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helios Dec 2018
i'd buy the ticket
if i didn't know where it led
the fuel of desire
adventure, lust, pain
heartbreak lasts until


weekends have never been so dismal. gray, gray skies, gray lights, my eyes blink and blink again but the haze that grips on tight will not let go! i think it drips down my cheeks sometimes but only when the lights are off. my silence is a skill, not a talent- i used to be louder when i'd


i am socks in the shower

headphones broken in one ear

i am an ebay sweetheart

please buy me!!!!!
almost what
you'd expect

.return me!!!!!
but you will
never get as much

              error .....
.  .page not found..
        ...time to..
shut .
               . down

weewoo weewoo weewoo

red and blue red and blue

blue bruises red pens

blue sky red



don't leave me on read :(
I know that we can not be
any version of us
will just end with shattered hearts
and missing pieces

I tell myself I am happy
to have a friend like him
someone to share poems with
to share ideas with

I tell my friends
that I don't want to be with him
that it could simply never be
him and I will never work

But every time he leaves
I feel an emptiness
in my chest
a hollow part of me

He fills this void
In a way I have never felt before
and even though I say no
my heart is screaming yes

So I quietly pursue a relationship
I know will destroy me
just so I can feel whole
If only for a minute
Sergio Gonzalez Nov 2018
I exist to enjoy life
Whether good or bad
My days are numbered
So ill go ahead and make the best
Of the time I've been given
Take control
You’re the only one
That can make you whole
mel Nov 2018
full for
every step
my able body
a moving earth
beneath my feet

two eyes that see
one heart that beats
Love that breathes
through all of me

a mind that hopes
for light to roam
when darkness
sets me free

better days
i can portray
with Trust i've
come to bleed

of course i see
the Light in me
and how lovely
i've come to be

and although i
so Love those highs
i've come to cherish
these lows of mine

it is the hardest
days i garnish
evermore with
with Light i beam

for from the dark
i do embark on
the grandest
d i v i n e
parts of
i am thankful to be full ~fifillued by the fire inside
+ thankful to be inspired by old poems of mine :’)
stopdoopy Nov 2019
Never one whole

But why not both?

Dividing me
Into "opposing" categories
But you can't have one without the other

Neither male
Or female
Simply both
happy birthday to me *****
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