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If you have something on your mind that you need to say
But not too sure of what i'm going to say
Think about it a little
But don't let your chances become brittle
I'm limited time only before some lucky girl is locked in hands with me
If you want to be that girl
You have to speak up
I can't read your mind
And i absolutely hate assuming
So don't wait longer than you need to.
Mica Kluge Mar 2016
Some people speak
In riddles, but I
Speak in quotes.
One day, I will find
My own words to
Say what I'm thinking,
But, until then, these
Half applicable words that
Someone else wrote
Will have to be enough.
Maybe, one day, I'll
Have the courage to step
Out from behind someone
Else's florid prose.
But, until then,
Shakespeare and Dickinson
And Eliot and Twain and
Dr. Seuss and Homer and Dante
Will fall from my lips
As trees shed their leaves.
xmxrgxncy Feb 2016
If we were alone, there's so much I wouldn't say....
Jennifer Jan 2016
If you aren't going to give me any time it's okay.
But don't act like you do
just to meet your preconceived ideas about friendship.

You might give me a compliment from time
and support me in what I do.
But then completely disregarding your promises
isn't okay with me.

So I’m going to find someone who
can give me as much as I can give them.
And for shame, I’m not yours
and your not mine.
Jennifer Jan 2016
I thought you loved me,
so I spoke my thought aloud,
but love from me is nothing if it’s broke

You thought it must be a joke,
and as you said it aloud you considered,
who could love me for what I am
but that part you kept closed,
leaving me hollow with your shattering response.

And so I thought you just felt bad
and in light of this situation you tried to make me laugh
as friends do in such awkwardness.

But your jester like quality only brought me hurt
as all my truth and honesty was for nothing,
I thought it was for nothing…

And so I never knew the truth.
Jennifer Jan 2016
Stop, I can’t fall for you, I’m not allowed,
I’m not allowed to speak out to you
For speaking to you would hurt me more,
bringing me the realisation it will never happen.

Instead I will sit here and write,
I’ll write you encrypted poems you’ve seen,
without knowing they’re for you,
a sign of how I feel for you.

But you don’t get it do you?
How would you know what I feel
when I don’t even know how I feel for you.

The simple answer is you wouldn’t.
You could rip my skin and hear it peel
and not understand that it hurts.
All you would do is see the process
and continue on your way.

I’m screaming for you to talk to me,
as talking to me would bring me a relief,
a relief that it wasn’t all in my head,
that I wasn’t assuming it all.

So end my emotional torture before
I put myself out of this misery and try again.
I was told by those who should have held.
Their evil words all to themselves.  

That I'm weird and old but I don't dwell
On words of haters' speech very well.

Most folks have little self control.
Of their words, or of their hateful soul.

Since Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street
Taught them to always vent and weep.

On to sports their tongues developed
Cursed their opponents and crushed each other

It is all a part of the American way
Using hate as the basis for what they say.

I  wish they'd be quiet and in retrospect
Plan their thoughts with love and respect.

Till then I hear the bad words and speech,
They want something like some ******* leech.

And when I sleep it all goes away.
The two more hours holds their spite at bay.

Friend, try silence on for just a day.
And when you speak, think before you say.
While going for a walk through a pretty bare trail I came across a blooming white flower. Let me remind you, it's the middle of April after the worst winter in a decade and the most snow Michigan has ever received. Anyways, while witnessing this white flower I felt the need to speak and connect with it.
So I spoke to the flower in a desperate tone saying "please, little white flower, teach me your ways." Knowing it wouldn't respond I continued. "How can you bloom so beautiful surrounded by this?" "Surrounded by brown and gray you blossom with pearl. I cannot bloom as bright in a world full of brightness, yet you bloom brighter in your world or darkness." I think for a moment though. "Maybe my world is as dark, if not darker. And your message to me is to see beyond the naive. To come out stronger when everyone else Is under the brush, to speak even louder when the others stay hushed."

But the thing is, this little white flower was just born to bloom first, born to be white, just born in the marsh to be ignored.
Yet as humans we try our hardest to change who we are to get noticed, an still don't.
Now I think that says something.
m i a Dec 2015
mia shut up, you barely speak and everyone thinks you're mute so let's keep it that way.

and that was the day she roared.

she understood that she was quiet and didn't like to start a ri-ot

but that did not mean she didn't have a voice, so she made a choice

to surprise everyone and show them how *loud
she could be

and oh how she roared and soared

her friends looked at her in disbelief

she smirked to herself, and felt as bold as a chief

she finally took a stand, and decided to not be so bland

and that was the day she finally **roared.
"she may seem quiet, but her voice is loud." it's eleven and im already tired. Obviously
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