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All everyone ever does-
Now a days is talk.
They run they mouth,
And like to gawk.
Their eyes turn south-
Looking down at you
As is they were any better.
Nature heals all**

A gentle breeze can
lift the negative thoughts
With ease

The soothing waters
Can bring solace
To those in need

The earth
Supplements the transition
From your past self to your new self

And it is through Fire
That you are reborn,
Unchained to your troubled passed
Free to start a new life.
I use my words; I let it be known
That my feelings are true,
But it's up to her to make the move

I was taught to respect her skin;
After all even the devil
Needs permission to be let in.

If she wants her hand held;
She'll fidget her fingers against mine,
If she wants a kiss; She'll get real close,
If she wants something more;
She'll take control,
& remove some clothes.

*Only then will I have permission to explore her flesh.
Shrouded in darkness she was
Unable to see, lost in her own mental
Black hole where the heart should be
Devouring flower hearts and spitting back
black holes, despite all this
I felt a warmness to her darkness
I wondered; "is there a light switch?"
Roaming around consuming her darkness
Tryrng to turn the sun in her heart on.
This summer. I shall explore my city pick a place to sit. N choose a subject. N I'll write about Him,Her or It.
All poems will be placed in this single thread.

~Winchells Donuts~
She sits crossed legged
With coffee in hand
Chewing on a pencil top
Perhaps she's had too much coffee
Or probably not enough.
She's dotting something down
N looks disappointed every time
She looks up.
Maybe she's awaiting a lover
Or an old time friend
But as it's getting longer
Her chewing gets louder
I can hear the grinding of her teeth
On the wood of a number two.
My order is up n it's time for me to leave.
6-14-14 6:35am

~Local Transit~
She's biting her nails
And rubbing her belly
Maybe she's sick
Or pregnant with a baby.
6-14-14 12:44pm

~My Ex's Home~
Her eyes follow me,
everywhere I go
Yet she doesn't move
Nor say a word
I guess silence engulfed her whole
I don't blame her though,
it's been two years
But how was I supposed to know
That she'd visit her family home
She's fidgetting n she's nervous as hell
I should know, it's how she first felt
When we went on our date.
Four hours pass n I say "lates"
As her brother gives me a handshake
N starts closing the door
An exasperated yell
comes from the kitchen corridor
"Good bye -----???"
Is all I heard, I guess they still
Have that sound proof door.
I walk away n I see her peep
Out the curtain window.
Watching me as I leave.
6/14/14 6:40pm
It's been a while since I've people watch. It's a blissful action I hope to make.

//Follow to stay updated//
Sometimes I feel her eyes avoid mine,
As if she's trying to hide
the love in her eyes,
As if she knows if we made eye contact
I'd know n call her out on it.

She's bottled up n reserved
With such poise that no mans ever known,
They chase after her,
They come in hoards
And maybe that's why she avoids
Subjecting her self to being known.

She's got questions about me
And she's so unsure, she's just being protective of her self and more.
I'm never chasing after her though,
Cause I know the hoards that come after her,
Why subject myself to being like the rest. No! I won't,
Ill just say hello n hope you notice my tone,
It'll be a tone I rarely use with anybody else, and I just hope it'll be enough to let you know.
You can hold a pebble
in the palm of your hand.
But when it's been pummeled
and turned to sand,
no matter how tight
you clench your fingers together
it'll slip through your hands.
Oh how the damaged ones slip through time.
Forgotten n spread across shore lines. Where different waves reach their lips only be pulled away before they reach,

Untouched n unfaze they become apart of the maze.
Up or
It's such a confusing haze. Her walls are high n you'll never find the center place.
The stars, they don't shine as bright;
My curiosity has be shot

The ocean, it doesn't seem peaceful;
I'm loosing my sanity  

The moon, it isn't as big;
My love drifted into the wind

The sun, it's twice as hot;
I've been living in Hell
                                            ..........all along
You think your eyes speak truth,
But hidden within, you analyze your sight
You critic what you see based on past experiences
Your not seeing what you think you are, your seeing your fears manifest before your eyes. You fear the past to repeat itself; negative thoughts they control your sight. Your blinded by your thoughts and the inescapable interpretation of your perception.
Standing in the crowd I was
Surrounded by strangers
In the dead of night.
People from across the globe
Connected through this single
Experience. Sharing tells
And their walks of life.
The ball drops
And confetti springs
People look around in awe
As I look to
My right,
My left,
My front and back
I'm not surrounded by strangers
The Portuguese behind us,
the Brazilians to my left,
The 7. Foot New Yorker in front
The spaniards to my right
N in my group two new friends
From 2 hours away.
The crowd disperses
As we all say good bye
Carrying with us the joy
Of new life, friends and
An experience that connected
Us all.
T ough resourceful,
I ntelligent and admirable
F ound face first in the pages of books
F reeing herself from the cages of the world.
A spired writer with pent emotions
N egligence of vent
Y onder is her ability to write for fear it may
                                                                  come to light
Her voice is like thunder,
In the storm of my head
Too faded; her eyes read.

Her lips spoke with out a word
A quick snap back to reality;
This is double edge sword
Sometimes I wanna write about her, but I gave her this link,, so every so often she comes to read. It'd be weird if I spoke about her cause I hardly ever talk,, but if only she knew my discomfort around her sister and friends. They got this LA based logic that glamor is everything. So they pry and pluck and criticize everything. She's great I know she's a libra, but I won't make a move. Mainly cause I'm still building my life so I ignore most girls. I'd say I'd date her but be her bf I don't know, I can't really since I don't really know her but I'd love to court her, get to know her bit by bit. All she is, is my friend nothing more. It'd be nice if we could spend more time alone I'd have more to say than when placed in a group. New yorks the dream n so is hers I find that kinda heart warming. Like who knows maybe I'll see her one day walking down main ave. with a ring on her finger n coffee in hand, n we'll catch up n she'll tell me how she's got keychain licenses from every major city. She's a great girl, that she is and she inspires me n fans my flames. I'll make it someday.
My friend; my muse; n part time lover
My walls are big n strong
Like that of Babylon
None can do me wrong
As I stay on my toes and strive on

The walls seem seamless  
But it's all for a reason
So I'll let you in on a little secret

The pain hid the door
And the gate won't open
Till I'm reassured that I'm not letting in a Trojan horse
Pushing and pulling
Reaching and retreating.
You get where you want
And then you go & **** it all up.
Coming and going
Leaving and returning.
Your so unsure of your needs and wants.
Arriving and departing
Inhaling and exhaling.
This would be easier without a troubled heart.
Setting Sail and dropping anchor,
Have you made your choice
Or will you hurt her some more.
There it was hidden -
In plain sight;
Treasure in a black tiny box
Blending into the darkness
That surrounds
Most don't bother to look for it
But they'd find it if they'd move
The treasure is happiness
And it exist in the dark
So be observant
Of the Yang in the Yin
The universe
Saw her as an
insignificant little spec
The world
Saw her as an
Individual incapable of change
The country
Saw her as
nothing more than a vote
The city
Saw her as
nothing more than a taxpayer
But I saw her
As so much more than individual.

She was a force;
An essence that encompassed me
N make me feel whole.
She was my world
And so much more
Your name sudden appears
In every billboard n sign I see,
I find you in the books i read
N your personality is presented
In the tumblr quotes I repost

Modern technology and advertisement
Could be the culprit of why your
Always runing within my mind
But that be a lie cause while in bed
And the lights are dim I think of everything me and you could be.
If my mind is as vast as an ocean
Then you must be my moon
Raising the tide every night,
Memories long forgotten
Wash up on shore
For my conscious to hold.

— The End —