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Ylzm May 2019
A Neanderthal pointed to a stone, and said, "Oomph."
The others stared at him.

After a time,
another pointed at the same stone, and said "Oomph."
Then another, and another, and soon the entire cave,
was resonating with Oomphs!

"Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!"

A young smart aleck Neanderthal,
then stood up, and pointed outside the cave,
to a big rock, and said, "Oomph."

An instant silence: a silence so still
you can hear a bat **** dropped.

After a time,
with a thunderous roar the inventor Neanderthal
rushed the young Neanderthal
out of the cave, and bashed his head against the rock
killing him in one blow.

The entire cave erupted:

"Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!"

And that's the etymology
of their war cry;
And it was also how
their religion was born.

"Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!
Oomph Oomph Oomph! Oomph!"
Ylzm May 2019
like the blind content just not to fall
the faithless constantly confessing sins

paying lip service to morality
ever ready to shoot the enemy, or anyone

desirous of faith's mountain moving prowess
never really believing literally

faithlessness betrayed by gun always on hand
shooting into hurricanes when prayers failed
Ylzm May 2019
The wind blew,
aflame, not burning;
softly, gently, caressingly;
penetrating pianissimi billowingly.

I yielded;
I'm carried along,
effortlessly, unhurriedly,
seemingly randomly.

Little things,
a glimpse here, a sparkle there,
a dash of brilliance now and then,
simple unsurprising things.

Then I looked back, and I see:
how far and how changed I've been;
Truth, simple and little, adds up recursively,
transforming compoundingly.
Ylzm May 2019
My chariot rode the wind.
I saw the land, a familiar land,
Just as I knew it, seeking and
filling in the details, as I looked.

Only when I returned ,
did I know I was away.
For home is unfamiliar and strange.
I had been away, a long time.
Ylzm May 2019
Gun in one hand, bible in the other.
Is not the word a sword?
Why need for a gun too?
Or is it a justification to ****?
The same as a rocket launcher on one shoulder,
and the koran in the other hand.
Or a flag in one hand, and a sword in the other.
The image says justified intimidation.
Fear me, for I have the Authority.
But really, the Authority is only as valid
as there are fools who submit.
And the only true authority is the gun, or sword,
as you certainly know it.
And the flag, or bible, or the koran,
are but for your own conscience.
or cover for your lack thereof.

The bible and the gun:
an oxymoron;
a display of faithlessness,
the defilement of holiness,
a blasphemous act;
affirming the proud fool you are,
that says in its heart, there is no God!
Ylzm May 2019
Life, everywhere
unseen places
toxic dead places
cacophonous, chaotic
complex counterpoints

Ancient writing
fragmentary shard
frustrating lacuna
mysteries unresolved
an intelligent act

Nature’s a speech
Word speaking Word

Why only earth?
What if only earth?
Ylzm May 2019
The door closed. I left.
A few meaningless words,
At the best of times.
Usually, a stranger.

The movie ended.
The hall cleared.
The credits rolled on.
The next movie starts.

Education's a farce.
Money making, paper printing.
The educated worst off,
deluded that they are.

A little goes a long way.
A little nudge is the difference:
from a catastrophic impact,
to a heavenly fiery show.

But it takes time.
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