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I just want you to know
That if someone asked if you were a good person
I would vouch for you
I’d even make out on the couch with you
Like in high school
And I know you’ll do stupid **** sometimes
But just promise you’ll be my fool
Max May 2019
Just got an A+ for my English essay
Connor May 2019
Green is the nature around us
Green is the drip drip drip of morning dew off trees
Green sounds like leaves rustling through the wind
Green is like the ominous forest at midnight, watching
Green tastes like the bittersweet nature of life
Green is the Slytherin flag Symbol
Green looks like the tobacco plants billowing in the wind
Green is the atomic screams of green parrots
Green feels like the luck of the Irish
Green is the crunch of crispy Chartreuse apples
Green smells like freshly cut grass
Green is the breathing trees through the days
Green is like a cow grazing in a field
Green is the color of Glowing Ones in Fallout
Green is the color of the melons I grow.
Here's a poem that was created by me and three of my classmates- including my boyfriend :)
I don't know how I'm supposed to bring a melon to school as a prop but I guess I'm doing that.
tierney morris May 2019
He grabbed her by the wrist
Pushed her to the floor
She missed the little kiss
Before she'd leave the door

Every day was a fight
She couldn't escape
He would hurt her
She was no longer under his embrace

She lost her kids to the system
He had a lot of problems
She just wished she could fix them
She just didn't know how

His hand bruised her face
She had a shiner
She'd cry and run but he'd chase
But every tear that fell made her a 'whiner'

He grabbed her by the throat
And shoved her into the door
He held a knife and impaled her
Her blood dripping to the floor

He fled outside the door
Her body lying on the floor
Tears running down her face
As she was seeing the light even clearer

He could see her body as he ran
Her cries becoming clearer
Realising what he'd done
Leaving her for dead, battered and bruised
I have to write a poem for a drama piece in school because my teacher really likes my poem and this is it :) It is about a man abusing his wife because we have to use stereotypes but of course it's not always this way. Sorry it's not the best aha.
mikey May 2019
the beep beep makes me hardly do sit up
with some skins about to crack
open the laptop. write half of it
and cry over uncompleted tasks
wearing the clothes that is all black
******* snow, extremely ****** me up
The class is draining me so I’m gonna skip it
Stuck in the mindset thats make me wanna go basking
In the bed where I can fully go dreaming
Mary E Zollars Apr 2019
Sit right down in your seat, please
        Raise your hand to speak, please
        Get a pass to leave, please
I need all attention on me, please
                Revolution is over, please,
        Obedience is key, please
                There’s nothing wrong anymore, see
                Look at these 3rd world countries, see
                Be proud of where you were born, see
                We are perfectly free, see
Be silent and listen to me, free
                Migration will be to be stopped, free
                The leader can pardon himself, free
                Women in positions of power, free
                Hate is perfectly legal, free
        You can protest as well, free
        You have the power of speech, free
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
         I know better than you, see
        We control your life, see
        We are building the future, see
        We are the best in the world, see
Be silent and listen to me, please

As long as you’re rich and white,  
“Teaching Freedom” is about what politicians, media, and older generations in general  are teaching my generation. I wanted to show how they control young people to make them feel free. Recently, on the Day of Silence, I heard a kid say "Anyone can do anything now. Why do they have to make such a big deal about it?"Since then, I've been thinking about how many kids don't think race, religion, gender, and sexuality are issues anymore, because they've never experienced that discrimination. Just because you haven't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Mae Apr 2019
Five years old
and oh, so bold!
To the girls, she tried to be nice
but to them, it would not suffice.

Eight years and she agonized
over what she soon realized.
She was different from the rest.
They only thought of her as a pest.

At ten she looked for answers
to soothe her growing fears.
Fears of whispers at the cafeteria table
making her become unstable.

It was thirteen years
and there were the tears.
“Why don’t you just die?”
She could only ask why...

Sixteen was the end.
Never again would she mend.
Their words were the relentless dark
that shrouded her gentle heart.

How was it that at eighteen
this had not been foreseen?
Because of their constant tormenting,
she sought a permanent way to end the hurting.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
It was in late Spring, time for me to go to school.  As I carefully walked down the age-weathered stairs, it was a balancing act between the rickety steps and my black, leather pumps. The stairs won, and down I went, hitting my head on the wrought-iron Banister

"What a way to start the day," I thought to myself as I rubbed my head.  I picked myself up and continued on the 3.5-mile walk to
school.  My head was still pounding when I arrived.

I saw my best friend Bonnie, as she came around the corner of the school.  We had known each other for ten years, and there wasn't anything we didn't know about each other.  "Hey Bonnie," I yelled.  She turned around and gave me a huge smile.  The rays of the Sun made her blonde hair glow.  With a stature of 5'9, she was a real beauty.

The day was uneventful, just a normal day.  Bonnie was in three of my classes; Math, Science, and History.  She made the day go incredibly fast.  We cheated off one another, here and there, praying we wouldn't get caught.  No wonder we were straight-A students.  We were both highly intelligent.

After school, she came to my three-bedroom-home to study.  I liked my ranch home and was proud for everyone to see it.  We sit on my bed, skimming through the pages of our History book, trying to remember what we read, for tomorrow's test.  
Soon it was time for dinner, so Bonnie went home.  We talked later on our Verizon phones.

After taking a shower, I climbed into a nightgown and brushed my teeth.  They were pearly white, always being complimented on.  I said my prayers, then turned off my blue and white lamp.  I went to sleep, hoping I would pass the test tomorrow.
Inspired by me, falling down the stairs on my way to school one day.  I hope I am not just rambling on and on.  Such a silly write.
LS Apr 2019
one day
you're outside riding your bike
getting scrapes on your knees
that your mother kisses
after she's bandaged

one day you're running outside with your friends
throwing water balloons
without a care in the world

one day you're sitting in class
praying to go home
and for time to move faster

one day you'll hear your name called out
loud and clear
a stage awaiting your footsteps toward your future

one day it will all be over
appreciate it now
you don't have
as much time
as you think
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