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Midnight skies above
It's beautiful
It's wonderful
It lets me forget
About yesterdays struggles  

I forget about feeling numb
Forget about my soul being poisoned
Perhaps that isn't true
Perhaps my vision is blinded
By the light
The light those wicked
Or maybe both
I don't know

I wish I was out there in the stars
Exploring many different possibilities
But here I lay on Earth
Stuck with a bunch of zombies
Who never chased their dreams
Their mind brainwashed by screens
Spending all day on their i-phone
Until its too late
When their family gathers around, crying
Right next to their gravestone

Gone are all possibles
As well as dreams
Just like that.
How tragic.

Yeah, this poem is ironic coming from me
But it is what it is
And that's how it's gonna  be

From me to you, the one who sees
In the dark, In the light
And everywhere
Yeah, this poem is incredibly ironic. i'm well aware.
My mind breaks away as I fade away
Going from one place to another
Such is the life
Of a castaway

I really really hate this
I don't know how many times I've said that
It is what it is
And I can't handle that

They tell me to get over it
But I'm tired of it
Please, no more
I don't want to do this anymore

The wolves circle around
My body begins to numb
They start chanting
As I speak in tongues
They continue chanting
Continue laughing
And watch me
As I die young

Please, no more
It's living hell
To be enlightened.
MisfitOfSociety Mar 2020
I’ve been,
Under the dirt,
Upon my abdomen.
For the tree,
That I will hang from
And be set free.

This skin I wear
Encases me.
When I’ve moulted.
I will be free.
I will wiggle off the confounds
Of bone and flesh
Of space and time
And of birth and death.

I was once
A nymph.
Living on the roots,
Of the tree above me.
I was so small and hungry then,
But I have eaten enough now.
It is time to harden,
This old soft skin.

I’m passing through,
This knot,
In the infinite,
Line of life.
Aligning myself with the inner body.
Squirming out of this old biology.
Going beyond our senses,
And beyond our imaginations.

That inner beauty is shining through,
Becoming the apparatus that moves you.
Listen to the rhythm of your beating wings,
In tune to when the mother sings.
Break this skin,
In the making.

Am I,
An island encased in a bag of skin?
Or am I,
The entirety of the ocean?
Am I,
An isolated ray of sunshine?
Or am I,
The source of the sun?
Am I,
An insignificant speck on a spinning ball?
Or am I,
Something a whole lot more?

I am, I am.
I am all that I am.

Tricked yourself long ago,
The joke of the speck
Stuck to a sphere,
Spinning out to nowhere.
This body is an egg,
That encapsulates me,
Soon it will hatch,
And set me free.

We are all nymphs,
Seventeen in the making.
Come and crawl with me,
Get down on your abdomen.
We are all going to climb the tree,
And disappear into seventeen again.
Remaking an old poem of mine.
when all I am
Is a man with a thousand faces
Do I take the ****
And just end it?
Or do I continue
And commit more sins?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
And the ones you love
Little the roadside
I've seen it all, I've done it all
And yet
I still have more questions
All of which will never be answered
Not with my current existence

My mind has been all over the place lately
And it's driving me crazy
I think it's because I'm meat-rotting at home
Been doing nothing but writing
It's bringing me nowhere
But I can't stop writing
Even though I want to
Because I want to go somewhere - anywhere
But here

Guess I'll just have to deal with it
Like I always have
I am infinite after all
Sure, the state of my soul
Is a bit complicated
And I might be a bit corrupted
But I still won't let my light fade

I'll keep it burning because of a promise
A promise I made before coming into existence
Its what I must bear
And I hope it'll bring me somewhere - anywhere
But here.
Created by me on March 13th, 2020
Hey humankind, how are you feeling today?
Are you prepared for doomsday?
I hope so because it's almost time
Almost time for that great surprise

I know not all of humanity can see
But you all will eventually
Just think, no more misery
No more tragedy
Just the world living happily
Wouldn't that make you happy?
If not
Then you're no better than the Illuminati
You know, the ones who want tragedy
The ones who want misery
False flags every so often
What's 2, 977 dead people?
Whats a million dead people?
Billions? sure, they are corrupted
They don't care, they're just here to use you
Until you kick the bucket

I can go on and on all day
But I have a role I must play
So I'm gonna meet halfway
And say this
Cheers to those who are heading to the pearly gates
And cheers to those
Who are heading to hellish gates

I'll be sure to meet up with both groups
Not today, not tomorrow
But someday.
Created by me on March 13th, 2020
Feeling lost in this magical world of mine
Can't believe what's become of me
I will get through this
I will get to the other side
That side full of bliss
Even if I fail
I'll come through time after time
Because that is what I must do
In this magical world of mine

I've gone through this so many times
And it seems like I sigh every time
Going through lifeline after lifeline
Timeline after timeline
All of which fall into tragedy
So here I am once again
In my dark little room
Writing poetry
Maybe this time
Humanity will live happily
So I can finally fulfill
My destiny.
Created by me on March 8th, 2020
Destiny? more like fantasy hahaha- UP TOP! ...
There lays a man
In a shallow grave
He's Alone, cold to the bone
And there's nothing remarkable
On his gravestone

The dirt all around him smooth
He wants out
But is unable to move
He tries to speak
He tries to scream
But his body refuses

His mind starts racing
Am I alive?
Did I already die?
Am I here for an eternity?
Will I ever be free?

Memories begin to fade
Bones become colder
Vision darkens
And he begins to sleep

Years later
He awakes and finds himself alone
He's cold to the bone
He wants out
But is unable to move
He tries to speak
He tries to scream
But his body refuses
His mind begins to race
Am I alive?
Did I already die?
Will I ever be free?
Am I here for an eternity?

The cycle repeats
Such is the life
Of humanity.
Created by me on February 12th, 2020
Angels crying
Reality fading
Just little old me
Trying for perfection
It's hard enough as it is
I don't even want to do this anymore
But I have to
So I can impede my possession

A dark connection was made years ago
Its eyes were filled with darkness and corruption
I see that every day in my reflection
Once upon a time, it was bliss
But now
Now I must get out of this mess

I've been doing really good
But they tell me there's no escape
So what is the point
If that part of me cannot be destroyed
My hands are tied and I'm really annoyed
Forget those times where I was overjoyed
Guess I should just deal with it like I always have
God, I'm such a *******
But I'm sure I'll have the last laugh.
Created by me on February 11th, 2020
I broke free from being empty so I can see the real me
I can't think properly now that I've seen my full potential
I've got so much to learn
So much to see on this journey
I can't believe the things that are to come
It makes me rethink my decision to hang myself for being apart of humanity
Good job guys, I guess this isn't goodbye!
Finally got my energy to continue into the future filled with glory

There's so much that I've gotta do in this world
The underworld seems so far in the distance
Glad I'm not going there
Glad I'm away from the silence
Just need to shine the light on millions of victims
Show everyone that they've got a mission on this planet
And become more successful than the men who invented religions
I might not make a difference
But I sure as hell will wake up millions

This is my story and this meat suit will expire eventually
But I'll come around time and time again
To help humanity fulfill their destiny
To hell with secret societies
They will wither away as if they never existed
Not today, nor tomorrow
But eventually
Humanity will live on exactly as planned
While the industry becomes nothing more than a fantasy
A long lost dream
A memory.
Created by me on February 10th, 2020
Close your eyes
Free your mind
Don't let the light
Pass you by
Just Ignore your scars
And look up to the stars
You're a superstar
But better
You're a god
We all are
Or have you forgotten?
Created by me on February 7th, 2020
Most people look up, down, left, right, but never in. time to change that.
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