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Shadow Dragon Jun 2018
If you are in charge
you will end up hurting
your own soul.
Gage B Mar 2018
What if there was an alternate universe
where I would have known that
mistake would have been made
and avoided it?

What if there was an alternate universe
where I just didn't care at all
and that everything I am now
just never happened?

What if there was an alternate universe
where at every point in time
I was positioned
slightly to the left?
Hmm. Just some things I think about I guess. Interesting to me, but probably not to you lol
Jennifer Feb 2018
i cast my soul into the air -
let my mind carry it to a
familiar land that
only i can envision.

here, but also
somewhere else.

i am always caught somewhere
in between.
Andrew Durst Dec 2017
I think I'll fall asleep in an hour
I think I'll be dead in a week
I'm sick of bitter arrogance-
it isn't something unique.
In fact it's kind of grotesque
the way I choose to progress
it's like i'm slowly
cutting from my
and stopping
at my chest.
Do you get it yet?
Do you find it hard to understand?
Am I not what you were looking for
or do I need to be better than I am?
I'm only asking.
I think that's fair.
But then again I'm getting acquainted with
I tell myself it isn't real.
I try to believe that you care.
But all that goes out the window when
I see you are not there.
It's unusual;
the way I trip
over myself.
Therapists and teachers
always said I needed help.
But I didn't believe them.
Ignorant was how I felt.
Trapped, corner,
I was ****** with what was dealt.
Just know that I didn't keep it.
I just walked right on out.
And for every moment
I've been defeated-
at least I wasn't

someone else.
Full of stupid errors but it felt good to let this all go.
So enjoy for what it is. Thank you.
.  .  .

Your name is music!
Your shape is sleek,
Loose yet tensing edges,
As if the story is at it’s peak!

A book in amethysta,
A book in pretty ink,
A book with pretty lies and a beautiful mistake!

A poem in amethysta,
A poem like it’s touch,
Will a hear a poem that describes itself this much?

Pretty little style,
Soothing words you speaks,
A font for writing pretty lies for all the world to see.
I wrote this poem about a font.
Rose L Jun 2017
God! Bring me down a trail of violets -
Bright violets for my love who drinks too much.
For we felt no fault in evenings spent dancing to old songs,
writhing, primordial dancers, our shadows burnt onto the rocks behind by fire
the air gliding around us like water in a stream.
We are heavy things. Our bones are filled with blood
and when we grasp eachother we rip the stems apart
And oily petals seep from underthings.
Red, thick hot oily petals
Rose petals, broken from the bud
That weep for us, and die for us, as we lie
Clasped together like thorns
Too late to continue our travels together
I will come back and bury you, I promise.
Àŧùl May 2017
"I will take you higher,"* he had said.
"Where will you take me,"* she demanded.
"Beyond the stars & nebulae," he professed.
"How will you take me there," she whispered.
"Come down on me as I sleep," he paused.
"And what will you do," she continued.
"Then I will take you higher," he gabbled.
"What is going to be your next move," she moaned.
"Land on me subtly, my lover," he invited.
"Oh sure, my fomenter," she groaned.
"As my rocket will launch," he gibbered.
"Oh yeah, my crazy tormentor," she cried.
"On a higher level our happiness will be."* he splattered.
My HP Poem #1536
©Atul Kaushal
Brent Kincaid Nov 2016
I most certainly did know Joe
He was my friend you know.
I knew him for a decade or so.
I always enjoyed the Joe Show.

Joe was rather different,
Sometimes even diffident.
He got in some predicaments,
But I was his instrument.

I called it the Joe Show because
Joe was sort of like Santa Claus.
When he came into a room
He would disspell all the gloom.

It was hard to outshine Joe;
The coolest guy you could know.
He was the best of friends, so
I should have told you, Joe don’t go
But I was clueless, I didn’t know.

All of the good times we once knew
All of the silliness we went through.
So many memories of me and you.
Who can predict what fate will do?

Joe made me feel special,
Like I was living in a serial.
He was usually amenable.
Sometimes ministerial.

Now I have no more time to go
I never told you I’d miss you so.
I just couldn’t because I didn’t know.
I never got to tell you, Joe don’t go.
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