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Rosalie Walker Nov 2014
Someone made flowers bloom in my chest,
I'm choking
I wish the flowers were yellow,
Not red.

I felt the silver touch
On my back
As I laid there

You held me tight,
Until I closed my eyes,
I watched the sky,
The last thing on my sight.

Everything went black,
And the last thing I felt
Was a kiss on the forehead.
mjk plumage Sep 2014
There's nothing to see but abandon
Humans had nests everywhere, still away they flew
There's no civilization except evolved bloodlust organisms
Apocalypsing that which we once knew
With nothing on creatures except ruined skin and spores
Plant-infested creatures and beings - the outbreak was too quick and too new
There's no chance of survival except one-in-a-million
Too many victims from when everything overgrew
There's no way to shelter but running
From the terrible undead truth
There's no way to defend but attack
It's what everyone now has to do
There's no way to cope with the knowledge
When you finally figure out the clue
There's no way to fight once you finally know
What exactly you're fighting through
There's no way to stay in order
All survivors desiring 'He overthrew'
There's no warning when they make their strike
Distracted by your infighting, they bit with the venom of yew
There's no hope when the infection spreads further
Into the ranks of your few
There's no more love from a friendship of years
When from her mouth, poison and blood start to spew
There's nowhere to escape when they come again
The most intelligent of them have come for you
There's no way to survive but sacrifice
Let them throw your bones in their stew
There's no way to live but die
This way, you will be born anew
plants vs zombies? plant zombies.
Kenshō Aug 2014
Broken skin and tattered shields;
Frozen souls wander a fiery battlefield.
One with human senses notices the pain,
Stops to the side and pushes off the dust and grain.
A warlord who is hurt himself is doing this!
I reach with my hand only to have it torn off my limb.
You are a necrotic soul:
Blissfully decaying, alone and cold.
Auss May 2014
It has started to seem
Like from a strange dream.
That we are undead
but it seems that by death we are lead.
It guides us like a father
comforts like a mother
Teases us like a sister
Protects us like a brother
We undead, who love destruction,
Are left on earth with one instruction.
Burn the earth
and show some mirth
Toward the abandoned breed.
And death will give us all we need.

It's a new generation
Let's make our own nation
Populated by the undead
By our deadly parent we are fed
Reject my dear friend, every time I have a writers block you provide me inspiration. I love your works. I hope that my own will make a good dip **** to yours.
Late dusk falls
on statuesque trees
old and wise as the millennia they've stood through;
the slanting sunlight bursting through
the leafless branches
seems vibrant and ******;
garishly parading its natural glory
and vision to the lone pedestrian who walks there.
Looking longingly at the rim of transparent darkness
crowding just above the horizon,
he walks on-
the daylight is not for him-
nor the sweet colors of all the flowers
that stand to spring from the moistened earth
and grow to grey withering dust-
as all things must-
as he will never do.
the night slows the advance of life;
and he feels empty and alone-
the cloying air is not as sweet as it once was,
the dark earth beneath is too inviting,
too hungry,
and the songs of birds seem sad and prolonged now.
He walks on in abnormality-
his physical being an utter sham,
his soul long gone and devoured...
At last the sun dies, and the moon rises gloriously
shedding unnatural light,
and unnatural life,
on the man who once lived.
Invocation Apr 2014
I don't know what to do or how to handle these feelings
Then I get an apathetic streak
I treat everything with such indifference
And then I just feel pain.

I see others constant updates on how many pills they want to take.
But I feel like this is so beyond me.
Where am I?
Are you there?

— The End —