The poorest man would say he's rich in heart,
The richest man would say he's poor in spirit,
The happiest man does cry in secret,
The saddest face laughs when no-one is looking,
The patient man has no rush to death,
The busiest man hasn't got the time to drop and die,
The dreamer longs to fly so high,
The insomniac buries his head in the dirt of hopes.
So what of me, in the list?
I'm the poorest when it comes to being romantic; but rich
in my words of flirt. The richest of all my written love
poems; but the poorest in having a love to share them with.
I'm the happiest man when I cry myself to sleep in secret; and truly at my saddest when their eyes are no longer looking at me.
I'm patient on my morals, that keep me separate from death;
but at my stress, I rush into the thoughts of just dropping dead.
And I could dream a thousand times of wanting to fly; though
the insomnia of my creativity, is buried in deep thought.
All that you'd expect me to love, I'd surely hate. And so
I'm unknown to the actual truth of many peers. Who would know me by name, but never my real title.
I am Mr Untitled.