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Cheyenne Dec 2016
Tracing constellations,
Across a dark abyss
A simple line, 'cross space and time
Making sense of rifts

A twinkle in our pupils:
Ancient light well traveled
But while we gaze through earthly haze
The universe unravels
Stars twinkle in mercury light

air walks through deep forest

child paint dreams
Dreams Of A Child(HAIKU)
L Marie Jul 2016
You are so ordinary
With beautiful qualities,
Just like everybody
Has something
Beautiful about them.

You have flaws
That shine as bright as sunlight,
Just like everybody
Has something
That makes them human.

Yet I love you,
Not them,
So I ask:

You have beautiful eyes, yes
But so do so many others.
You have a great wit about you,
But still, so do so many others.
We have common interests,
You can be stubborn but keep your manners,
And we can talk about anything,
But yet again, so do so many others.

So I repeat:
I love you,
Not them,
But why?

It all happened in an instant--
An unsuspecting moment--
When someone else was talking,
I looked around the room
And I met your gaze.

The moment before, I was free
And the moment after, I was not.

Your eyes smiled,
No lips needed
To convey the twinkle
That caught my heart.

All in an instant,
I fell in love,
All too deeply
With you.
KathleenAMaloney Jul 2016
You Put A Smile
On My Face

To Truth

Comes Highest
Of All
You put a Smile on My Face
Maria Imran Apr 2016
Twinkle, twinkle little star
I miss your twinkle from afar
Nights I have sobbed, days I have cried
With your smile I can forget each scar
So twinkle, twinkle little star!
Sonya L Dec 2015
I saw a twinkle in the Sky
    it wasn't a star i see anymore
the clouds creeping far above
    i heard the plane say
"i'll hold your wish with love"
Alexa Sinclair Nov 2015
Twinkle twinkle little star
I know what you really are.

You set me high up in the sky
Gazed at me with perfect eyes.

We talked late into the night
I even thought you just might

Love me too,
The way I do you

Then you left, and with a frown
Allowed me to come crashing down.
Dee Bach Oct 2015
The stars twinkle against the dark sky wishing you a goodnight,
and as a promise of the beautiful day that lies ahead of you.
Aditi Kumar Sep 2015
I finally figured out
Mankind's obsession with stars.
They are ten thousand lifetimes away.

We can see them from such a great distance,
Even though they are shrouded by the all-consuming night.

They signify love,
They twinkle only for our eyes.

They are so lonely,
In a void that consumes everything.
But they all come together
Just to give us a sky worth remembering.

They are the only things that we can't touch.
They are
The only things that don't hurt us back.
And that is why
They are the only things we can trust
With our deepest secrets.
Stardust in our eyes is what makes us see the world around us.
Late at night she walked outside
There wasn't a sound;
Not even a cricket in sight.
She pulled out her lighter and lit her cigarette.
The click of the lighter echoed through the dark cold night.
She looked up above as the moon shined bright;
Surrounded by stars;
She gazed at all the time;
But this time there was something different;
When she looked up she felt a twinkle in her eye.
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