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Walking through this deserted land
Feeling ever so weak
I just want to get home
Back to wonderland

My hearts bleeding
Hands shaking
Don't you see
I'm dying here
But there you are smiling happily
Even as I lose my sanity

My reality is dissolving
A problem that cannot be solved
It's funny
I was once a superstar
But all I have to show for it
Is a bunch of scars

So many scars
And so much tears.
Going through the motions
Doing what I can to stop this silence
It's numbing
Just like the secrets I keep
Which are ever so deep

I do my part, they do their part
We are one
Even as we drift apart
It's a wonderful thing
A meaningful thing
And it makes me think
Are we doing the right thing?

So many questions
So little answers
It's what I must blindly accept
In order to become perfect
Because the perfect me
Is what I want to be
Especially in this world
Filled with the dead.
Walking through smoke and ashes
This is what I've become
No purpose, no conscious
Just pure madness

There are too many emotions honestly
I don't know what happened exactly
But deep sadness fills my body
Nevermind the anger in my mind
It's hard to figure it out, but it's making me crazy

I've been working out on how to fix this
But nothing has seemed to work
I've been devoured
So here I am, in the abyss
But I'll try my best
To keep positive because bliss
Bliss Is something I cherish.
George Krokos Aug 2013
Worldly kingdoms emerge, rise and eventually fall
but there's one kingdom that does outlast them all.
It is eternal which means it has no beginning or end
though most people in the world don't comprehend.

It has been written and talked about in so many scriptures
yet in the external world doesn't form part of any fixtures.
No matter how grand a structure or building is erected that it may represent
or how many people daily, under its roof for worship, they devoutly frequent.

The kingdom of the everlasting Soul is to be found within us all
and doesn't really have any roof, floor, pulpit or containing wall.
Its own image and essence is all of a glorious Eternal Supreme Being
that with Its own grace, knowledge, light and love one can be seeing.

All we have to do is to acknowledge Its presence and look within,
live our daily lives in accordance with the Truth which is Its Twin
that the highest practical wisdom is based on known to mankind
and has been handed down from ages past for humanity to bind.

This doesn't mean that It belongs or is particular to just one religious belief
but encompasses them all through which people seek to find worldly relief;
because of Its glorious Eternal nature It also has unfathomable or infinite attributes
and beyond the limited mind of man to comprehend though philosophy contributes.

Even the laws of every country or state are based on the Truth;
though due to age old corruption is hardly discerned from youth.
As people have a strong tendency to seek and satisfy there own selfish interests
that go against the universal principles inherent in the wisdom the Soul bequests.

These universal principles are really the backbone of all spiritual aspiration
that have to be adhered to if there's to be any further evolution or realisation,
of mankind's true nature and individual or collective higher moral development
which is a unified and holistic existence that by the Truth of the Soul is vent.
Private collection written in 2010.
Justine Mar 2020
The Sun may have burned me,
But it also gave me life.

The Moon could not light up the pit,
But for an hour a day, it shed some light.

The Wind may have hurled me against my will,
But it also lifted my flight.

The Ocean may have drowned me,
But while I drowned, the ocean floor grounded me,
To show me the ocean creatures that thrived in the dark.

I have always dreamt in my dream for God to show me,
What I am and what I have become,
"Tell me why you have made me suffer,"
He gave me His silence,
And I sure did give Him mine.

I have finally realized,
In His own unmerciful way,
He was painfully showing me,
At the peak of my fight, he finally told me,
"My child, you are your own Light."

And so, I thank the Sun for burning me,
I felt the light.

I thank the Moon for not lightening the pit,
I saw my own light.

I thank the Wind for hurling me violently,
It sped up my flight.

I thank the Ocean for drowning me,
It revealed I was drowning out of spite.

I thank God for losing me in the dark,
You gave me the depth of sight,
You deafened me so I can hear the sound of the night.
You disabled me slightly so I can empathize.

Now that I have found my way in the dark,
You have finally returned my dead vessel on the shore,

As the world drink from me,
You have surprised me with an overflowing vessel that fills up night after night,

And so, my fight finally stops on this shore,
I peacefully rest my body on the sands,
I return to you this beautifully painted vessel,
That was never mine.

I grew in it a delicate rose,
That grew slowly in the dark,
I colored it red,
The blood of my plight.

The world continues to sleep soundly,
While the next child cries loudly,
As she falls hard from the sky.
Give to her my vessel,
It may appear broken and worn out,
But it is whole and sound.

I will always dream in my dream,
To wake up forever,
To a blessed vessel that is full of life.
A poem about rebirth, resurrection and accepting one's own faith as a spiritual contract.
Climbing up the mountain
To who knows where
It's been tough
But I'm getting there

It's been ages since I last saw hope
I thought the darkness swallowed me whole
But I'm finally there
And I feel like a millionaire
I'm not afraid anymore
Nothing is going to stop me
Not even those who are in control
I'm not going waste my time with that rabbit hole
But you understand what I'm saying
At least I hope so

I'm on top of the world
But I've still got much to learn
Much to see
Guess my next stop
Is the galaxy
Where I'll be filled with light
And everything in-between
Pay no mind
I'm outta my mind
Just like those
Who are hopeful
In their sad, pathetic

I said I climbed the mountain  
When in reality
I was only halfway there
Not a millionaire
But I'm sure I'll get there.
Meditating where darkness and light meet
Its something I long for to feel complete
During the long session
I keep my thoughts discreet
Where my heart sounds like a drumbeat

Finding the thing inside of me
To feel like a whole new being
I suppose it isn't new
It's always been in me
If only society were able to see
The world will probably be less evil
We will all live happily
Or maybe that's just a theory
Ah well
I'm sure we'll get there eventually

I'm not a perfect being for meditating
But it helps me realize that we are something more
Something more then what we see in this reality
I wish I found its true meaning
My true reason for existing
But I haven't found it yet
Surely it isn't to give out my energy
When it comes to poetry
Because I know it won't last
It'll just fade away
Just like a distant memory

I'm sure my purpose in life will be found
I hope it's something for the good of humanity
Raising its vibrations or something like that
Ah well
I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
There are so many ways to die
So don't try to hide
And please
Be sure to say goodbye
Because you may never know
When it's your time
It isn't sad, if anything
It's scary
Because you never actually die
What is truly sad is being dead
While still alive
So, please
Help those who are dead on the inside
Because you may never know
What blessings they will bring in your life.
Tina RSH Mar 2020
I wandered the world
and I wandered with no aim
Everybody's colours changed
but yours remained the same
Their fleeting sparks of joy
was the pure love they used to claim
You thrived for a simple sanctuary
while they all fought for fame
they took the award
and we took the blame
An award for playing pretend
A blame for having no shame
It seems we lose every time
but we can always play again
play like the wounds have healed
play like it'll be a fair game
And in a room full of kings and queens
I would still call out your name
To tell you the world hasn't seen your kind
stay the same! Stay the same...
I was struggling with bouts of depression the other night, almost giving up. But a friend sent me a poem addressing a powerful woman whose love was omnipresent and I knew the universe wanted me to read it.

I wrote this piece for Enrique tonight and he told me afterwards that he'd lost his job and that he was hopeless..and how this poem helped him carry on.
Sometimes I think we're just vessels.
Dancing to the melody of those that be
The wolves came out to set me free
They all began grinning
And doused me in some milk and  honey
Now my soul has gotten *****
Anything for a little money

They gave me a blindfold
And started to lead the way
Because they are the ones
Who are in control
Now I'm in a tub
Filled with blood

The trauma
The rituals
It wasn't worth my soul
So here I lay
Just another youth
Gone hollow.
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