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I am no fool,
Not a person to by played with,
You cannot trick me,
Expecting to get away with it.

But if you dare to do,
I will dare to challenge you,
I prefer a battle of wits,
To see which of us wins the day.
I feel foolish lately, I've been tricked it seems and I will not take it easy.
pulling a RABBIT
out of its HAT,
or the SLIGHT of HAND,
Now what do you
think of THAT??
We are just AMAZED,
Have us talking for DAYS,
On how we think it was DONE,
reveal the secrets
Otherwise, WATCHING
it was FUN!!!!

Date: 9/10/2024
Kiernan Norman Sep 2024
Remember when you heard my name for the first time?

You thought it was a play on words;

I said it was just a play,

and you laughed like you knew the difference.

Remember the glittering forever you saw in my eyes?

I told you it was a trick of the light.

You said it was just a trick, but
we could make it real by wanting it—so I started wanting it.

You asked about my favorite lie, and I said, “I don’t know.”

You laughed, either because you got it,

or because you didn’t—and that was just as funny.

You didn't lift the weight of my words,

how they sank like stones in my stomach, obscuring my glitter,

waiting to see if you'd notice when they lost their shimmer.

Remember why we didn’t drive to the coast?

You thought I was scared of the ocean,

but I knew it had swallowed too many endings already.

The waves couldn’t wash away your ambiguity;

they would only drown my swell no salt could soften.

Remember that postcard I never sent?

You shouldn’t, but I feel like you would.

I wrote it one night in a knot of longing and spite:

“Wish you were here, but it might be better that you’re not.”

How many Dear John's sit sealed, unsent,

lost in transit between what was promised and what was kept?

Between what was enchanted, and what’s now dead?

Remember the night I asked what you'd save in a fire?

You said, “Everything.”

Like you could shove hearts and histories into pockets

without splitting seams. You can’t escape unscathed,

lock the door, and not stink of the charred bits you abandoned.

Meaning things and speaking things are not the same,

and if I wasn’t choking on smoke, I might try to tell you:

some things are meant to burn—

Some things are both the light and the trick
and the play goes on regardless.
Maria Mitea Jul 2023
we learned to sit like birds on a wire,
the bicycle,
unicycle, the backward somersault,
the front somersault, the chair on the wire,
the bed on a cloud,
seated in a hyperloop toilet,
96 in an 8,
jumping through hoops: what we are doing here?
it looks almost unreal, so
we started to reinvent the wire, like emil cioran,
we reinvented insomnia and
the otherness …
You thought, this life's a game of chess
And you're the queen of this play
And everyone else is nothing more than a pawn
Who's only there to die for your victory...
But you never cared for those little hearts inside those walking pawns
Which always craved to get embraced
But fell for your tricks of use and throw...

You're the grandmaster of this game
So you caught another pawn out of me
Played with my emotions, manipulated my empathy
And you hid behind my back to escape that battlefield
But I understood your tricks the moment you made potions out of my riddled heart..!

And now that I've realized your true intentions
I won't be that pawn for you anymore
Your manipulation won't work on me
And the armor that safeguarded you won't protect you any longer...
But I'm not saying, you'll stay unarmed in this game
After all, you're the queen of chess
And I'm pretty sure, you'll catch another pawn out of someone/somewhere..!
Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2022
Someone once told me;

"it's so magical to fall in love,"
And that they could never spell the words.
But love is also made up of a few tricks.
A disappearing act, when those lovey dovey
feelings don't last.

A play of hand, to lose touch of yourself,
A flip of the card asking,

"was this your love all along"
And with a flash of my wand; let's pretend all
those arguments are gone.

"Who cares whether you were right, and I
was wrong," pulling out the bunny out of the hat;
to play innocent.

Tell me where did it even come from?

But I don't hate love, just it's many magicians.
Painting a bad picture of love, to a blind eye.
The crowd awes and cheers, not noticing
what's truly behind. But I've seen behind the trick;
of love's bad side.

Still love is magical, I suppose to those
who can't see further, but just the dot on
the tip of their nose. But who really knows;
until you've been exposed to the feeling.
Where often morals go, and no remorse flows.

I guess that's what makes love so magical?
Ken Pepiton Dec 2021
I suppose, all that has been said, is said to have been contained
in the canon… what I means to say, I mean
its eber-tongue
hen en-I,
Enkidu, where are you?

Dusty trails, speak well of water on this way.
The deer and the antelope drink every day.
In the time
I was alive, many lies fought for my attention.

I knew more than one thing about every thing,
I thought I could be of best use
as a sharer.
teller of told tales, singer
of the songs in the air, and then
was radio,
and I was a child,
listening… with many more of my sort than anticipated
hearing white noise laced with wishes once
made bound to regulated times and steps
- odd boom boom doom boom
-on and on as tellers call all ye told old tales come in
right way to keep time to come
become time to go be,
- odd boom boom doom boom - odd boom boom doom boom
-on and on as dancers call all ye  ol'doe-see-doe
- edge of ever on a tiny spider's kite, we are the light
weyekin, we guide you, when you listen,
this is the way
walk ye, init, set
drop. Settle, solid, si,
walk the canyon, our grandfather, on my mother line,
built, and as he built, he
J.C.Boyett, met a man, willing to use a picked up magic
trick to make a trail to the bottom,
for to make somebody rich
prospectin' for batshit,
yep, nitrates, as in
nitro-glycering, stabilized with tarry pine saw dust
tight, right, in a Mason Jar, metaphorically speaking,
if we agree to make this easy,
we can move the invisible crystal mountain. AI gotcha.
thinking may
be a giant radio, making us think
reality has this.
This and other resting places, landmarks, history set
for me, I was only there, one of the other Gumps,
who lived to rear unbroken children,
free from financial dread,
at the common level labor class,
endentured and polygripped

we can bite off more than most can swallow,

as collected from bits and pieces of literature,
literal retelling of tales told to teach
a child choice,

choose the good and hate, wait, hate

ta, beel gotta be paid,
the attention, usual tip to jump start
an actual engine

Definition: "good for nothing", an Aramean (Syrian)

who says, idunno, but AI may, say may is my word,
may obeys me, as if I may know any thing
to any depth. And never interpret the vision as reason
for war.

Truth to you be, flush the lies you know now, you hold,
to hold others to the task of paying attention,

for nothing, save the use of knowing how to
read, when you wish to know
the meaning of a thing, any known, on any level of life's
pearling swirl of pushing and pulling and playing

no winning innings or taking bats,
or running laps, prepped to punish any who displedge
alliegiance to the story as we hold it
in our military mind. Semper fi, and they say Boo, Jah
these days, having failed to feel the loss

the faith of our mother's, born up under,
until the time I was alive, simultaneously
with more sublingual mortal minds hearing
Good Night Irene, from those ***** ******
hill billy sangers, boy, howdy
we sang, dang me

re boots
made for walkin'
down hill side, shale,
takin' to a realm of reasons to sense,
not see, but know, a breach

in the barriers we can construct in stories,
now, we got cg, we see all the drama
an instants worth of attention can attach
an insult
- that takes a thousand generations to hit
in a Bible story, an old novel, core cast
architypes pro-fess phet

bet is equal to Prophesyorsci
or greater than con-fess? Guesses are bets.

Set. In a white room,
with black curtains, as seen on tv, after
where ever is breached

and each signal passing skin is in harmony
with each interdigitating arachnoid fiber
cocooning my brain and spine,
Arachoid mater, spider mother, mo'fo, gnoso
gnoshit *** passt the final antennae array to activate

the tree of science has far deeper,
primal laughs

than any mind made up to provoke umph,
umph, umph
as a song, so some day we may sing along
an umph umph song

remembering a certain time, when certain songs
was always secret ethos exoto notta chance

they dance in hell, but in the visions,
always they be dancin'
in the dark
we don't seeum, see, the spirits, are all that
survives, soul
is locked in history whoever tells it same longest
lives, who ever forgets
is helpless. without the filter, pro-vided, and marked
as a brand. the Wombed version had the mods to insulate
the lizard's gift of quick
once, held, no flow go no will to be
right, we needed to add the topgraphmap thingy

polymerical mira distinct walls with nanomeros singing
or dancing
laughing, yes, yessing yes, is what that is

children laughing, on a cold and dreary day.
What good does it do to say nothing I mean? Who really owns the internet...
Big Virge Sep 2021
So What’s The TRICK...
To Good Relationships... ?!?

Because Women And Men...
Seem To Have Problems...
In Making Them Work...
Like Chicken And ****... !!!

They Seem To Use Tricks...
And A Lot of Things...
That Prove To STING... !!!

Like... Having Kids...
Or YES... Children...
As Well As Lying...
Or That’s Right Pretence... !!!

To Get Into Beds...
And Have Some ***...

And Then Pretend...
To Be... “ In Love “... !!!

Instead of Just Friends...
Who’ve Had Some FUN...

Now Discussions Have Run...
That Have Proven To Me...
That Tricks And Stunts...
Are What People Believe...

Cos’ They’re Fooled EASILY...
So Then Get Married...

Because of Tricks...
From ******* And *****...

And Of Course Other Things...
Like... Diamond Rings...
And BIG HOUSES... !!!

Because Material Living...
Is What Impresses Women...
Who Are Down With Gold Digging...
Instead of … Sound Thinking...

And Men Or Yes Boys...
Want Female Toys...
To Abuse And Employ...
For The *** They Enjoy...

So TRICK These Chicks...
Who Are Far Too Quick...
To Open Their Lips...
For A Piece of ****...
That’s Quick To Split...
When It Comes To Kids...
And Being HONEST... !!!

And Of Course Nowadays...
Men Are Constantly Shamed...
For Having Male Traits...
So Are Made To BEHAVE...
By The Women They Lay...

And Are Treated As If...
They’re Some Naughty Kid... !!!

“Don’t Say This !
And Don’t Say That !
If You Want To Have Me ?
You Will Follow My Lead !”

Things Are Kinda CRAZY... ?!?
When Today’s Feminists...
Are Worse Than Chauvinists... !!!

You See Many Are USED...
And Are FAR From... True...
When It Comes To *** Moves...

Like ******* *****...
Or Licking *****...
And **** Grooves...
And That’s The TRUTH... !!!

And Some People Will Pull...
ALL Kinds of Ruse...
To Keep Things Cool...
So That They Don’t Lose...
*** Partners Who...
They’re Really NOT Into... !?!

And Down Low Moves...
Are Now Being Proved...
To Be Used By Dudes...
And Women Too...

From Men Who Be Fronting...
About **** Loving...
To Girls Who Swerve...
Into Same *** Worlds...

It’s A World U n f u r l e d...
Where Many Are TRICKED...
By How Things REALLY Work...
In MOST Relationships...

And DON’T Get Me Started...
On Those Telling FIBS... !!!

About Just HOW GREAT...
Their Relationship Is... !!!

Because Many Will Stray...
From The Truth To Display...
That They’re IN LOVE...
And Put Up... FRONTS...

When They Do NOT Communicate... !?!
In Ways That Are STRAIGHT...
Because They Are Weaker...
Than... ******* Teachers... !!!

So I Guess That’s Why...
I Don’t Have A Wife...
Or Woman By My Side...

Because I’m The Type of Guy...
Who DOESN'T Tell LIES...

And Who Really Doesn’t  Like...
To... Compromise... !!!

To Have Relationships...
That Choose To Exist...

In A World of Falseness...
Liars And...

......... “ Tricks “........
They are indeed, tricky things to navigate....
Oil and vinegar,
Sugar and spice,
Lust is ****** up,
and love is nice.
Lust can fool you,
to thinking you love,
or she/he loves you,
But be careful of the wolf
that will attack you.
Oil and vinegar,
Sugar and spice,
love is ****** up,
but also nice.
Keep that in mind, when you sing this song.
That love is not the game yet for the lust we play.
How it tricks us into being the fool of a lusters game.
The game of love, comes far and wide, but beware of what will **** you on the inside. Lust is the mantle of the party, keep your heart open and eyes open, for what may **** you is the beast within the cupid tail.
Carson Mia Dec 2020
You were The Magician
Of course I was The Rabbit
You locked me in a cage
Said, "No one else can have it"

You love to trick the crowd
Showing off your every Illusion
But The Rabbit sees through your lies
Abracadabra: There's no confusion
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