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Michaela Ferris May 2020
Always wished I was taller, thinner,
walked a little taller for you.
Wished I kept quiet, kept my mouth shut,
never answered back now for you.
See I cried so many tears, wasted all my time
while I let you cast a shadow all over my life.
I only wanted to be good enough for you.

All I ever wanted was for you to see me,
Gave you everything I had to give.
Got swept up in a whirlwind, breakdown
Getting too caught up in trying to maintain your standards.
You always used to tell me to shut up,
to act a certain way when we were together...
Maybe I really was going crazy
Sara Apr 2020
It’s all smoke and mirrors
one-liner head spinners
it’s a good job I’m a thinker
so I could think better
than to waste my days
on a half-baked, head-**** love.
It could never be quite the same
as what I had in mind; just trust
that if you won’t pick me,
then I won't pick us
Don’t want to settle for less
jules Apr 2020
imagine living in a world where
“beauty products”
were non-existent
where being
the fullest expression
of yourself
was beauty enough

imagine a world where
human beings were not
shamed for the size of their bellies
defined by their number of “followers”
or judged by the colour of their skin

imagine a world where
we simply accepted each other as
the beautifully imperfect beings
that we are
Taylor Apr 2020
i lost 5 pounds,  am i skinny enough yet?
i used that lipstick you told me to use, does it look good?

i bought those new clothes everyone wears,  do i look cool enough?
i join the cheer team to fit in more, do they like me yet?

i had *** with that popular guy, am i breaching my adolescence
i started smoking ***, am i a cool enough stoner yet?

i started wear a full-face of makeup, am i attractive enough yet?
i shrunk my waist 5 inches, am i more desired now?

i started skipping school, am i fitting in with the status quo?
i started sneaking out, am i risky enough?

i got my nose pierced , is it edgy enough?
i dyed my hair to the blonde white you have it. so we can match?

i keyed that girls car who's such a freak, is that more acceptable
i bullied that girl and she killed herself, wasn't she such a freak?

im in the hospital now i lost too much weight
i ended up failing school for so much
im in debt for all the clothes i bought

the popular guy ended up getting me pregnant
i got arrested for keying her car and threatening her
my hair ended up falling out from all the bleach

my organs are shutting down from all the weight loss
i ended up addicted to drugs
my face now breakouts from all the products i used

i ruined my parents marriage by sneaking out and lying
i joined the cheer team and ended up trying to fit in
im currently dying ,  do i fit in enough yet?
this is about what we struggle with in our teens years
Cameron Fischer Mar 2020
They Say

"To be a lady of beauty
You must have your
Chin up, shoulders back
Legs Cross, back straight"
What are we their Barbie dolls?
They say we must behave this way
But we are more than a piece in their game.
They say this is the only way to be proper
But what even is proper in today age

"To be a lady of beauty
You must have
Blonde hair, blue eyes, clear skin
You must be
5'8" 130 pounds"
What do they want; no adversity
They say this is what looks best in photos
But we are not just portraits waiting to be drawn
They say this is the perfect body
But everyone is flawed
Nobody meets their standards

"To be a lady of beauty
You must wear
Short shirts and low necks
You must wear
High heels and walk in them well"
What must we be; models 24/7?
They say to wear these clothes
But if we do we are called *****
They say to wear heels
But do they know the pain
That is the price you pay for beauty, they say

"To be a lady of beauty
You must
have perfect bone structure and have no flaws
You must
Always be happy and show no pain."
What do they want; a preprogrammed robot
They say they want 'natural' beauty
But natural isn't good enough for them
They say we must hide our pain
But we just put on a shield
Of waterproof makeup and a fake smile

"To be a lady of beauty"
They say these are our guidelines
But we will never fit them
They say to do these things
But they will never know our pain
They say we are not beautiful
But we know they are wrong
We will not abide and be ladies of beauty
But we will be beautiful ladies.
This is my first poem so please be nice!
Nolan Patterson Feb 2020
With dazzling colors that ensnare the mind
Twisting, turning away from each other
Escaping the form managed by mankind

Taking the freedom, they finally find
The solution for the observer
With dazzling colors that ensnare the mind

And clashing chaos creating the bind
That captures logic of practitioners
Escaping the form managed by mankind

No longer a beautiful gem find
But frustrations for a puzzle solver
With dazzling colors that ensnare the mind

With hands trying to break the bind
Reorganizing the scrambled color
That escaped the form managed by mankind

Until frustration leaves no hope behind
Will it finally find, freedom forever
With dazzling colors that ensnare the mind
Escaping the form managed by mankind
thispanman Feb 2020
She's there
I can feel it

He's here
She can feel it

They bare
He can feel it

I stare
Everyone can feel it

Truth is not found
In feelings
But in others
I wrote this when I couldn't sleep, so I hope it's good

Also, I really appreciate you reading these, I still feel self-conscious about them
This world is forever evolving,
Every part of it changing.
And of course so do we,
Our thoughts in this thing we call society.

Funny people aren’t we,
We impose our ideas on each other,
Call each other out,
To the point each of us crouch down in a corner,
hoping to be what we know as normal.

But in this forever changing world,
Am I the only feels like I’m in the wrong time?
Like my body would’ve been loved eras ago,
And I’m stuck here and this is fate playing some twisted joke?

Am I the only one who is confused and puzzled,
This concept everyone knows as best or normal?
Besides who decides?
You, me, us?

When I look around all I see,
Is people thinking why am I like this,
oh why me.

Which makes no sense to me,
We made the choice, didn’t we?
elysian Dec 2019
dear society,
ive done everything you asked.

what more could you want?
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