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 Jul 2017 lavendersky
beach reggae festival
glow neon lights
brown sugary rocks
reggae in the air
vibrant and cool
powdery brown rocks
where my back  lay over
left all alone with you
and the buzzing sea
with the waves that
chase back and forth
like lovers
you and me
at the beach reggae festival
sweet summer night
with the thoughts of
soft lips
silky skin
and blue - eyes
echoes from the heart
 Jul 2017 lavendersky
Happiness is thick air,
Full of anticipation;
A silvery autumn breeze
Skating across the textured sky;
Laughter bouncing between friends,
Escaping briefly to bring smiles to the faces of onlookers.
Nostalgia is when the moon is bright,
So the whole family steps outside to see it;
Driving at daybreak,
Hues of pink and gold and orange painting one’s vision;
Not quite catching fireflies,
But reaching for them anyway.
Anger is a rainy day,
When the sun still glimmers through the dark clouds;
An eyelash perched delicately on someone’s cheek,
Wiped away without a wish being made;
The pounding of music,
As it shakes bones and rattles hearts.
Sadness is a freezing winter night,
When not even breaths can be kept secret;
The dim glow of streetlamps at the glimmer of dawn,
Flickering before going out altogether until night falls again;
The last whisper of color in the air,
In the unrecognized moment that day warps into night and the world is almost still.
Emotions are yours to define.
uuuhhhh....not one of my best
 Jul 2017 lavendersky
The Key
 Jul 2017 lavendersky
There's a key
      that unlocks rainbows
             that I keep within my heart.
It's a little "catch"
      within my chest
             where melancholy begins to start.
It unlocks walls,
      emotions hide behind
              (for my protection).
And it cracks the shell
      surrounding me,
              to give my soul direction.
Without this key,
      I'll always be
              a fire detachment smothers...
An empty vessel,
              bereft of love for others.
But with it...
      ah...then life becomes
              a carousel of feelings.
A roller coaster
      ride of love
             with ups and downs revealing....
all the colors of the rainbow
       all the tastes,
                the sounds, the rhythms..
all the warmth of sacred lovers
       and the heartbeat
               that's within them.
And the key is dual
        in purpose
               with it's compass so unerring;
Guiding to my soul-mates
       with a lifetime
               that's worth sharing.
So, when I've found my heart's desire
               I'll set the rainbow free.
Unlock the words
      within my heart
               and throw away the key.
I am a realist
I hold onto facts
Tighter than I hold onto you
I toy with the idea
Of making you my world
But I am a realist
So I settle on the idea
That you're just toying with my heart
Copyright under Bianca Reyes 2017
All rights reserved
I attempt to find comfort
In my fascination with death
I need to know there is a reward
For loving you even after you'd left
I lay my head on a cold tombstone
Caressing it lightly I almost feel warmth
I swear i hear your heart beat in my ears
But its only the cause of me holding my breath
Copyright under Bianca Reyes 2017
All rights reserved
We were two heavenly bodies
In vast darkness
Dancing to love
Around a cluster of stars
Copyright under Bianca Reyes 2017
All rightd reserved
Blah blah blah
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
Lora Lee
Inside this
depth of the perpetual,
I hold onto the light,
learning that
it is not an illusion
but a constant
            fire within
hard as metal
simultaneously lava soft
no longer boneless,
lumped jelly
              in a flaccid bowl
Instead I am bowled over
with new power,
plugged into
my own electric universe
in rushes of ******* voltage
that was always waiting for me
to see it
to allow it inside
the tissues of my body
to flow up and through
intestines, muscle, heart and bone
threads from
                 a glowing orb
that slake
and snake through me
like a river's glory
leaving the spirit on edge for more
and I am ever grateful
to take that light
                  spin it into a gift
                       unwrap it slowly
                            drape it
                              over me like
                                 a flowing,
unstitched garment        
pour its liquid-tipped velvet
onto my follicles, sensitive
tender luminosity
touching all the right places
its silvery essence
flooding me in
drips and slips
healing all the lost
and lonely places,
desolation's imprint
hollows of brimmed-over    
I have become
a quivering, stellar bud
bursting forth, each day
                       burning into new
rebirth in quenching torrents
ripe as ovarian silk
soaked in
cellular juice
inner seeds ready to be flung
unto the earth
into the wilderness
into expansion
ready to
          and bloom
          and bloom
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
deep deep
in the
in the inner inner
cauldron of self
one can hear weeping
it is Achlys
daughter of Nyx

pale emaciated
her razor teeth chattering
over pomegranate tongue saliva
elongated mottled nails like shears
etch a wooden table
and sever small rodents
for nourishment

dismal girl with swollen knees
thick dust upon her shoulders
her nostril's dripping
like drenched grass
demons concealment veiled
yet her scut barely hidden

while attraction remains
the fabric of existence
the sacramental bed of Christianity
carries the fear of authenticity
the aperture of *** betrayed
by girded *****

renders self a darkened hollow
incomplete and hypocrite
absent of beauties gift
a pink light bleeding
of the night
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
my beloved
i will come near
feel my hot red shift
as i stretch out
into the distance before you
do you resonate the pitch of my siren
may i expand your universe
flatten out your space time continuum
charm you into my gravitational pull
will you spread wide for the big bang
as i scatter your senses
with extraterrestrial interstellar *******
and tender clusters
of milky way kisses

will you?
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