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Saint Audrey Sep 2018
Everything will fade away
But I'll still be staying here
In my crumbling dream

Nothing for this ache
Bright against the light of day
The centerpiece

For the first time, in a long time
For the very first time...

Vacate every side in space
One last chance that we could take

Moth writhing in the flames
Never meant to be
Drawn up to the ledge I found
waking soulless sleep

For the first time, in a long time
Maybe for the the last time...

Take a deep breath
Sort out your answers
Take off the mask
Look through your own eyes, again
Take a deep breath
Brace for impact
Mandarin Sep 2018
Here I am
where I've been so many times before
                              nothing    is   wrong
                              yet everything is off
                              everything is wrong
My heartbeat is too fast for this to be
Why does this happen?
Why do my mind and my body disagree?
There should be no inner conflict such as this
Who would want this life
the life
of a broken

me.  I do.  I am broken.  I am strong.  I am proud.  I have potential,

                                                                                           and so do you.
Stay strong
Denise Uy Sep 2018
It's not difficult to think of stopping
when the green light is on.

******* up on an everyday basis,
when everything should be easy,
only to end up with another crisis.

Spitting out the blame on everything
instead of swallowing it down,
just to avoid the bittersweet of it all.

A bubble harder than concrete,
Tears saltier than the Dead Sea,
the waves of frustration when
expectations and reality don't meet.

Lone wolf hunting down dead leaves,
Slumped on the forest ground.
Abandoning the will to retrieve,
Giving up on the wolf that believed.

**** the perfect cups of tea.
All that's left is bitter coffee,
Not my taste but life's not sweet.
I should get used to lifting weights
and doing tons of things I hate.

Not doing well and all but I'm
trying to survive because it's
***** everything. Imma chill for a sec.
I don't aim to please, I aim to release myself from the demons that haunt me cos every night as I lay awake on my bed they taunt me and I'm not willing to take the easy way out cos that's the fools way out and in reality it's a path of greed doesn't really leave you freed from this life of strife and if I might add it's a way to another hell, cos really tell me how would you look your maker who gave you life in the face and tell him you got tired of living lost all hope and stopped believing you realise that this path ain't so relieving. Take a step back and ponder on how greedy you would be when you realise you left a lot of hurt behind in the hearts of all those who cared for you when they realize that they can no longer stare at you nor talk to you cos you're gone....... Think about it and tell me, is this the path you want to choose..... Reality hurts and life's short but don't cut it short by your own accord. Not so sane mind.

Eric Babsy Sep 2018
The bees swarm.
They do it just to explore.
Their disturbed by a potential confrontation.
For themselves and the protection of the hive yet another righteous indignation.
They fill the combs with honey.
They stay together as a family that always tells me something.
All within my dignity.
Creatures should always be approached with caution, and I feel the fear it brings within me.
As sun helps them thrive.
They still have a struggle to survive.
On this day I just seemed to pass.
The swarm was provoked by my humble passing at last.
If you know your terrain you know your danger.
This time it was not like I was a stranger.
Although I already have a plan.
It must have been fate that shook my hand.
Though I was never stung.
My fear still lives deep in my heart for that one.
Always respect the way of our earth.
Just like with any living thing it is their choice of birth.
I am not getting into politics here.
I am just warning in nature be cautious and know what is near.
If you are someplace you do not know.
Adjust accordingly and off you go.
Just know you always need family or friends.
So seek out life’s adventures to the very end.
Shruti Dadhich Sep 2018
Looking at a sharp knife in my hand,
& me going out in midnight,
She thought I was fed up & was standing near my end,
At last frightened she asked me,
       "Do you want to die?",
I told her,
       " No, just seeking for an another
          reason to survive..."
If you don't find any reason to survive, just once think of dying, trust me you will start loving your life!!!
                 Trust me, it works!!!
                   I'm experienced!!!
Mya Aug 2018
Sunrises are beautiful
a beautiful beginning of a new day
but sunsets are even better
and it shows that you have survived the entire day
without dieing
Julian Delia Sep 2018
Is-solitudni hija inkredibbli.
Il-pinna tirtogħod jien u nikteb,
Estensjoni tat-taħwid ta’ ġismi.
Inħossni qisni forti imwaqqa’, inaċċessibli.
Xi kultant, nitħajjar nitfa ruħi għall-irkant;
Nagħmel patt ma’ xi dB jew xi Gasan,
Jew inkella, mal-mexxej, l-aqwa negozjant.

Mhux xorta?
X’fiha billi nilqgħu il-partit f’darna?
Mhux l-aqwa li mmorru l-fosos bi ħġarna?

Iżda, mhux dak hu l-messaġġ;
Minn dil-lejla siekta, nixtieq niehu vantaġġ.
Xtaqt neżamina għalfejn ninsab waħdi;
Qiegħed id-dar b’ommi u missieri sular taħti,
Iżda, minflok ninsab hawn, magħluq f’kamarti.
Mistoħbi, bl-iskuża li qiegħed noħloq l-arti.

Sħabi kollha xogħol jew isaħħarhom xi eżami,
B’hekk, ninsab nirrifletti, b’espressjoni gravi.
Fejn tobsor, li ta’ tlieta u għoxrin
Tkun weħilt go ħabs mentali agħar minn Kordin?
Ċella magħmula mill-ħsibijiet,
Joħorgu qishom ħalba mis-smewwiet.

Tgħix b’mohh mixgħul ġo pajjiż li jħobb id-dlam
Tħossok distint daqs tazza inbid aħmar li waqgħet *** l-irham.
Xi kultant, mejjet tkun biex titfieh;
Xejn ma jirnexxilek tagħmel biex tistrieh.


(in English)

The solitude is incredible.
The pen shakes as I write,
An extension of my body's agitation.
I feel like a ruined fort, inacessible.
Sometimes, I fancy putting my soul up for auction;
Strike a deal with dB or Gasan (1),
Or maybe, with our leader, the best merchant (of them all).

Is it not all the same?
So what if we let the party in our household?
What does it matter,
As long as we go to il-Fosos (2), en masse?

But, that is not the message;
Of this quiet night, I'd like to take advantage.
I wanted to examine why I'm all alone;
I'm at home, with my parents a floor below me,
Yet, I find myself here, locked in my room,
Hidden, with the excuse of making art.

My friends are either working or bewitched by an exam,
Hence, I find myself reflecting, with a grave expression.
Who would've thought, at age twenty-three
I would be stuck in a mental prison worse than Kordin (3)?
A cell made of thoughts,
That come out like a storm from the heavens.

To live with an enlightened mind in a country that loves darkness
Feels as distinct as a glass of red wine spilled on a marble tile.
Sometimes, you just wish you could switch it off;
Nothing helps to give you relief.
1 = enormous local entities that have amassed wealth through the exploitation of my country and its people.
2 = a popular spot for political mass meetings in Floriana.
3 = an area in Paola where the local prison is.
Fog-grey paint on wood…
Imprisons willing hostage…
It jars - jams handle door to floor
Uterine prison seals hermetic hermit

The fawn as naked innocent born.
Cow mother forages for food…
To earn!
Boy buck lay prone; ears twitch.
Waiting to exhale.
Wolf pants foul -  
turn handle -
entry permit?

On eves gone by wolf violates fawn.
Cow mother oblivious in her providing!
Crept in!
As fawn feigned sleep…
Lupus leered, licked - abused like prey

This night young deer escapes the hunt
Lays quiet, tremulous.
Wets itself!
Chair holds!
Patriarchal coward creeps back to fetid lair
Brief reprieve?
Grow strong - pray another day!

©pofacedpoetry – Billy Reynard-Bowness (2018) – All rights reserved
When the fairytale becomes the nightmare!
Logan Aug 2018
Love is the color purple
Taking the shape of welts and bruises
Left upon my arms and neck
From stern insensitive hands

Love smells like alcohol and cigarettes
That hurl their scent from your tongue
Careening into my face
Sent from your bellowing voice

Love is the fear
Of what you'll do to me today
If you find out I went to work
And showed I wasnt okay
No rhyme scheme for this poem. Wanted write seriously with no limitations on the subject of domestic abuse.
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