swallow.
Much older now, can I claim my truth?
A Christian? Does that free me: a rebirth?
Am I ‘queer as ****’?!
Can I love without feeling stuck?
The heart requires courage,
but weak am I, keep praying for marriage.
Am I a hopeless case?
Or will I live and embrace?
Will I ever be free?
To be me?
Or will I keep denying,
it and keep trying,
to fit the mould
of this world?
This is a tortuous personal piece that I want to delete but I am trying to find the courage to sit in this time and place; space, and grow my capacity.
Bekah Halle Apr 24
I am fury, and
I rage.
I jump up and down,
Attempting to disengage.
From the idols,
The expectations,
And internal damage,
The oppression.
I am scorn, and
I lash out,
I scream:
Those ‘******* idols’ I shout.
Bekah Halle Jul 15
Make money;
Make more money.
Sell yourself to this world!
This world, run by thugs;
political puppetry.
Self promote; share and gloat,
On Facebook & the ‘Gram
To get more likes,
And fuel the adrenaline spikes,
You’re a slave to this world!
Doom and gloom **** you dry,
Until there is no more.
The drugs run out,
The emptiness overwhelms me.
But, there is much more...
So much more!
If only you would turn,
From the vortex,
Rebound with your reflexes,
And rage against the machine.
You’ll need to detox,
It may take some time,
But see the light,
Don’t turn in fright,
Rest, and follow thee!
Bekah Halle Sep 14
rain clouds;
so heavy and thick,
they're so powerful,
they hide the sun
but it's not a long-lasting trick,
it's only a temporary catastrophe
until the sun stretches
out its rays
pushing away the need for the prosaic.
Bekah Halle May 11
Open your eyes, and
Come out from the darkness. 
12 years have passed,
I’ve forgotten you from long ago.
I am sorry for dismissing you, 
Now, I want to put you on show.
12 years, since the coma,
Wake up, and
Now. Go,
You can do it,
The journey is not over,
It's only begun.
Each new day is a new life,
You can now sleep, knowing there’s more to come.
On this day, 12 years ago, I woke up from a 40-day coma, after a stroke during a brain aneurysm operation. 12 years has been a long time, and I've regained a lot of function but complete healing still hasn't happened, yet. Still hoping.
Bekah Halle Jul 9
life is a series of edits
and re-edits.
nothing uneditable;
life's not over, yet
so I will allow myself
to keep editing.
Unsettled, unanchored, unbound.
Let go.
Embrace what you do not know.
Joy abounds; know the future is sound.
Bekah Halle Jul 21
I used to think,
Joy was the absence of sadness;
Of fear, suffering, and
But now,
I see joy as
Embracing pleasures in the pain;
The simple and sublime,
The now and not yet.
Bekah Halle Jan 31
My tent pegs expand,
As I ride.
Wind glides over my skin,
Fear has no place to hide.

A foreigner in my childhood town,
Obstacles abound; pride.
But I don't give in,
I ride. Troubles subside.
Bekah Halle Jun 17
Strain, after strain, causing pain with no gain.
Fight it with love, patience,  
kindness. Rise again.
Bekah Halle Jan 2020
Devastation rips through this sunburnt country,
Fires consuming life: livestock, land and promises birthed at the beginning of time lost in those we know.
Sneaky smoke ***** the breath from their lungs; saying it’s your time to go.
Why now?! When families gathered to celebrate with presents under a tree.

We are the land down under; great Holy Spirit consume this horror!
We see your love in the helping hand, the
Compassionate face that chose not to demand,
Gratitude for the thousands of helpers professionals, and the like, we praise you with honour.

Thank you
Australia is currently suffering from catastrophic fires. Lives have been lost and the authorities are under pressure. The devastation inspired this poem.
Words are like rubies;
Precious and rare.
Yet many I squander,
Unleashing with little care.
Bekah Halle Jan 2020
Why have I been so afraid of being me?
Is it because I really couldn’t see the reality of the truth, the promise, and the hope within me?
Why did I close my eyes and my heart from thee; to be truly free, and see,
The pure delight intrinsically, within, rather than embracingly love and choosing to be happy?
What a waste; the years of lies I have believed,
But now, I want to be revolutionary, flee those lies and start on a new journey...
towards the promise of joyful harmony.
Bekah Halle Sep 3
Take in,
The seed of hope before my eyes,
Widening, new life-filled lungs sigh.
Bekah Halle May 27
Makes me want to hide.
Pull the covers up,
Remain inside.

Muddies the water,
Robs me from being authentically me;
Bona fide, don't falter.

Distorts reality,
But it's banality, so
Relax the hyper-vigilanty.

Is like two *******,
Whispering about my defects
Keeping me in stitches.

Is an unwanted cloak
That I'm taking off now,
To live, bespoke!
Bekah Halle Jun 28
As the world waits, expectantly,
For that unruly, invisible strain
Of fear to seep back from whence it came,
Or obliterated, vaccinated intelligently.
Bekah Halle Apr 30
Sparkle, little diamond,
Wipe the dust off and
Feel your infinite potential within.
Dormancy may have been your norm,
But no more!
When one quietens, life speaks.
In silence, the volume turns up on that which we are too busy to hear: birds bleeping, frogs frothing, lambs leaping and the wind whispering in our ears; the
Soul booms: remember me, I'm all you truly have
Bekah Halle Aug 4
The first one whom we compare,
That can drive apart the bond we despair
Until we admit we truly care
We’re as separate as the endless stare:
At her hair, height, weight and flare,
Compassion frees us, so we can truly share
The life we’re born to live, she with me, here.
Bekah Halle Jun 4
I have a seat at the table,
I will feast til I'm unable!
Bekah Halle Jan 25
From the alarm to Instagram, FB, TikTok and beyond
The external world is screaming:
Watch me! Follow me! I’ll show you where you belong!
We’ve been led, by the piper, into 'other' consciousness,
Happily, we submit to its authority
Because this world is too much.

We stuff every gap, every silence with ******-fanatic thoughts,
Running further from our true selves
How did we get swallowed in this chasm of chants;
That said we are not enough?
It’s time to do something revolutionary!
It’s time to sit in silence;
Befriend the bewildering quietness,
And accept with loving kindness.
Bekah Halle Jun 5
In the valley, isolation befriends,
Death knocks; a welcoming relief from suffering.
The joy that once bloomed, suffering now looms.
Nipping at our heels, pain doesn’t rest, but
Lingers around every simple pleasure.
Bekah Halle Apr 9
Add voice to my poetry,
Don’t fear how you sound.
Feel the rhythm of my soul,
Open your mouth and shout it aloud.
It might start quiet,
Or even as a small squeak?
You’ve hushed it for too long,
Pull your hands back, so you can finally speak.

Your words might fall on deaf ears,
But don’t be discouraged;
The beat can’t be silenced,
Trust, try, and let yourself be encouraged.
Speak the words you’ve longed to say,
Just like a new language,
It might take a while to master,
But don’t give up, grow in courage.

Learn from others,
Be ok to fail.
T’is a season of new things,
And this path will turn into a trail.
Feel the beckoning, His yearning, and His delight,
Be willing, open your heart.
Play, see, taste, and I say again, trust.
Don’t rush or mourn, it’s just the start!
Bekah Halle Aug 26
It always feels
forever out of reach;
the finish line,
that momentous victory speech.
Bekah Halle Jun 20
Standing alone in a clothes room,
Looking in the mirror directly.
Crying out on the inside;
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

Is it just me?
Or is it the world?
When will the mirror show completeness;
When will it show joy?
Standing alone in a world full of people,
But when will I find the second half?
Is it Your plan,
Or is it just for laughs?

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

In a city of rushing,
And everybody pushing
There's no stopping
To smell the roses,
We’re all glammed up,
Putting in the poses.

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

But as I quieten
The inner me,
That no one can see
No longer am I frightened,
I will just be.

Standing alone in a clothes room,
Satisfied with the journey
Releasing the bags of gloom.

What I've been looking for
Was here all along
You are what,
I've been looking for!
Bekah Halle Mar 30
Over the years, I’d built myself up;
Propped with awards, opportunities, degrees, and jobs atop of my growing ego: self-reliant, self-determined
And that’s all well and good. Most of us live like this,
Some say we should.

But when disaster happens, as it often does,
We may splutter and curse, or we may choose,
to lean in, to the painful transfiguration that undoes you loose,
That leaves you fragile, undifferentiated and barely there.
But it also brings unexpected delights:
Your frights addressed, and your faith ascends new heights,
And you are rebuilt with new might,

You stand again, but this time propped up with strength unseen.
As I now stand, I know I stand alone, but with a community within,
Solid more, deeper resources help me lift my chin,
Newer insights that remind me that I’m akin,
So, I stand firm, watch and learn.

The journey continues: new horizons await.
Bekah Halle Dec 2023
Was my stroke a cruel, twisted **** up?
Or one of divine luck?
Has it not taught me compassion?
Anger? Acceptance, how to ration criticism?
And laugh when I muck up?
Now I breathe gratitude,
My world has opened up
to new experiences, people, circumstances,
even living in new towns, cities and states.
Mastering rehab, new knowledge and careers.
Working through old fears, sure, I've got new ones,
But who hasn't?
Connected and trusting this journey.
Now that's the silver lining!
In 2012 I had brain surgery to remove an aneurysm and AVM and had a stroke during the procedure. After 10 hours of surgery, they put me in a coma to let my brain heal but I did not wake up until 40 days later.
Bekah Halle Apr 25
How sweet are Your lips that speak life;
Hope sparkles like rubies and gold.
Bekah Halle Jan 12
Take down the constructs,
Tear down the precepts,
Tie down the lies.
Embrace love,
Engage curiosity,
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