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Jacob Lyons Aug 2020
My name was removed from the list
You left the comma, to show I’m missed
I filled the gap, when you let me in
We had to end to begin once again
I like this one
SiouxF Aug 2020
Follow your gut
For it’s your
Inner compass
Your guide
To the truth

But first
You need to
Introduce yourself
And listen
LWZ Aug 2020
How do you not think about me as you fall asleep?

I think about you.
The energy exists, whether we like it or not.
I trust my intuition more than I trust myself.

Sometimes it's the only thing that makes sense.
It's words are worthy.

I see it in your eyes.
I feel it in your touch.
I fight the intuition because I feel I'm not good enough.

The image is undeniable.
I wish it would disappear
Soon I will become broken, and
I will take far too long to reappear.

Yet, I will remain adventurous..until you absolutely refute.

How do you not think about me when you fall asleep..
I think about you.
Whisper Yes Aug 2020
When I message you
It's often my young excitable loving care free baby that messages
She wants to play
To connect
To be in your world
To have you in hers

There is a naivety in this
That comes at a price
It costs me emotionally

It's up to me to love and care for my baby
To learn to keep her safe
To notice when she hurts

You remain in my heart
That causes some confusion
Makes me wonder if I've said it all
If I've been vulnerable
If I've made clear the depth of what I feel

May I lay it down
May I trust in love
Trust in my self
Trust in the mystery
And may I release control

You are my teacher
This love is a teacher
A teacher in being with what I can't control
Learning to live with love, loss, regret, beauty, hope and faith
All of it
Becoming strong enough to hold it all
SiouxF Aug 2020
I know not
Who, what, or where I am
Have I peered into Pandora’s box
With its labyrinth of ersatz delights?
Am I lost down a rabbit hole
With no exit to find?
Am I free falling in eternal space?
I know not anymore
What’s real, what’s not
Who can I trust, or not
But I trust you
I come to you
8th August 2020, Lionsgate Day
Louisa Coller Aug 2020
It falls apart.

A string of hope?
No, it survived.

A thread of the soul?
Intact, it's muddled up.

A simple heart string?
It feels sore but not gone.

What was it then?

If I do not trust anyone,
It is only because I can not be trusted.
dexter Aug 2020
Executive dysfunction
Blurred lines, blurred vision
Sleeping in the grass
Sun set / sun rise, time passing like morning dew eases away from forested valleys' lake.
Slipping away, like sand through my fingers, drift into space.
I'm living slowly, lonely these endlessly numbered days.
Dazed, hazy, wake bake skate.
Mindful meaning
Fleeting smiles sink into me
Can we stay for a while?
Grinning beneath unlucky skin
Sinner within undercover
No lover, no friends
No pool No Pets No Cigarettes
No sleep, finding safety beneath a poet-tree
Seeking sanctity in sacred places.
Harmony is heavenly
Rise and shine! Levitate and radiate!
Never trust tomorrow, embrace whatever comes of today.
Karijinbba Aug 2020
And so many dreams
do not breathe
in the face of a harsh reality
or drowning in the shock silence
of a lovely once upon a time
ancient scripted surprice.

Playing old sad unkind songs
can't help much either
Only loves songs pry open
the gold lack, gold key mystery.
Spilling ones gold heart out
loud and clear is point key.

Understanding others
and self is fundamental
fireworks delight;
winning trust,
Your gold key lover mine
opens my gold lock.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights
Revised 08-2020-
No more sad songs please play some nice music let the music play I want to dance the night away untill this misery subsides
the blade burn of gaps.
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