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Your eyes
Fall ever so slightly tilted
In that perfect way
That melts my heart
Like the chocolate
That is them
When ever
Your beautiful gaze
Pierces mine

Your round lips
So uniquely tainted
So that they aren't
The red everyone wishes
And some how
This dull color
Makes them that much more special
And I want them to be mine that much more

Your hair
Like perfect rings
Wrapped around my fingers
Flows like waves
Of coffee
In a beautiful dream
To good to be true

Your face
Eternally planted on my eyelids
So that every time I blink
I see your complexion
And never can I
Remember faces
But somehow my mind
Captures every piece of you
And I replay it to myself
As you keep me awake
Unable to sleep
For you have stolen from me
And the loot you have robbed
Beats in your hand

And your smile
Always put on your face
Staying strong and happy
Untouched by the world
Even when it tries to cause you pain
And I can only stand by
With an ache in my chest
As I am helpless
Against what life will throw

For you are too good
Too sweet, too kind
Too caring
Too ready to apologize
Too prepared to make the world perfect
Too innocent yet too haunted
Too good to by true
Too true to be mine.
Repost if there is someone in your life who is always smiling and always trying to make life better for everyone. Someone who is too good to be true and too true to be yours. Or repost if you just like the repost button. Or if just managed to read the whole thing since it's really long. And coment if you can. I always love to hear interpretations.
My blank eyes stare
In bold frustration
At the white sheet
Sitting, calmly mocking me
On the plain brown table

The pen quivers in hand
My mussels shake with shame
But try as I might
My ideas are insanely sane

No bursting fits of passion
Or inspiring metaphors
Only a page covered in splatters
From my ink of internal wars

A block of metal in my mind
A chain of iron on my hand
Glossy mirrors on my eyes
Spiking needles in my thighs

Calling for me to get up
To leave this terrible attempt
But when a poets mind is blank
Like mine
About blankness will they find a rhyme
Tick tick tock
Chimes the clock
As the hands spin in circles
Never to return
Once it's gone we must learn
That the time will never come back
And why oh why
Did I waste my time
On you

You sided with her
When the fight broke out
When I critized her
You would scream and shout
Why did I waste the time

I tried my best
To always please you
I would act as though the things
You did
Never bothered me too
Why did I waste the time

I tried to get your attention
Worried about clothes and hair
But when I came
You were know one knew where
Why did I waste the time

You'd cowar and scream
Giggle and hide
You knew nothing about love
Yet I stuck along in your tide
Why did I waste the time

And finally when I broke off
The foolish thing that was us
I realized I was fine
Even though you would cry and fuss
So I think to myself
Why did I waste the time
Time is a precious thing, as the clock ticks away a second that second is gone forever so be careful what you spend your time on. And cherish those who spend time on you. They are giving you the greatest gift of all and they know it can never be returned.
A teardrop
Like a shimmering stream
Rolls down the moving hill
Leaving a river trail
On the flesh colored soil

Slowly it leaves its white rimmed pond
As it travels on
It's sorrowful journey
Across the hills
To the ruby petals
Which open to free a wind
Of lugubriousness
As they call for more drops

The glistening stream
Crosses the petals
Leaving a salty trail behind
As it falls to the rounded edge
Where it falls with a splash
To the floor below
Waiting patiently
For its followers to fall
From the land above
On their teardrop journeys
On this cold winter night
The wind is starting to bite
And the snow starting its flight
So come dear, into my sight
And hold me hear just right
Your hands warming light
Keep me safe from fright
You are my shining knight
My inspiration to write
And when you hold me tight
On the chilly eve, you give me might
And take away my smite
Bringing joy as you quench my fight
As December turns the world white
The moon a flying kite
That turns darkness a silver so bright
From its unbeatable height
You make my worries slight
Your presence is my delight
Telling me that everything's alright
As we sit in the twilight
Our emotions ignite
But the winter calls in spite
Trying to bring contrite
For us ignoring it outright
As inside together we excite
Each other's warm invite
By the fire with love tonight
At last we reunite
Please comment I would love to hear your interpretations of my rhyming poem
Our arms flail as we flounder about
In our lakes impossible tide
A water of unforgotten days
That we couldn't escape if we tried
Some people's are small others wide

We do our best to escape
Pulling ourselves to the sandy beach
Resting from its power,
Pulling us in, never free of its reach
To it we aren't worth a screech

As we grow our lakes do too
Filling with waters good and bad
Powerful waves and calming seas
Old emotions happy or sad
As we grow to man from lad
Please comment I would be happy to hear what interpretations you have of my poems
A poem is a harmony
Of words without a melody
It is a written door
Into a world new
A poem is a poets escape
Into a place where emotion glows
And where they can write with passion
Without worry of word ration
A poem is a magnify glass
Where forever every second will last
And the simplest of times
Becomes the hero of your rhymes
And walking home from school
Becomes a metaphor, a life long rule
A poem is an incredible way
To show the world how you feel today
It looks like words on a page
And yet it frees you from a cage
A poem is a harmony
Of words without a melody
Yes that's write this is a poem about a poem!

I thought it would be a unique new idea and if you liked it or thought so too please repost or you just realized that there is a repost button and you have a real urge to click it please do.
You said you were forever
You said we'd always be friends
You stick by my side no matter what
It would be years till we met our ends

We would have our children play
Like us they would be together
They would share all our memories
Like us they would never lie to each other

Then you started to hide things
You manipulated, controlled our rights
We cried over the phone
As you started merciless fights

You promises all disappeared
Becoming faded ink on our sleeve
You turned all but a few against me
Soon we wanted you to leave

Once you were the world to some but
you hurt us more than we can say
You brought pains, scars and sadness
Emotions that will never go away

And now you've gone and left us
The pain has finally gone
But tears can still be shed at night
From a pain that lasted so long
Special thanks to Ember Evanescent ( who if your not already following you should) it was a neat writing prompt and a fun rhyming scheme.

I hope you liked the poem please feel free to coment with any interpretations I'd love to hear what you readers have to say about my poetry
Mangled bodies from the grave
Chase you with avenge
Their destroyed faces rave
As they come for gruesome revenge

The cackling grows louder
As the close up on you
Wanting you to cower
As their chase you through

The spell of death in in the air
Crumpled candy under feet
Dread and fear everywhere
Turning people white as a sheet

The graveyard horrors stomping feet
What happens next is unforeseen
The gouls and goblins yell trick or treat
On this perfect night of halloween

Hope you like my special Halloween poem just for today! If you do please like or repost and if u don't feel free to still like or repost.

Hope everyone had a great halloween and no matter how old u are you are never to old for dressing up in an awsome costume and eating some delicious candy even if u just bought it at a store!
Eternity is in our hearts
Smaller than I knew
It can be but meet seconds
As long as I stand with you

It doesn't always last forever
Fleeting as the morning dew
It's those perfect moments
With family friends loved ones too

Eternity is when time stands still
Those moments that our love grew
The moments we want to never end,
from them precious poems we drew

Sitting here I realize
That surely I will fail
For homework I do not have
Eternity to prevail
Please repost if you ever had an eternity within a few seconds or if your awsome or if your not awsome :) ( btw ur lying) and if you liked hitting the repost button you will love hitting the like button
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