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Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Small, sweet milk-white squares
Fresh fruits and nuts chopped
Hazelnuts, pistachios,
cashews, dried cherries
Honeyed-almonds, crunch
So toothsome
Eighteenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
Been a while since I had some good nougat, I love when they add more dried fruits such as apricots. They're my favourite.
My sweet-tooth continues to rage, lool!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Boiling syrup sweetened by
the rose's water
Blushing pink, from strips to cubes
Dusted with icing sugar
Small, gently perfumed,
chewy, light
Seventeenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
I LOVE Turkish Delight, oh my gosh!
Mainly because of one of my favourite books, The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! Classic!
It's because of both the book and film that I first tried it!
Lyn ***
Rich Aug 2018
He sits on the roof
Legs numb
Eyelids shut
Mind open.
The sun drops and rises within the time it takes for a single smile to bend his adolescent cheekbones
The wind comes and goes, as affectionate as the lover he once had
in a dream.
Planets rotate and so do perspectives
His misery is truly ephemeral
Even though he may not know it yet.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018

  I watch you from afar
my greatest love in argent-kissed armour
He who dreamed of being greater than
a mere fighter, stronger that a solider,
wiser than the Kings who pass and come
He who is born with an angel's allure,
he who unites all from all walks of life
I feel your vesper gaze upon me,
ambitious, charming, wise and poignant
With a charisma, a light that outshines the
very sun, a heart warmer than gold
and softer than cotton.
I pray you will succeed
That you will find your way
For no matter how far you wonder,
and how I think of you in yonder
I know in my heart,
You will return to me once more...  

Something a lil different.
I think I'm gonna take a short break from the Epulaeryus lol.
Don't worry! I got more coming, it's just I need to gather my thoughts!
My sweet tooth is strong and raging!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Finger-shaped from choux pastry
Dark-gold, crisp, hollow
Smooth vanilla pastry cream
Pale-yellow, so rich
Fresh chocolate ganache
gently spread
Sixteenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
Freshly made eclair are the best!
As much as I love to explore different flavours, nothing bests the classics!
Who's with me!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Dessert of decadent dreams
Light, rich and creamy
Chocolates that melt in your mouth
Dark chocolate first
Then milk choc, then white
Whip cream crown
Fiftheenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
Ok, I'm more of a vanilla person, but **** WAS THIS MOUSSE AMAZING!
I loved how it was layered, and then it had both a whipped cream topping with grated chocolate. DELECTABLE!
I'm usually one who can't have too much of something or I'll get sick (got a real sensitive stomach) but this mousse? Best I've had in years!
Got more sugary goodness coming! Y'all are gonna be gaining weight with me lool!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Flaky caramel-brown crust
of a shiny sheen
Base of dark chewy chocolate
moist and fudgy, scoop
vanilla ice-cream
each bite pure
Fourteenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
Now who doesn't love a good ol' brownie?
Especially with a glass of milk or a scoop of fresh vanilla ice-cream!
Aaaaaaaaaahhhh, it's heavenly!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Ginger nuts, melted butter
crunchy, sweet base chills
Lemons squeezed, zest grated
sugar, cream cheese, whisk!
Pale gold cream on base
Drizzle curd
Thirteenth Epulaeryu!
Lemon cheesecake, baked or chilled, is HEEEEAAAAVVVVVEEEENNN!
I swear, I have a soft spot for all things lemon! ^-^
I love it!
Add come candied lemon zest on top, SOLD!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
A stroll through meadows
Vibrant, hale and kissed with dew
My mind now wanders

My handmaiden, Essha
runs with news, of good tidings
My court has grown more

She speaks well of you
Of Kings and Queens who have come
From both near and far

How my eyes widen
as I now shed tears of joy
You all have my thanks.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Silken buttermilk pudding
kissed by vanilla
With gelatin, it stands firm
and gently wobbles
Adorn berry sauce
Gems of fruit
Twelfth Epulaeryu!
Thanks so much for the support, everyone!
It means alot to me! ^-^
Lyn ***
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