Smoke danced off the tongue Rolling with movements untouched Breathing with each snap Moments of the muse Whisper into my ear Rumbles of thunder shutter at eyes Short blinks to realize
Sun bursts into the sky Leaping colors form under thigh Bleed into the brush and let moments slip Concrete your mind yet your thoughts still drip Propose a masterpiece one of bright blues For you my eyes speak of faded glues Stuck in rewind I give you my hand Lead me by collar to the promised land Stationary in place frozen you gleam Staring through reflection my pulse should beam Strawberries and sunny nights I do watch Nothing more to our likeness; a room for the klatch
Blood has risin Fallen under the demise of gluttony Throats shutter in a flourished gleam Spilling out their smokes; the evil stream With closed eyes the horizon did strike I was the one who favored spite Invisible to eyes the mind grew thin Wearing down from the mask of sin Oh sweet child have you strayed so far? In the final moment did I become a star Ripples of triumph I have fought death Swimming towards light For one last breath Decrepit old sun burnt out and cold Heart wondered beat less Fortune favored the bold
there is no guarantee that we will ever be free I can't tell you why the rain pours and the people mourn there is no guarantee that we will ever find peace I can't tell you why we go to war and why he called you a ***** there is no guarantee that we will ever be happy I can't tell you why half of us are on anti-depressants and why we are fighting the resistance I can't tell you why there is no guarantee
They never tell you when the rain comes- They can tell you to prepare for it, but when it hits, the rain just pours. And you never know when the storm is gonna hit