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Sep 2018 · 347
Just a fool
Symbolic Beauty Sep 2018
I fell for the sweet nothings
I fell for the lies
I believed you loved me
And I have the tears I've cried
But you don't care how much you've hurt me
It's all apart of your game
You say you care but it's all just a mirage
Designed to **** vulnerability in
I was a fool for your lies
I wanted to believe so bad
But I had my wake up call
And now I am mad
I am vengeful
I am hurt
Because in all the lies
"I love you"
"I will never hurt you"
Is what cut the most
I'm just a fool...
Be careful what you wish for...
Jul 2018 · 547
Symbolic Beauty Jul 2018
Tired of the games
Tired of the run around
Tired of the lies
Tired of the empty promises
You say you want this but everything is screaming at me that you don't
I feel like such a fool to believe what comes out your mouth
Love is truly blind
I'm stumbling around in the dark trying to reach you but you keep pulling away
This is some sick game to you
Guess what
I'm done playing
My heart is tired
You've managed to beat it up and wreck it up
It's in pieces
Soon I'll get tired of being tired
Eventually you become numb...
Jun 2018 · 452
Fire & Ice
Symbolic Beauty Jun 2018
As I lay here watching you sleep
Looking so peaceful
All my mind can think of is how beautiful you are
When we get together it's nothing but fire and ice
I am fire
You are ice
We make an intriguing pair
I fight for the right to bare my soul to you
You fight to keep all these walls up
Don't you get it?
I am the one that is patient enough to break down your insecurities
and melt away all your fears
Shield you from all the pain
Sacrifice it all just for you to understand how strong our bond is
The power to sooth your aching heart and chip away at the walls you've grown so comfortably accustome to
But how can I?
When all you do is ice me out
With my bare hands I'll take it down brick by brick. That's how much you mean to me.
May 2018 · 313
The girl in the picture
Symbolic Beauty May 2018
She looks so happy but little do you know that she's slowly dying inside

Frozen in a stance where she looks quite pleasant and delightful

Her eyes seem so joyful but if you really look closely you will probably notice that it's lost it's luster

No one will ever notice the pain behind her smile

There is a distinct beauty in her sorrow
A picture is worth a thousand words
Apr 2018 · 819
Symbolic Beauty Apr 2018
Just for once...
I'd like you to see things from my point of view

Just for once...
Can you step outside of yourself and look at how you treat me with fresh eyes

Just for once...
I want you to ache like how I ache and long like how I long to touch you, feel you, breathe you

Just for once...
I want you to be selfless

Just for once...
I'd like you to not chew me up and spit me out like I'm some kind of disgusting taste in your mouth

Just for once...
I'd like to be a part of your life and feel like a priority in your life

How can you?

You weren't taught how to love
Maybe I'm projecting
Maybe I'm asking for too much
Maybe I'm just crazy
But I can't seem to stay away from you
Apr 2018 · 420
Twisted Paradise
Symbolic Beauty Apr 2018
Sometimes I wish I never let you enter my twisted paradise

Yes, it was twisted and still is twisted to the core but it was mine

You've swindled your way into my lovely paradise parading around it like you own the place

Decieving me and all my glory
Nestling your lies and sweet nothing's in my head and my heart

Before, I knew how to handle my twisted paradise but now, it just handles me

Some days I want you there because you've managed to convince me that you are my world

Other days I despise the very being that is your soul

You take and take almost ******* my energy dry which most times I am happy to supply

My my my how love makes you do foolish things

But it's tragic when one loves the other more

Soon there will be nothing left and my twisted paradise will be nothing but a twisted  beautiful disaster
I keep letting you back in thinking you will be different. What a fool I've been...
Why do you have this hold on me...
Apr 2018 · 492
The Quiet Place
Symbolic Beauty Apr 2018
You ever just sit in your quiet place and realize that it's not so quiet anymore?

Listening to the silence, it's so loud that it's almost deafening.

You ever realize that your "quiet place" just isn't the same anymore.

It's been tainted.

It use to be the place you go to find sanctuary.

The place you would go to find your peace but now not even that place is satisfactory anymore.

Feelings of sorrow and despair riddle your mind.

You've sunken into a place farther than the quiet place...

It's no longer safe there.

Alone in an ocean of thoughts you swim for dear life to find a new quiet place...

But all that's left is you watching yourself sink deeper and deeper...
As I struggled to write this, I hope you have found your quiet place...
Apr 2018 · 296
Sweet Madness
Symbolic Beauty Apr 2018
Let me love the pain away...
Let me sooth that aching soul of yours
I see the parts of you that you hide away
The parts you think are too filthy for anyone to see
I hear the silent cries
I only want to dry your eyes
You can't see how beautiful you really are but I can...
I see the real you and it does not scare me away...
It intrigues me even more
I will always be here no matter what...
Mar 2018 · 403
Some kind of Beautiful
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
She looks at you and see's all that you can be
So much beauty in his pain
She can see right into your soul
Eyes piercing deep into the depths of it all
She see's all your flaws and still loves every broken fragile piece of your frame
But she too is broken...
When you look in the mirror you see her reflection staring back at you
Reflections of your future
Though you both are broken
You both mesh together to make this torn beautiful symphony
Our imperfections is what makes us perfect together
Mar 2018 · 268
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
To sleep is to be at peace
Close your eyes and drift off to a place where you feel safe
To escape everything is your biggest desire
For in slumber you feel nothing
Dream on
Dream deep
Dream forevermore
What lies a head when you close your eyes is better than what is left when you open them
Mar 2018 · 642
Deadly Rhythm
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
I need you now more than I need water to quench this aching desire...
This never ending yearning down deep in my bones
I crave every ounce of your kiss...
To feel you trace I love you with your tongue across the silhouette of my body
Caress the inner parts of my mind...
Leave me in awe of how you always seem to make me so wet without laying a single finger on my soul
You have this deathly grip on my heart and I wouldn't trust it in the hands of anyone else
You have imprinted this deadly rhythm in my heart
Can you feel it...
Crawling down my thighs like a shadow in the night
My heart beats in tune with yours
It has it's own song
It has its own rhythm so sweet and sultry that we can't help but give in to our deepest and darkest desires
I wouldn't dare whisper your name or let it drip from my lips
I like playing with fire...
It turns me on...
Tease me with your words...
Make me succumb to your mind...

I hope you get to read this...
Mar 2018 · 346
The Constant Battle
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
When does it stop...
When does it get easier...
The constant cycle of doing the same thing over and over again but in different ways... only to be fooled by results that aren't so different...

Maybe you are loosing all sense of time...

The constant battle of believing what your heart tells you is right or what your head tells you is wrong...

So much confusion...

When does the hurting stop...
When will you be kinder to yourself

You cut away at each part of your being hoping to replace what's left with someone different... someone new... something new...

It's almost like your life is a movie on fast forward and you are standing still
Walking in slow motion watching with this emptiness deep in the pit of your soul...
You yell and scream but no one hears...

You fight the noise inside your head to try and get one moment of clarity... One moment of peace but you are drowning in a sea of trama, lies, and deceit

You can't even trust yourself with your thoughts
What have you been telling... whispering so many fairytales to yourself
Which ones do you believe...

Numbness is all you feel while you stand still because feeling would mean more pain... more hurt...

So as you chip away at the shell of a person you use to be remember that all you really have left is yourself and the fear of just being...

Me, Myself, and I
My mind is a scary place... one should not be left alone with my thoughts...
Mar 2018 · 331
One Night Stand
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
Midnight sky glimmers

My Soul is as black as the night is long

One night only is all the time we need to quench our undying desires to see which one cracks first

How long can we play this dangerous game?

How long can we go without giving in to this battle that never seems to cease?

Can we just forget ourselves... Our selfish needs and wants and think of each other

Instead of going around and around in this kind of tortured dance that we always seem to do

So for one night I stand before you looking at you with the past and now the future...

You decide...

The chance is left up to you...

So my dear this is life or death for we only have one night for our greatest adventure

Shall we play an interesting game of Russian Roulette with our love...

What will we decide?
Oh the games we seem to play when life is hanging in the balance...
Mar 2018 · 529
Safe Haven
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
Turn the clocks back...
Turn back the hands of the time...
Rewind my life...

How we use to be so happy
So much in like... So much in love...
Now we've become barely strangers

You use to know just what to say to make me laugh
Now all I know is silence

Crazy how we could be each other's everything one day and then the next we mean nothing to each other

Constantly fighting the memory of you...
Wishing you would hold me...
The feeling of your breath on the back of my neck as we entwine and melt into each other

You were my safe haven...
In those arms there was no place I'd rather be

But now all I have are memories...
Memories of when time stood still and it was only you and I

For a moment the world stopped because that was all we needed...

Now I don't even know this stranger who stands infront of me
I believed in you... You didn't believe in me
Mar 2018 · 296
Sweet Lies
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
You sweetened and unsweetened me with your lies

Spilled your dreams unto my heart

Painted a pretty picture that only I could see or at least I thought...

There is a fire with in me and it speaks to my soul...

Every time you open your mouth it's flames burn higher

Blazing a trail so deep with in me I feel like I'm loosing myself...

Maybe I will let it burn so I can rise from the ashes

Or maybe I will let it burn until it consumes me so I can be reborn

I rise like a Phoenix from the ashes

So when you open your mouth to butter me up with those sweet... sweet lies...

It turns to ash...

I am not convinced nor do I long to believe in the sweet nectar that falls from your beautiful lips
Mar 2018 · 193
She Is Only One Woman
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
Do you see her?
She stands there almost invisible
Standing there in a world full of questions
She fights every day to stay afloat in a sea of thoughts
Her heart beats strong but sometimes faint.

Do you hear her?
She sometimes screams silently hoping to get maybe just one person's attention
She moves so sweetly and so vividly
It's almost like she is dancing or maybe she is floating
Everywhere she turns she hits a wall
She is strong willed.

Do you feel what she feels?
Can you feel her tears as it runs down her face
Can you feel her pain
The pain she tries so hard to conceal
She fights off her demons one day at a time with a smile imprinted on her beautiful face.

Do you understand her?
She is only one woman
Taking things one day at a time
She comes into her own
She understands that she is strong and can handle it all
But sometimes it is nice to have someone to help with the heaviness.
Mar 2018 · 551
My Soul Aches
Symbolic Beauty Mar 2018
What is the true meaning?
Do you really know?

The way she looks at you
Yearns to feel your touch but you pull away each time she gets closer...

She desires you... craves you... needs you...

But all you need is yourself.

— The End —