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nja Feb 2019
She wanted to remain pure,
She had toyed with getting a tattoo
but realised it wasn’t
individual anymore.
But she was in need of validation.
Was she past her peak? She’s still cool right?

The needle stuck into her skin like the scent of an old lover. It left a fizzy sensation behind.
The ink spread.
She kept poking,
stick n poking.

What emerged was a star.

strained by Tar,
her sparkle faded.
My experience of doing a stick n poke tattoo of a star on myself. My thoughts on my first tattoo. I called my star tattoo Tar.
sushii Feb 2019
A nasty stain,
You'll wring the curtains of me
Matthew Jan 2019
You watch as the blood from my wrist trickles onto your carpet.
Paying no mind until it starts to stain
I whisper,
"I'm sorry; please help me"
You roll your eyes and usher me out
of your comforting, inviting home
into the cold, desolate outside.
Crimson tears form in my eyes
raising my voice,
"I need your help!"
Instead, you give me an ignorant smile
before you slam the door.
An incomprehensible scream for acknowledgement exits my body
Peering through the window,
I see you cover my bloodstain with a rug.
You would rather act as if it never existed
than try to stop the blood or simply clean the stain.
I'm now outside;
being left to rot in the earth
So instead I will stain your flower bed.
Here's the meaning I got from my poem.  From personal experience, people to like to act like there's a problem with your depression or suicidal tendencies until it bleeds into their lives.  Then, they act still barely acknowledge the problem and try to erase from their lives.  They don't try to help us when we need it more than ever.  It's about what we really need.  We need someone to acknowledge that we have a problem and make strides to help that problem instead of acting as if nothing happened. The poem is saying that it's better for people to help those in pain than to be ignorant.  If you don't, then it just ends up causing the stain to get bigger and more public.
Poetic T Jan 2019
Some may think where

But where just
          not there
               version of clean.
Van Byrde Jan 2019
i don't think i like nice people
i feel guilty around them
like my past stains me still
and they see it all
Becca Dec 2018
I feel like I need to spill my feelings
into some other coffee.
Samuel Nov 2018
Why am I always in pain?
I leave a stain on the world I'm in
A stain of red so bright and bold
It might just block out this heart of gold

When did I become so broken?
So numb and insecure
I guess when my soul was shattered
By one I thought I could trust the most

How was I supposed to know
You were so cruel and mean
What was I to do
But find someone to be

Someone who thought they couldn't be
At par with all the rest
Someone whose life meant nothing more
Than one simple passed test

Someone who could love the broken
The bruised and insecure
But one who could not be loved
By those he holds so dear

So take this gift I give
A thought in a small story
I feel that's more than you deserve
For making me so gory

And for my battered broken heart
Still pumping flakes of gold
Remember all the good in people
Don't stop until you're old

So old you can not even talk
So old you can not think
And even then please don't forget
This worlds' pure heart of gold
why do tears leave all the stains
and smudge the ink i used?
why must you always rearrange
the tattered and abused?
yes, some things are too torn to fix,
but here i pray and wish and wish—
oh, these everlasting blues
i broke three promises made to you:
one, to always feel with heart,
two, to yearn when we're apart,
three, never admit wrong from the start—
my mind the stars and world the chart
oh, it's torture, everlasting blues,
why do i do what i do?
said i wasnt going to write about sadness again, im not sad, it's just i have a whole pile of poems left from when i was
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