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May Asher Dec 2016
I'm a liar because
I pretend so much.
I pretend the tears are not yours.
I pretend your eyes are still green.
I pretend your face is not so pale
almost similar to a corpse's.
I wonder if you know, that sometimes —
sometimes I wish I knew
what love could possibly be.
I walk with paper wounds
and cardboard bruises
and I haven't learned
to keep myself from falling apart
when you tell me
to tell you that I love you.
I would want to tell you
that I never knew
that you could tear apart so violently,
that you could voice,
that your strangled scream could be heard.
An agony so sharp it comes visible.
I pretend to breathe
when it wrings your soul
out of your heart,
bleeding/battered/broken broken broken
But my fingertips brush yours.
Our arms are a tangle of scars,
we are a pile of bones
and we are not afraid
of each other's darkness
Your eyes are fluttering
against my eyelashes,
your hands almost too scared.
I cannot let you know I shattered
when you shattered.
We're shattered words,
unsaid and unheard,
alive only in echoes and thoughts.
We're almost apart,
we're almost whole,
we're almost sure,
we're almost healed.
But my hands are too desperate
snuffing out the fire
because your eyes
are too use to the dark.
We're lying with the truths
that our eyes scream,
were drowning in the dust
that we're not afraid of,
we're not crying
(because we lost our tears).
We're flooded with emotion
but we're empty shells
cracking on the surface and we
We collapse because
our knees buckle
and our ankles are disjointed,
all of our past is an ocean
and we're drowning again.
We're drowning until we gasp,
clutching at each other's hands
like it will be the last time.
We're seconds stumbling out of time,
we touch everything and everyone,
and we become their memory.
I grasp your hand and fit the image into a second, burning you into my being.
But your eyes are wide
as though you did not know
we stretch into the unknown;
that we are vacant terrains
standing upended
with empty pockets,
and your hair is too gold
in the sunlight
but your eyes are too green,
and they're screaming so loud so loud
so loud.
They are scared and and questioning me,
they're asking me to stay.
But all I manage is a whisper
because I lost my voice
in the whirlwind I was born out of.

Forever Is such a small word, love
I'll be with you until time ceases to exist.
Sajeer Shaikh Dec 2016
I do not pine for glory,
I suppose that makes no sense -
I cannot smile for flashing lights,
I cannot pull pretense.

I must keep all sanity intact.
I admit, I cannot compromise -
On anything that disturbs my peace,
Or brings sorrow to my eyes.

I fail to see what glory does,
That you, yourself, cannot achieve.
Within confines of your mind,
At rest and forever at ease.
Sajeer Shaikh Dec 2016
In the winter of '13 -
Like a well oiled machine -
You and I were so in sync -
You my king, and I your queen.

Then summer drew its breath,
It was as good as it could get -
You and I with all our vows:
Together till embraced by death.

The years slowly passed us by.
Though we didn't see eye to eye,
We were broken and reformed,
We learned to compromise.

We are an imperfect art,
Two halves of a beating heart -
In sickness and in health,
Till death do us apart.
Sajeer Shaikh Dec 2016
My teacher, she used to tell me:
“Be an aid, child. Not an obstacle.”
Yet, she was the one who held my hand,
When I reached out for my tortured friend.
She said, and I remember clearly:
“It’s his fault, that abominable filth,
He should know better, that walking sin.”
And her words I could not comprehend.
Why did they push and shove him till he bled?
Were those the scars he took back to his bed?
Why couldn’t I help him, what had he done?
My teacher didn’t explain, she said I was too young.

My preacher, he used to tell me:
“Stay away from women, you’re a girl,
You don’t understand, but you’ll reach out to thank me.”
But I had never asked for help,
Unlike my friend – he ended up dropping out –
With flesh wounds reaching under his skin,
And a battered soul that all said had sinned.
I did try to make it to his house,
His belongings lived there, he no longer did.
He left a note, along with his body
Cyan – as it suspended from the fan,
“Clean your inner filth,” it read.

I found it strange that his funeral was barren,
Except for the boy whose hand he had held.
He wailed over the sunken tombstone,
More than the mother – her eyes had turned to stone.
I remembered my teacher, my preacher, as he cried,
And concluded their sermons were as empty as their hearts.
I walked upto the boy whose mud covered hand
Would forever remain unheld, and I embraced his shaking body.
His love was love, as my love was love,
And I decided the body count was enough.
I cleaned my inner filth, as he had intended,
As I held his shaking lover over an immensely heavy grave.
Julia Mae Nov 2016
do you ever find it beautiful
how we all
find the strength
to connect
through our inevitable sadness?
if sadness cannot be beautiful
then what are we creating,
by drawing in all together,
to connect and to share
life's despair?
I just want to wander around
Beneath the sunshine,
Writing poetry in my mind
About people I see
That will forever be strangers to me
And the companionship
I will never find.
I am a writer in a generation where words are a dime a dozen…
Chicken feed
Technology is all anybody ever needs.
The only thing worth attention is video streams,
Nobody reads…
yellah girl Jan 2016
on lonely winter nights
i find myself in the windowsill
gazing at coruscating stars and forgotten wishes
i grin at the moon
he smiles back

i close my eyes and conjure an image of the man on the moon
does he exist beyond childhood fairytale?
an impish smirk plays on his boyish face
as he reaches for me

he is the nocturnal prince, an imperial Peter Pan
stealing the prudence of stargazers
in the very hours of creativity

he is a collector of romances
seizing the hearts of sleeping beauties
as they fabricate stories of epic proportions
soon erased in waking moments

he is the fantasy of every idealist
the one who enchants her dreams
and inspires her ingenuity
Arjun Raj Nov 2016
What happens when an open space, once a canvas to your thoughts,
turn into a dingy cabin, where you are chained to a chair with no lumbar support
and a program is chipped into your brain to decode client briefs, one after the other,
however idiotic they might be,
only to churn out results that will please a super boss,
who has done the same, for n number of years more than you,
so that the numbers that are not on your side, look irrelevant, coz
the money that you are making for the company is very relevant, to them, their family
and the rest of mankind, but you?
You quit.
No, wait
You’ve got EMI’s to pay.
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