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Ylzm May 2019
The door closed. I left.
A few meaningless words,
At the best of times.
Usually, a stranger.

The movie ended.
The hall cleared.
The credits rolled on.
The next movie starts.

Education's a farce.
Money making, paper printing.
The educated worst off,
deluded that they are.

A little goes a long way.
A little nudge is the difference:
from a catastrophic impact,
to a heavenly fiery show.

But it takes time.
Ylzm May 2019
if seen,
now burns alive within.

now leads,
by hand.

to those whom it was given,
now revealed,
to the ignorant, who never desired it.

That which baptised the Earth,
a spring that waters Jerusalem.
Ylzm May 2019
A photon has no time.
Here and there, instantly.
No distance too, when in the light.
All is one, one is all,
Ylzm May 2019
If blessedness is a choice,
who chooses to be accursed?

What need for God,
since we bless ourselves;
by the strength of our arms,
and the cunning of our wits;
but that they remain
strong and sharp even with age,
and that our store houses,
are not burned down or robbed,
and that Evil be kept far from us.

Job was blessed of God.
Evil touched him to his bones,
His storehouses burnt down,
His sons and daughters massacred.
Wishing death rather than life,
but enough life and fear remain,
to know torment, pain and suffering,
and to question agonizingly without answers;
accused falsely by unwise friends,
who spoke the wind as if its wisdom;
and to live days without end in sight.

We bless ourselves
as we count blessings:
Beholden to the flesh,
its desires and fears.
As the blind,
content not to fall,
but destined to fly
and see the unseen
and be the unimaginable.
Ylzm Apr 2019
Sword of Ishmael, robed in Assyria's mantle,
Consecrated of God, Prince of princes,
A Destroyer: the executioner of judgements.
A thorn driven deep into the heart of Jerusalem,
Tempting violent men, who pride in their strength,
as Excalibur and the Gordian Knot challenged
Arthur and Alexander.
Ylzm Apr 2019
Son of Ham, slave of slaves, reigned.
Humiliated, but unrepentant, defiant, and unfearing,
They asked for one of theirs to be king.
Saul, anointed and prophesied, crowned king.
David, feigned madness, fought for the Philistines.
Ylzm Apr 2019
Our souls spoke, not in words,
but in emotions deeply aroused,
in the dream language of
fragmentary fleeting sights,
disjointed leaps, even bizarre things.

But of things only between us,
never spoken of, at all, in all of life,
neither known to anyone else,
mutually shared, unacknowledged,
in our deepest and most intimate selves.
Extracted from Death
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