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Dec 2023 · 675
Sorry no more whiskey
toBelieve Dec 2023
I'm sorry for hurting you,
I've hurted myself by hurting you.

I'm sorry,
I'm sorry from the deap down of my heart.

I'm sorry,
Yes, I've loved you.
But not that fancy romantic love.
I've loved you as you,
As I will never love again.

I've loved you,
It's in the present past,
I've loved you.

I'm sorry for being me.
I'm sorry for you, being you.
I'm sorry but you are a wonderful human being.
You are a beautiful soul.

/I swear to god/

You are wonderful,
You were wonderful,
You will always be wonderful.

I hope all the best for you.
I hope that you will always
Be you,
Be happy,
Be angry,
Be you.

You are special, unique & wonderful.

Please forgive me,
Please forgive yourself,
Please forgive.

Let go.

And go straight,
Go to your destiny.
Run for it.

You are so beautiful.

I've loved you,
Cause you kept reminding me of Me.

I am special,
And stupid.
But you are not stupid,
Nor am I.

We are special,
Hard & difficult,
But special.

I'm as sorry,
As I am thankfull,
For meeting you.

Sorry, thank you.
Thank you, sorry.

I love me.
I love love.
I love life.
I love being drunk.

Un livre

Ivre de vin,
De poésie,
Ou de whiskey.

Mais moi, non !
No more whiskey.

I love me.
No more whiskey.
I'm sorry,
Sorry !
I love you,
I love me...
Dec 2023 · 380
Hey you
toBelieve Dec 2023
Hey you,
You there in that empty shell.
Should we talk?
Should we try to connect ?
It's up to you.

Hey you,
What's up ?
What's down ?

Hey you,
I'm alone,
But not lonely.

Maybe maybe.

Hey you,
Are you smiling ?
Are you strugling ?

Hey you,
I am who I am,
Only cause
You are who you are.

Hey you,
I love you,
Only cause
I love me.

Hey you,
You are what makes me,

Hey me,
I love me.

Hey you,
It's hard to help me,
It's hard to love me.
But I love me.
Only cause,
I love you.

Hey you,
It's for you.

Hey you,
Cause there is no me
Without you.

Only you,
Only me,

Hey you,
I'll tell you a secret.
I'm afraid.
And it's okay to be afraid.
Only cause
I love you,
I love me.

Hey you,
Hey you,
Hey you.

It's okay to be you.
It's okay to be me.
It's okay to be.

Hey you,
It's okay to be
It's okay to be.

Hey you,
To be or not to be ?

That is not the question !

Hey you,
There is no question !

Hey you,
It's a quest.
Don't be stressed,
And be blessed.

Hey you,
I am a phoenix.

Hey you,
I'll stand still
Whatever the wind
Whatever the courant
I will run.

Hey you,
Run forrest,

Hey you,
Run for your life

Hey you,
Run for you
Run for me

Hey you,
I love you
I love me.

Hey you,
Hey love,
Hey life.

I love you,
I love love,
I love life.

Hey you,
Hey me.

Hey hey.

Hoy hoy,
It's christmas,
It's my birthday,
I'll live my fantasy.

Hey lord,
On christmas,
It's my birthday.
Hey lord,
On christmas,
Bless me with mercy.

Hey you,
Hey lord,
I love you.

Hey you,
Hey you.
I love you.

I love you.
"Le vent se lève,
Il faut tenter de vivre"
Paul Valery
Nov 2017 · 259
I wish I could
toBelieve Nov 2017
You know,
I wish I could make myself happy.

I'm a good person,
And I deserve to be happy.

And I know it doesn't work that way,
But I care too much about myslef to stop trying.

So if i can't make me happy,
I can at least make me feel something different.

Even if it's just for a short time,
That will feel nice.

I wish I could.
Aug 2017 · 310
I sink
toBelieve Aug 2017
My ink is linked,
I sink.
May 2017 · 539
Realis & Speculum
toBelieve May 2017
There was once, a truth and a lie.
One reality and one illusion.
Reality and an illusion of reality.


Imagine complete darkness.
An empty place.
An empty space.
Imagine, emptiness.

In that complete emptiness,
Realis & Speculum.
Two nebulous, start appearing.


The first was brighter than what you can never dream to see.
Its radiance was a splendor,
Its burst was a sparkle.
It was entire, it was all,
But not all there is.

The second was kind of empty,
But not really empty,
Not empty at all.
It looked real,
But not really.
It was of a very light glow,
It shines, but with no light.
It was of no color,
Nor white, nor black, nor grey.
It was kind of a transparent mirror,
Kind of an illusion.
It was there,
But nothing is in there.


In the way simultaneously they appeared,
simultaneously they were growing.

Slowly they were growing,
But fast they filled the space.

In the moment, they are collapsing,
In eternity, they are creating.

The illusion was a mirror,
it is collapsing,
Into billions of millions of pieces.

The reality was one,
And it kept being one.

In the moment,
We have one truth,
And an infinity of lies.
And in each lie, you see the truth.
In each piece of that mirror,
You see a reflection of the truth.

You can keep looking for the truth,
But you only going to find reflections of it.

Because the truth is you,
The truth is within you.

Stop looking around.
You are true.
It is true !
But keep in mind,
That to every you,
There is another you.
Where ever you are,
Your self, your ego, your mirror,
Is there too.
It is true !
What do you see ?
Jan 2016 · 457
toBelieve Jan 2016
Everything comes to an end.
Except beauty,
The Beauty of the soul.
It has no beginning,
It has no end.
It's here to stay...Eternum...
Awaken that beauty within you...
Jan 2016 · 275
toBelieve Jan 2016
No tears can be seen, but the pain is heart is crying
Nov 2015 · 489
toBelieve Nov 2015
The night has overcame the day,
The light has been taken away.
Their Souls are shading,
Toward darkness they are heading,
Humanity has been taken
The spark within their eyes has been stolen
Gloom has fulfilled their eyes
Lies, lies and lies has become their lives...
Oct 2015 · 380
toBelieve Oct 2015
I made a seat,
From the sea,
With the sound of the waves,
I enveloped my soul.
With the birds,
I entertained myself,

And the wind,
enlightened my whole.
Oct 2015 · 652
The truth
toBelieve Oct 2015
There was once, a truth and a lie,
One reality and one illusion,
A reality and an illusion of reality.
Only is that the lie, that illusion of truth,
Was a mirror.
A mirror that nowadays,
Has been divided
Divided into hundreds of thousands of pieces.
We have one truth and hundreds of thousands of lies,
And in each lie, you see the truth.
You see a reflection of the truth.
If, you are lucky.
Otherwise, You only gonna have the reflection of a reflection,
of the reflection, of a reflection.
If you keep looking for the truth,
You only going to find, reflections of it.
You only going to keep looking, for reflections.
Because the truth,
Is you.
The truth is,
Within you.
Stop looking around,
Look for the truth within you.
Everything is within you, don't waist time looking around, every answer is within your heart, within your soul...Just close your eyes, close the "reason" in you, breath...breath, and look for that light within you....
Oct 2015 · 425
An unsual meeting
toBelieve Oct 2015
One night,
Alone, peacefully sitting home,
The door rings, I opened...
It was madness !
It was madness paying me a visit,
Humble and courteous as i am,
I invited her for a tea...
Five minute later,
She runs out,
She became crazy...
Oct 2015 · 596
Sinking in Love
toBelieve Oct 2015
In the cry of my heart, In the tears of my soul,
I've found a forgetful love
In that love I tried to find some peace
But I was too much of a dreamer
A love made of needles,
A love that offer a ****** fountain,
That what I had found,
A melodic fountain made with,
The sound of my tears
And the blood of my sorrow
A fountain, where I sink ...
Oct 2015 · 2.4k
Drunk of madness
toBelieve Oct 2015
I see you,
Drinking from the water of inhumanity
Smoking the leaves of ingratitude
And eating the seeds of hypocrisy.

Observing you,
I found myself drunk of sorrow.

And it makes me,
Drink from the water of insomnia
Smoke the leaves of melancholy
And eat the seeds of solitude

So I can, finally,
Be drunk of madness
Oct 2015 · 774
A Pray, in Pain, for Rain
toBelieve Oct 2015
God !
Dear God !
Please...MAKE IT RAIN !!!
Make it purify their brains
Lord !
They are insane !
Make it rain !
Let it purify the air
Let it crucify the pain
Let it free them from their chains !
Let it make a change
And then,
Make it rain again !
Again and again !
Just rain ... Make it rain
And let's pray
Let's pray it won't be in vain

Dear God
Please...MAKE IT RAIN !
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
The Clouds
toBelieve Oct 2015
They move,
Slowly they move
Closer to each others they move.
Those shades of white
Those white knights
The knights of the light
Throught the blue sky
High in that sky
They fly ...
Beyond that blue, they move
And from your blues they let you move
The whiteness within you start mooving
The tongue within your soul start mooving
The inner voice within you, with you start speeking ...
"Smile" they say !?
"Your smile display"
"Display" they say !?
You don't know how or why
You smile just arise
Then you contemplate their smile
You want to touch them
You want to fly with them
You want to smile for them
They are still moving
Not to the north, nor to the south
Not to west, nor to the east
In a complete mystery
But perfectly
In a total harmony
Like a holy symphony
They are just dancing ...
And you are just smiling ...

— The End —