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The pills help me forget about my past mistakes
It helps me forget about those snakes
The ones who I once embraced
The ones who treated me like a slave
I've obeyed them but in the end
It made me feel numb
So I got out of that place
But I still love them

I don't know what to do with myself anymore
My hearts in pain
It aches to be back inside that cage
I was loyal to those devils
but how they treated me was awful

The light they showed me was out of this world
it was beautiful and It blinded me from the lies
but it was eternal
I didn't feel like myself afterwards
I felt like I was one of them
Just another devil with a hand on the dagger

Those nights in the summer
I loved everything about it
I loved being a sinner
and the dark still lingers
but I can't look in the mirror

They've got my heart
and it will be in the dark
In this life
And the ones after.
Created by me on February 6th, 2020
Marri Mar 2020
I don’t want to pray about you.
Not because God and I are taking a break,
Not because I’m busy,
Not because I can’t close my eyes without blinking away tears.

But because I’m scared.
I admit it,
I’m scared.

I’m scared that God will take you from me,
I’m scared that he’ll smite me for loving you.

I’m scared that God will cast me out of your garden,
I’m scared that the snakes and I are tangled into each other.
(We’re unrecognizable. Who knows where slither starts and fingertips end.)

I’m terrified that God will tell me that you and I aren’t meant to be,
That we are abominations.
That this wasn’t a match made in heaven.

That we are slowly falling,
In love,
Back to earth,
With wings scorched black—

Don’t ask me to pray,
Or you just might catch me with my eyes wide open whispering sweet nothings to a God I’m fearful of.
Marco Feb 2020
snakes surrounding my trailer
kick down the door
break all windows
knock me to the floor
I know what they're here for

they want me
I know that they want me
they don't even hide it
black eyes, black hair, black stare
he doesn't even hide it

a punch to the guts
a cut on my cheek
kisses me with a fist
my eye as black as his
he knew he wouldn't miss

and they want me
I can feel they want me
he doesn't even hide it

whisper into the night
hissing like vipers
biting like vipers
poisoning my wine
running out my nose
poisoning my mind

they got me
they know that they got me
I don't even hide it
black eye, black hair, blank stare
he takes my hand
and leads me out.
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
When I was little,
my mother often threw me snakes
into the bed
so I could play.
I picked them up,
lifted and squeezed them,
preventing from reaching my face.
They opened mouths,
trying to push air
through their throats.
With a woman in bed,
when I get out of her hands,
I sometimes fall,
grab the last in the fist.
Clench my tongue, twist my back;
turn blue.
Then I don’t let the air out,
scratch my neck. Pretend
it was a snake bite. Play around.
Star BG Jan 2020
Doubt it is like a venomous snake.
One bite and without self love attention  
you carry its poison

Other species is fear snake
that lives all parts of the world.
One bite and you lose connection to trust.

Antidote:  deep breath to connect to heart
Inspired by Aprilia thanks
Nyx Dec 2019
Cry me a river
Of insure little tears
Sparkling like diamonds
Filled with your greatest fears
Let it glisten, Let it flow
Down your cheeks
To the land below
Salty to the tongue
Taste it upon your skin
Be still my little darling
He's watching with a grin
Thriving off your sadness
He pushes the knife further in
Prying on your weakness
To unveil deeper sins
Sins that have been locked away
Beneath the facade of a smile
Nothing bothers the angel dear
Even those who are vile
Emotions make you weak
Nobody wishes to see the evil
Disgusting feelings of envy
That you so dearly keep
Rage and jealousy
Hide them away
Calm and gentle
Let them stay
For nobody will love
A girl who displays
Her heart boldly upon her cheek
They will fire their arrows at the rate
Of the time it takes for your heart to break
Run and hide with all your might
Do all you can but fight
Foxes they play
Snakes they bite
In the den you are trapped
You know that I'm right
And while in the home of the serpents
You will come to know
That the faces you loved
Are the first to go
And its then you will see
That surrounded by people
Is the moment you realize
You are truly alone

For nobody is willing to enter the den of those that break
As all the friends you loved turned out to be that of those very same snakes

Tatiana Dec 2019
In a burrow a snake lies
to itself
about its health,
if lids could cover its eyes
then maybe that would help.
But scales have formed
where human lids
grow on kids,
and shivers have wormed
their way through its body.
When the time finally comes
to shed its skin
what's left within?
Will life's pleasant hums
attract it outside?
Or will the cycle start again?
What was soft, scaly, and thin
has hardened
against the cruel nature I've yet to pen.
The snake always leaves behind its skin.

What was within your skin?
lua Dec 2019
I could feel the longing in her eyes
As we spoke
Each word she whispered stung and ached
Like the bite of a venomous snake
But every move she made had screamed
With unspoken apologies
Apologies for what,
I did not know.
She did not do anything wrong
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Sneaky, scaly,

They live in a valley

Slimy, wormy

Not worthy of taxidermy

Patterned all pretty

Not welcome in the city

They have no pity

Very nasty and gritty

Some have a rattler

The worst tattler

Don't even speak like a prattler

Natures guerilla battler

Narrow slits for eyes

Whoever is bit dies

They have no allies

They are an unpleasant surprise

Sneaky, scaly,

They live in a valley

Slimy, wormy

Not worthy of taxidermy
emru Oct 2019
the serpent eats its tail
in my backyard
it waits patiently to
scar my back
remove the snakes,
they'll come again
the circle of life
fight back in vain
don't mind them
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