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KR Feb 2020
Yet I’m in it
My heart is full
Yet I’m empty
My mind is in motion
Yet I stand still
My body is strong
Yet I am weak
What fuels a raging fire?
What makes the sea calm?
Who aches for redemption?
Who is buried below the ashes?
Fall into the abyss and find nothing
We sit here waiting, telling you to write
So we can read something that makes us feel inside
But when the author is in pain
We feel the most
Because pain is the easiest thing to feel
We can all relate
We sit amazed as we are cut by the author's blade

I've wrote enough poems to entertain a country
I've let people with a knife made of words left twisted in their chest
Some of them guak and wonder how they found entertainment
My words are harsh
They are blunt
But my blade made of words
Is enough to entertain all of us
This was wrote because I don't generally like people, and I was tired of them, so I wrote something to entertain people
Marri Feb 2020
I’m tired.

Why am I doing all the work?
Because I care?
Because I’m a woman?
Because I’m stupidly in love with you?

You’re crazy.

And I’m tired, tired of it, and
Tired of you.

Get up and help me.
Get up and put some effort into me.
Get up and kiss me for once.

You’re right.
We aren’t learning anything here,
But how selfless devotion is a waste of time.
You were right,
I’m not the girl for you.
(I never will be).

You’re definitely not the man I thought you’d be.

You taste like hypocrite.
You taste like dark stupid masculinity.
And, baby, it doesn’t taste sweet.

Let’s just hope you taste as sweet as you feel.
At the Top
On the Edge
Filled with Anticipation
and Excitement

the rug was pulled out
from under its feet

the stairs
the marble goes

each step
the marble bounces
and down

from the Edge
it started from
the marble drops


and no more
the marble no longer falls
for it is
at the bottom

where it no longer falls
it moves

the marble rolls
from side to side




and sits there


I want to feel disappointed
I want to feel like I have failed
But the feeling I feel most often
Is feeling impervious to things that should bother me most

I know what I should feel
unease, disheartened, and anxious
But all I feel is placid, empty, and slightly annoyed

So I sit on my bed at 2 am and wait for something to fill me
Fear, determination, or irritation
so I can fill out the papers next to me
even with the knowledge of its utter importance
I still couldn't give a ****
Cherish Feb 2020
Stop relying the memories
For hopes
No more
imehsahdehahs Feb 2020
Like pain




life is pain

life Is pain

you can't lose it


you can't keep it

life is pain

all the voices in my head

put me upon your cross

Let me live

Let me live

Let me live

I don't care about her or

anyone else

leave me alone

and take your nails


just for the nails

not for miss

just for nails

not for miss

keep the rest

I don't wanna it anymore

"I am the Nails"
Sylph Feb 2020
Late night wishes
To be sleeping in your arms
Smelling your scent
Feeling yours arm holding me
Against your warm skin
The rise and fall of your chest
As you breathe in and out
Searching through drafts
Sorta worth sharing I think
Anna Wakefield Feb 2020
I read, like an open book
All others can see the words written on my pages.
I contain tales, read as secretive,
A hushed whisper that only a handful have seen.

But how many times has this booked been checked out?
A sea of white masks, deadpan through the years
So cherished once, now faded, emotionless.
Forgotten both to me, and I to them.

My secrets are secrets no more -
I own my past, without connecting to it.

I am an open book, because who has to connect with a story?
People can project on a tale,
As what better to have in a confidant, than a horror story?
Something you can read from the comfort of your bed,
A scary, scarred, stream of words that still seem otherworldly.

Frankenstein’s monster will never be faced –
So, too, is this failures’ life.

You understand, you say.
You sympathise, you say.

But how can you, when I checked myself out long ago.
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