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Sorry mate,
I can't afford lunch today,
Who knew hell had such expensive heating.
You'd reckon with all the fire,
It'd be awfully hot.
But I'm still shivering,
At least some of the devil's are oppo-zot.
The right side is reserved for every left thought
Antonio Jan 31
one day i am so happy to fulfill my own prophecy while in the next i look for the exit,
everything moves in tandem for my vision to change from green to grey from skit to script,
post portem everything might seem too much out of touch for us to really keep the wit,
the only part thats really alive in your body is your soul the rest is a part of the future casket,
contrasts left and right for my own to design, pushing the buttons of life for the rabbits to see.
"in the depth of winter, i finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer" -A. Camus
Jeremy Betts Jan 19
I wanted so bad to be done with the fight
I no longer cared 'bout who's wrong and who's right

~ Couplet ~
A pair of consecutive lines of poetry that create a complete thought or idea. The lines often have a similar syllabic patterns, called a meter. While most couplets rhyme, not all do.
The word Couplet is French for a "little pair"
Jeremy Betts Jan 18
I had a dream last night
About suddenly waking up
But the dark had engulfed the light

Gone was the fight
Both sides giving up
On simple wrong and right

I'm awaken to a primitive plight
Ageing but not growing up
Somewhere out in the multiverse I might

Forget reaching the highest hight
It's not looking up
Not a single goal in sight

The futures not too bright
It's burning up
While we argue who hit ignite

It's too much to take onsite
No throwing up
Only ingest a small bite
Maybe it will be alright

~ Villanelle ~
A fixed-form poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, thus containing nineteen lines. A villanelle also follows a specific rhyme scheme using only two different sounds.
ABA (x5)
ABAA (x1)
The word Villanelle comes from the Italian word villanella, which means "rustic song or dance".
Jeremy Betts Jan 17
Sometimes it's better
To not have ever
Even tried
"Never say never"
Should come with a disclaimer
Spread wide

Watch for the tide
Current's make a deadly ride
Try to remember
More people than not have lied
Wrong and right often mingle on the same side
A good person's not even a contender

Jeremy Betts Jan 16
How does one live
Without a heart in his chest,
No positive thought in his head,
The worst presenting as his best?

A hopeless romantic
If it's not perfect, it's panic
Why is the worse case automatic?
I think it's called...manic

There's suppose to be no need
No one should be expected to try
What if I'm wrong?
Or what if I'm right and people lie

I just want you
To want to want what I want too
And maybe help put a few insecurities to bed
And pretend for a fleeting second true love's true

Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
This will start off as a less than serious write; but by its end,
it will come all right.

Bullet penetrating stares —observing everything just to leave the
world with another bullet hole. A tongue like a dagger slicing
through every word of speech; those in charge desperately trying to
keep control. You caught me off guard without my bulletproof vest-
my chest, covers over my heart with a ****** to protect my love.

I settled my debts in the rear of a fleeting romance – a partner I
needed to catch like a taxi on the street; though our paths rarely
matched – I had to read the steps to her heart as if it were a well
detailed and laid out map.

I walked by, bidding goodbye countless times – but I never truly
grasped this kind of love, I never had my hand in it; yet I played my
role by waving you hie. However, I must have misinterpreted what
you saw in me, mistaking it for a feeling that soared a bit too high.
Yet, it wouldn’t keep us grounded, we could be birds for the night;
unless you have a touch of fear when it comes to heights.

Just co-pilot for this flight – I’ll soar above your challenges, offering
guidance with my perspective’s oversight. Savour the flavour of love,
but don’t indulge too soon; you wouldn’t want to spoil your appetite
for the main course – save yourself an overbite. Misaligned; life may
start off a bit askew, but ultimately, we all seek that perfect match, to
find the right fit of being in love, with our Mr. or Mrs. Right.
You had every right to leave
But not without saying
I needed some closure...
nvinn fonia Nov 2024
You're absolutely right
You're absolutely right
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
Trying to find shades of myself
In the simple black and white
Trying to wade out in the middle
Of a basic wrong and right
Maybe I will or maybe I won't
But maybe I just might
I want to live in the twilight
There's too much darkness in the light

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