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Lure me in
With a melody of trust
But bury me deep
Under the dust
Hold out your heart
But tear mine apart
Leave me alone
After the love you have shown
Miriam Aug 2020
Will you be my hope in the darkness
Will you  love me no matter what
Will you be my light
My knight in shining armour
Will you will lift me up when I fall
Will you dive right in when it feels like I’m drowning
And will you build me up
When I don’t know where to begin
Copyright © 2020
Yasmin Arnavout Aug 2020
I lay here
The music flowing through the waters of my body
And i watch it
Where will it go next? Where will it take me? Where will I let it?
I am not truly afraid
I close my eyes and envision its journey
Sometimes stormy others still
Each leading into the next
A wholeness that cannot be dissected
Trying to trust as I lay here
I watch as my belly rises, knowing that it’ll fall when it is supposed to
Trusting in my ability to live for I am alive in this moment
We ask too many questions sometimes
Ell R Aug 2020
a poem is a gift,
given to those who are worthy
those who you can trust
not to hold you at their mercy.

a poem is a gift
for the ones after you
it touches the hearts of many
and opens the eyes of few.

a poem is a gift
which arises out of silence
it says what speech cannot
and offers some guidance.

a poem is a gift
for you to beautifully express
what you truly feel
for those who know you best.
Jupiter Aug 2020
we were bestfriends instantly,
it took me just seconds to choose you,
and only a minute to realize,
i’d do anything to never lose you.

from our first conversation,
right up to our very last,
i loved you every second,
but our love is in the past.

i’ll never forget your secrets,
or how we’d lay together to rest,
i won’t forget your hugs,
or how we’d share our every waking breath.

its very tragic how you left me,
you promised you’d never leave,
but now you live so freely,
and i cant remember how to breathe.

i forgive you for breaking my trust,
for breaking my heart and my soul too,
i guess now its time to move on,
but oh babe, how i miss you.
Alice Aug 2020
I tried to write a poem for you.
I tried to put it in words.
but the only thing I can think to say is

I love you. and
Thank you.
you're the only thing I know is real
Sammi Yamashiro Aug 2020
that fickle antimatter;
still, I subsidize.
Victoria Aug 2020
Thrown in ice water
It stings my whole body
Numbing my pain
But drowning me nonetheless
The safe hands of my father save me
from the death that was trying to claim me
I thaw to his touch
His love radiates through me
and brings me life
I am so brittle, like a snowflake
And yet in his control I am alive
My fear has melted to a pool of trust
from which my father shall drink
Breath by breath I am close to life
Only in his hands
Only in his hands
Only in my fathers hands, can I breathe.
My forgetfulness is a more successful entity than even I at times.
My trust in regretfulness often gets the better of me.

But yea,
I hunker down,
surrounded by unforgetfulness of the lack of silence.
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