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Oskar Erikson Feb 2017
Every conversation
is two-faced:

Lana Jan 2017
Silence is nothingness, yet it speaks
A million words packed into a mere few seconds which seem to last a painful infinity
Your silence it speaks, it is manufactured to torture
Your eyes filled with hate
Now here I stand, begging you to speak, something, anything, but nothing all the same
Oskar Erikson Nov 2016
you don't have to bother
apologising, i've spat out worse
after speaking to myself
J B Moore Sep 2016
The pen is mightier than the sword  
Or so they like to say
Trapping a man tight with cord  
So he can't get away
Look how easy they cut to the quick  
With rumors spread so thick
They stick to each and every day

Don't speak, don't speak, don't speak to me.
Your "facts" are just opinions you claim to be free.
Free from logic, free from rhyme,
As free as the rhythm of the passing time.

Riots are just fires we start by the spark of the tongue
Set ablaze within the maze of the minds of our young.
The media's a shooter, an impressionable youth their gun
Pointing them at the political process and pulling the trigger just for fun.

"I'm not listening because you're a bigot and a racist,
Just leave me to the feel good lies of my safe spaces.
Sticks and stones can't break my bones, but words were meant to hurt me."
There's only one way in which we can stop them thinking so perversely.

It's plain to see what the solution should be
A permit to permit the diversity of thought
For how dare any of us think differently
This is the only ammunition against chaos we've got.

You'll have to petition for acquisition of the God given right,
One of the greatest things for which our forefathers would fight,
Let's start acting like enacting laws is our only choice
Before our "precious feelings" get drowned out in the noise.

This permit will outlaw protesting in peace,
Since most protests today end with riots in the streets.
And don't for a second think your voices will be heard,
Because the government will control your every word.

All this because you can't handle hearing truth
Or wouldn't let them at least share their proof.
But to see you listen to reason, and through controversy peacefully endure
Would be like seeing a criminal obey the law, or a dictator feeding the poor.

The first amendment protects our diversity of thought,
And that's by far the most important diversity we've got.

Who makes a water speak?                                                           ­                       
A rock!
Amharic  proverb though I prefer to remain tight lipped some one is forcing me to speak.
Arcassin B Aug 2016
By Arcassin B & Olivia K

OK: On a cold March day I was stranded.
In a place all lined with darkness. Walls enclosed me real tight, I have a huge desire to fight, They say there are responses, one or sometimes two, fight or flight is what they say, looks like I'm here to stay, a cell phone in my pocket shines just a little light, on the wall to the right in silver pen be wrote, welcome to the wishing well, is this heaven or is this hell,
AB: Trauma speaks in silence letting me know in a state of euphoria, Things are not what it seems by any and all means When your own people ready to Bury ya, looking at the four walls like "how are you doing sir" never felt more than a burden in vain to the rest of the planet of sleepless individuals with no time on their hands just walking around for the next transit.
Bleurose Jul 2016
When you roar,
it must be planned,  
with the right ears to listen, the best time to stand
and the right place - so your voice echoes across the centuries.
With the power of all those that spoke before you
For the same cause
The same fight.

Let your body move with power
Always be proud of your scars.
They show the things you have lived through
The things you have endured.
Carry yourself with pride, and people will follow.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2016



pretty useful talent right?
Oskar Erikson Jun 2016
Good morning all, this morning i awoke
and i wanted to say something.
I got dressed in fibers made in who knows where,
traveled on a train made of who knows what,
to speak to you fine people probably thinking
"Who the hell is this!?"
but i wanted to say something.
You see, i'm not the brightest kid in the club,
the sharpest neither-
can't make a universe with my words nor build a story with my soul.
i don't have that talent but
i wanted to say something.

There is no greater moment
than the moment just gone.
These words, fleeting like grains of sand from my mouth
i want them to take root in your hearts and build a thousand sandcastles, so i can proudly say i made a beach out of the intangible
and no amount of sea salty hatred can force it to
i wanted to say something. something you wouldn't forget and
something i wouldn't regret.

I wanted to say something.
so, good morning everyone
what kind of story shall i tell?
I had to create a spoken word piece for my school, here's the fruits of my effort!
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