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Goodnight, sleep tight
I'll love you even after the days light
Dreaming for another embrace
Hoping to see your beautiful face
I'll never leave, I'll stand with you
Over the years, you'll see it's true
I'm yours, I'll try to be like no other
I'll try to make you happy, while I tuck you under the covers
Please, have an amazing night everyone <3
b e mccomb May 2019
i want to
into my sheets
let my body fall
apart in flakey
pieces like
pastry dough
to float away
in sleep where
life can’t hurt me

to let my skin
peel off and
crumble into
my bed
let the blankets
creep up over me
like myrtle
overtaking a yard

i want
to dissolve
drift back in time
to when the weight
on my back could
be lifted by coming
home and taking
off the backpack

want to
so that the sum
total of who i am
isn’t even
just a formless
soft and hazy
quietly breathing
mound of nothingness

i don’t want
to be here
i want to be
in bed
a bed where i
don’t have to get
up in the morning
don’t have to make
myself move from
just a bed where
i can sleep
and sleep


let me
copyright 5/11/19 by b. e. mccomb
martha May 2019
1:19am again

spine curls into a question mark
hands sing sonatas of symbols
while head keeps track of seconds passed
and days lost

toes tuck absent-mindedly into socks
shy and scared of being sought
for hiding in such a place
their secret hideaway in sleep

hearts still thumping
says goodnight to bloodstreams
with quiet pulsing kisses

bathes the rest of body
in thin coats of keep steady

ready to deliver dreams
fated to their impermanence
violetstarlights May 2019
came to drown myself
in your ocean- yet all you
gave was a puddle
violetstarlights May 2019
what should one feel
when after so,
they come back to see
that nothing has changed?

is it truly my intention
to find calamity
from dormancy?

or is it correct to be of deep concern
that what i have lived for
has died long,

does the walking corpse need say more
when it's last words have already been uttered?
or is the second chance worthless,
when it is destined to wander lifelessly forever?

what am i to be truly afraid of?
the change, or the possibility it brings?

if the standstill of my home
no longer welcomes me with delight,
then is it really home anymore?
or am i whining too much,
for it has never actually changed?

the abundance of change
terrified me.
but now that it is gone...

i am yearning for it.
and i do not know why.
so yeah being dehydrated at 1 am is pretty fun
aury May 2019
these days feel quiet,
so muted and blurry.
as May drags on
i find myself searching.
searching for memories of you
down every avenue.
time moves slow
like your fingers tracing my lips.
but sometimes far too fast
like our drives down I-90.
i wish i could just press pause
and take it all in.
truly feel the moment
because i never know when it ends.
i just want summer to rush in
I buried one friend last August,
I buried another one last month,
For a year I’ve struggled to help another friend over come addition and failed,
Another person: who kept me sane through my wild teenage years, buried his girlfriend recently, and in turn he buried his feelings with drugs and alcohol, we celebrated his one year of sobriety only a few months ago, no one ever mentioned how morbid your 20’s could be.

So inclusion I think pharmaceutical company’s should have to include “ heartbreak” on their labels, as a side effect too opioids.
I know death is just another part of life, but I never thought I’d have to deal with so much of it before I’d even lived a quarter of a century. Reality is a harsh mistress.
josie May 2019
If I am constantly told that
my grades do not define me,
then why has my entire life
been centered around making
them perfect?
Why do you not care if I
have values or morals but
instead care if I know what
the hypotenuse of a triangle is?
Why am I graded on how much
I can jam in the already
stuffed file cabinets of my brain
when I am constantly told
I am more than my GPA?
Tierramxrie May 2019
I wish my heart can just give up on you because I am tired of feeling these feelings knowing you feel nothing.
I wish they can go away.
Cherish May 2019
Should i be happy or sad?

Woke up blurred, picking up a unknown call, thought the call was just some mutual friends of mine
You asked where am i?
I answered im at home

This voice is so familiar
Alot memories came through while you were asking me to guess who are you.

Just one try, i got it right.
Its really you, did god hear my prayer?

The call was less than 10 minutes
But i was ******* happy
The call ended smoothly without holding grudges like the last time we end things.

I just feel so completed as if i had finish a important task.

Let me sleep in peace now, forever.

I felt more relaxed now.
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