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Saman Badam Feb 16
Here, hear, and come on, children, I will say,
And sing the tale of unsaid and unseen,
In every bargain, stuck behind the day,
Of every story sung at victor's knee.

And speak for pale and ancient orb in sky,
That saw the lancing wounds of earth and sea,
By spewing molten insides up and high,
And raising tides to cliffs in liquid plea.

Of golden-headed queen, her barred so love,
And thousands burned for her—a city lost.
The cold and distant orb in questions dove:
Was fire lit long before they Trojan sought?

And saw a hundred thousand secrets more,
Of many wars beginning inside dark
And sordid rooms, and far from butchered swore,
How humble starts have turned to greater larks.

Of many choices made, both seen, unseen,
And stories told to praise the hero 'lone.
How many peasants, left to rot, there been?
To learn: it's not the pivot, but chain-linked.

Oh, watcher! Why, O why, will you not act?
To drown them in your mighty fury tides,
In oceans lost, be never found intact—
Begin the final dusk by equine ride.

But it was never going to war for us,
And asks: were choices made, not choices still?
However wrong, did they not define us?
And why, to rescue us from our own will?

A never thinning drop of ink in lake,
The enemy consumes us till the end,
Like serpent biting down on its own tail,
In heinous, horrid way we ourselves rend.

The first of moment used to make a breath,
The breath then twisted into breeze so light,
The breeze a gale and gale a squall to hitch,
And gently strangle ourselves out in fight.

A blade, a musket, tools changing through out,
The hand that wields them remains ever fool,
The river’s course was always seaside meant,
Forever running towards our own doom.

The moon so watches from its perch so high,
As again we are led on same old path,
By mighty, wicked bargains sworn in lies—
Of erased truths, in hands of victor's wrath.
Jenish Dec 2024
I am the witness, the eternal witness, of the universe where stars are born and raised in effulgence, where vast empty spaces teem with celestial bodies, where the planet of life spins, a marvel of intelligence amidst the cosmic expanse. I stand at the intersection of past, present, and future, bound by names and actions, yet ever watching. I am the same witness who beholds the eternal drama of birth and death, both a spectator and a participant in this endless cycle.

In this timeless sea,
Me the sole chosen seer—
visions come and fade.
I S A A C Oct 2024
its not like i didnt try
i killed myself everytime, suicide
still alone with i, pedal pedal my bike
i continue the cycle, self sacrifice
its not like i didnt try

i signal the change
i witness the seasons
the transition of the leaves
the disappearance of oasis
i signal the change
i witness the reasons
the outline of your treason
the disappearance of peace
i know too much
Jeremy Betts May 2024
During one of my falls I must have accidentally gave a rain dance performance
A permanent grey cloud overhead, only mine, quite a thing to witness
It's a hindrance, I can't rid it from my existence, I'm not in the fix-it business
Would the hyperbolic y'all know the opposite to reverse this by chance?
I know what you'll be witness to looks bad from a distance at first glance
I understand, I've stood right there too, in that same cautionary stance
And why lie?
Persistence only dug my hole deeper, shoveling in a trance
I'm just a living, breathing being needing guidance and patience
And it's it to much to ask for an actual two sided romance?
But we can work on that last...

Jeremy Betts Apr 2024
Given a hand to go hand in hand in the park
Only allowed to be enjoyed in the dark
And as I curse the idea of an always present silver lining
I notice it to be easier to witness the splendor of our spark

Jeremy Betts Apr 2024
I don't know how I can write all this
Know all this
With a pinpoint, laser focus
Tuned so far into,
Most every issue,
I come out the other side of existence
To get a look at if from every angle,
This ain't checkers, this is chess
From biggest
To littlest
To coroner visits
Call every witness
There's an obvious will,
To one day still,
Find a bottom to this
Twords the top of the list
While I skirt a bit of responsibility,
Let's be honest
But can't fold any of it into my healing process
So after all this,
And after being told it would absolutely aid in the progress,
I'm still a mess
Can't make it make sense

Ophelia Jul 2023
sacrificing values and views
the uncomfortable space left behind

tight air leaving weak lungs
folding limbs like paper

eyes that saw too much
frozen as the witness

anything to quiet the noise
anything to cover the bruises

and the trauma begins again
M Solav Jun 2023
There will certainly be
A great many of them
Far readier than I’ll ever be
O blessed unborn one
Yet endowed with inexistence
To whom mercy shall slip from
And re-emerge in its awakening
Beings past or below my shrinking age
A great many among them
Whom I once did or shan’t collide
Beyond the captured scope of mutual days
To relate to you what high events
Unrolled before our common eyes
Folks granted with the privilege
Promoted to the status of witnesses
Historians, athletes and prophets
By themselves and their narratives
I let them unroll their good accounts
Forfeit their tales of what must be bound
To mould your unsuspecting
Circumspect mind and
Save you from sensing
Delicately sensing
Voices that once knew more
Than in haste speak
Than with haste carry
Daringly could the silence hear
Untangle the mumbling tango
Of the vociferous crystal parade
My darling unborn one
The tortuous path out of the forgings
Of reason almighty, the ventricular beast
Played and echoed in loops and on repeat
No, you shan’t feast on their hymns
Yours is meant for the engineering of belief
In something further, of glory,
Far more, furthermore,
Something extraordinary
Than the days of days
And the knowns of knowns
And to lodge firmly out of the stillness
That’s woven in the heart of your chanting storm
And in the precipice of the forecast
May you never come to designate
But the space between the notes
So that when it comes not to ever pass
We shall rejoice in the untold absence
That binds us as if pierced by an arrow
While we ask about the bow
Written on June 24th, 2023.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Things are not going in the right direction, nowadays
I wake up and begin to think a lot of things and end the day with the same thoughts 
I'm going through various phases these days that I don't know how to explain
And I don't want to express them either...
Happiness has been something that I can clearly see but can't feel 
I see people laughing and cheering around me, but that seems so artificial...

Now I abstain from being a part of those social groups
Where the use of the “F” word makes you cool and gives you a certificate for your confidence
But I don't blame them, Perhaps it's me only who lacks something
Something that makes me feel alienated in the crowd 
Every day I feel like a glass broken by several strokes of a hammer
But I collect myself again... just to witness the pain of those invisible scars...

Writing gives me peace of mind, but these days I avoid writing down the things
Not because I'm lacking inspiration or something, but I'm afraid
Afraid of the same words that used to heal me before but now haunt my peanut brain every now and then
The words I used to put life in are now attempting to shape my entire life...
I'm feeling like that caged bird who can't fly even after being freed 
Because she's got the false notion that she has no wings, perhaps the same notion I'm getting too.
I have to express a lot of things... might share them in the next part!
Anyway, I'm back here again... will try to interact more often now.
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