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Boris Cho Sep 25
As one season fades into the next, change mixes within us too, subtle yet profound. Just as the leaves turn from green to gold, the colors of our emotions shift with a perfect melody, answering the call of transformation. The world whispers its permission—it’s okay to change. There is beauty in becoming.

We adapt to the crisp embrace of autumn, cocooned in layers that shield us from the coming chill. In this same rhythm, our desires and dreams transform, what we once yearned for dissolves like mist, giving way to new longings. Change is inevitable, but it’s within these shifts that our hearts remain boundless, ever-hopeful for what’s next—a future that evolves us.

Like the seasons, we watch those around us shed their old selves and grow into something new. There is beauty in witnessing that transformation, a privilege only life grants us. Hold close the memories of winters past—the snowflakes that kissed our skin, the flowers that blossomed, the sun that warmed our bones, reminding us to carry its light through the seasons ahead.

Transitions are not just a passage, but a reflection of life’s constancy—ever-shifting, ever-beautiful.

— Sincerely, Boris
Erwinism Sep 22
no matter how you rove,
you can't trust roads
to lead you home in the

on occasions, she brews
a tempest laced with
coffee to wreak havoc
in the morning,
and at night,
in between restlessness
and nightmares,
her back holds up a sign
that reads "no yesterdays

gone was our youth,
tarnished like trinkets
coated with gold
peddled and sold
like empty promises

white flags are waved,
and we find us wrapped
inside arms that used
to be used to be our home
but the years took
its toll and had us evicted
out of boredom

deep in her eyes,
I see that she is there
at the moment as a misdirection,
fleeting like a daydream fading
into the background
but in the corner
of her disquieting eyes
there is a pulsating
dark light yearning
for emancipation.
There is something
behind their walls
that I dare not behold,
lest, my heart turns into stone,
a monument of brokenness
deeply rooted where it stands
waiting for time to weather
it into dust for the wind to

it's utterly tiring
to spit words
that leave wounds
for us to dress with
never-again bandages
for in time,
in the most inopportune
circumstances our deathless
animosity just
seeps through


as voracious as we are
to be alone, we atone
for still we loved

we can't always
trust the roads to lead
us home in winter,
but if take the good
with the bad
maybe one day
we can look back
at our madness
bold enough to say
though our hearts betrayed
still we loved.
Sam Harty Sep 22
It's winter now
the leaves have fallen
it's getting colder
the sun comes out
although a lot less bolder.

I walk outside
and I close my eyes
breathe in the smell
of the fireplace fires.

We barely had the turkey done
when the stores
hung their garland
saying Christmas had begun.

With a new year
just around the bend
I'm thinking of resolutions
like mini solutions
hoping to keep them
in the end.
Ajit Saigal Sep 19

Beneath Autumn's amber canopy, crimson leaves descend,
Breeze hums soft, winds rustle, golden branches fend.
Fields wear coats of copper, the skies a mellow blue,
Earth rests ever peaceful, wrapped in dreamy prismatic view.

But wait!

Whispers in the woodlands augur, of winter drawing near,
Streams grow silent and slower, the days are crisp and clear.
Autumn weaves her fading robe, down the vale and up the hill,
Trees now bare and blown alone, brace for the northern crispy chill.

She reigns bold with crystal breath, She adorns the silver mistal frost,
Locked in the slumber of icy warmth, world's mesmerized n bitten frost.
Yet there's beauty in Winter's bite, X'mas stars so sharp and bright,
The glaring moon does outshine, longest of all those lustrous nights.

Whispers stir the uncanny earth, Snow thaws timid and un-certain,
Tender shaven heads of buds uncurl, tranquil signs of birth unwhirl.
The air gets sweet with secret songs, Streams anew in lyrical reprise,
This stoic winter though lingering still, paves the way for spring's encore.

And aloha!

Spring blossoms bright and gay,
Skies sing choirs of purple nights, and vibrant radiant days.
Draped in spectrum hues, the air is filled with laughter cues,
Joy spills out from sprightly souls, life renews her tillowed-faery soles.

And there!

Summer sun ascends in blaze n might, Skies stretch far in endless blue,
Fields decked-up in emerald green, flowers enticing n kissed by dew.
Warmth that hums in every breeze, rollicks lush in flare and plume,
Golden rays embrace earth enchanted, Joy looms large in glints n glows.
Stanza 4: Soft whispers stir the uncanny earth, snow thaws timid n uncertain,
[Uncertain because, it's going to unmask the hidden dreams behind nature's winter curtain]

This poem fits primarily into the "quatrain type" idyll based nature poetry genre. Here are some characteristics that align it with this genre:

Themes of Nature: The poem tries to beautifully describe the changing seasons—autumn, winter, spring, and summer—highlighting their unique qualities and the beauty of the natural world.

Imagery: Vivid imagery is used throughout, painting a rich picture of landscapes, colors, and sensory experiences (e.g., "autumn's amber canopy," "golden rays," "crimson leaves").

Personification: Nature is personified, as seen in phrases like "She reigns bold with crystal breath," which adds depth and emotion to the portrayal of the seasons.

Rhythm and Flow: The poem has a musical quality, with a rhythmic flow that complements the theme of nature's symphony, making it feel both lyrical and harmonious.

Celebration of Change: The poem emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and the beauty in transitions between the seasons, a common theme in nature poetry.

Overall, it may also be classified under lyric poetry due to its personal reflection and emotional resonance regarding nature.
Robert Ronnow Sep 19
Back from the desert and loving it
both the visit and the return.
The powerful plane deiced in Chicago.
Brittlebush, difficulty distinguishing acacia from ironwood.
Mesquite, and plenty of paloverde.
A good jazz band in Phoenix, their own style, no apology.

Could you also love your cancer? The vicious attack of a hedgehog
The winter storm that kept us on the tarmac three hours
followed us home. Used to be
when weather made the headlines, that was good news.
No more. Those melting icecaps and incoming meteors.
Some pray, some stay still, some keep playing.

Anyway, notwithstanding inexorably expanding or otherwise rapidly
      contracting universes
I saw cercocarpus, phainopepla, tomentilla, saguaro, and a great
      guitarist. Prayers were answered.
A winter's day and
It's so cold and
Icy today and the
Snow is gently
Touching the ground
Nature's beauty bold.
Winter 🥶🥶❄️❄️
MetaVerse Sep 13

      Late summer sunlight    
on a white wall moves as slow
      as thin spreading ice.          

It's a cold bitter
Night and
The frosty wind
Its howling all night
And everywhere is
Frozen and there's
A bitter chill blowing
All through the night
And the trees stand
Bare their branches stark
And cold and nobody is
Around there's not even a sound
And no leaves in sight it's
Just a bitter chill
Walking the ground tonight
And the quiet stillness
In this cold bitter place
A sense of peace and
Wonder does abide
But Winter has arrived
And the cold has come me
And in its midst there is
A beauty that will stay.
Cold 🥶🥶❄️❄️
MetaVerse Sep 12
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silvervi Sep 11
Unterwegs seh ich
bekümmerte Gesichter
Viele schon älter,
Gekleidet schlichter.

Wartend auf den nächsten Bus,
Augen verdrehen wegen Verdruss.
Graue Stadt, grau *******der Nebel
Alles umhüllt, vom Nieseln umspült.

Allein unter vielen, die Wärme vermisst,
In Kälte gehüllt.
In meiner grauen Stadt letzten Dezember 2023.
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