love is not killed
in good byes
It yields freedom
to a loved one
unable to communicate
with one on one chat,
since no matter
how great the ink
writ' may be
that makes a script
holy good
the face to face
spoken voice
is key heart clue to win
a loved one back
Have the courage to yield
set the loved one free
If loved one returns
for Go** sakes
speak up ask for help
feel worthy
grab your treasure
Above all know
when NOT to yield
write of love pain
sacrifice your truth
spill your heart
to your loved one
timely don't wait
might be too late.
Fight for lost
and love found
chance returns
For ink may last longer
as truth to scripts
in poetry
their poet poetesses
may long be gone
Copy Rights revised 08-2020
to love is better than to hste