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m Feb 14
my arms are static
my legs are rocky air
my torso dips into
the skyward of mattress

I brought yesterday in my hands to set out in the sun
it didn’t take long to burn right up
my eyes trail the flecking ash in the air

there’s nothing i wish to hide

yet i sit like one car
parking lot tar matches the sky
at 3 am

is the static channel on the tv
still there when you turn off the screen

i think i see it when i close my eyes
Heidi Franke Dec 2024
Engrossed in
Electronic word game
Famed on phone

Ad delay my
Path to next level
Dropping my attention

Sudden rush of
Nothingness in
My blood

No screen time
Felt a bottomless
Bleak pit

I fell until
I measured my breath
Of existence leaving

All defined on
False electric bait
Clips of wins and loss

Almost threw up
In my felt emptiness
Messy messy power grab

Measure me alive
Today and Now
Not then or ever
Playing a number matching game on my phone. Engrossed daily in getting to higher levels. How far can I get? The further I get to the higher number the less I am attached to my self. Losing all definition. Realizing the power of myself I give away to a meaningless device.
neth jones Mar 2022
the lumy screen
x-ray mission
counting ribs
    but courting what's in-between
trying to salvage disease
    from the pardonable cage
use corrective attractors
drag them on the screen
    and mould a mange of the dark spots
humble in an alcove
zoom in on the spot
take out your little skin leafed
pocket book
clean the cough from your throat
    and sprout  'the working words of God'
a congregation of cancer cells
    put in their place
Claudia Santos Feb 2021
My stomach twists and turns
every time I see you staring down at your phone screen
as I’m trying to conversate with you
but you don’t dare look up at me,
probably because you don’t care about what I have to say
your phone is more interesting...
Nikkie Jan 2021
I deserve love, only the best of the best, from the best!
I’ve spent too much time not being happy; too much time,
signing my own song, too much time, being all alone.
I want so much for you to believe, that you and me
are total alchemy.
There is no one else on my radar screen, no one else,
confiscating my dreams.
No other man on this earth has autographed his name inside my heart.
I used to believe in fairy tales, now I believe in dreams coming true.
You have captured my spirit with your strength, and laced it with a dose
of pure perfection.
a Dec 2020
"It was as if the universes stood still...
as if time created time within...
built with nothing but...
I felt your soul through it all
Till this moment my moments are just continuing...
as if my soul my mind my spirit was a record and it was kept on loop
I'm still reliving the most precious 6 hrs of my life...
I'm falling"
- F

Anastasia... I'm falling.
Yeah I am falling too...
for all of the ******* tenacities,
and everything I ever wished to be true
Falling for the "love at first sight"
or with us it was "love at first type"
but this world isn't a Disney movie
no not "all your dreams will come true"

"Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember"
Stuck up hairs, shattering things, fears that have me dismembered
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
Nothing great happens
Hopes and desires fade out
Movie screen endings
Because all good things end
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