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JLPfoxy Nov 2014
Mind full of confusion
Color blind delusions
Am I wrong? Am I right?
Is this even worth the fight?

I don't know which way is up
I'm descending into hell
You think you own me but your wrong
You can try, but you will fail

You project self hatred
On anyone you can
Never took responsibility
And you call yourself a man?

You think you're God twisting reality
Manipulating all my memories
Yet you believe that you're the victim
You take what's right and make it wrong

I've caught on to your tricks
I've mastered all your little games
I'm much stronger than you now
You're the only one to blame

I'm coming to take back what's mine
Reclaim my thoughts and my mind
My soul will not be caged
You will never control me

I am not afraid of you anymore
Never again will I live in fear
You are dead to me now
And I hope that's very clear
Mikaila Nov 2014
I wonder if you threw away
That giant Mickey Mouse doll I bought you in Times Square,
Or the art I made for you-
That little wooden chair that I burned designs into, describing you
As a goddess.
I wonder if you sifted through your colorful room
And exorcised my presence, gathered every piece of jewelry and thoughtful little gift
I ever gave you.
I wonder if you tore up my poems.
But the thing is
If you did, it means that I mean something
And if you didn't
It means that I mean something.
If you erased me, I know that, just like you will never find and destroy EVERY gift I gave you over 3 years
You will never erase me from your soul.
And if you didn't, I know that part of you can't let go
Of being loved so deeply and so purely.
I planned for this, my lost love.
I planned for years.
I never really thought you'd stay.
I only thought to make myself
I know I did.
InTheWorldOf Cyn Nov 2014
I want to move on.
But how can I move on when I owe you so much?
Sleepless nights.
Wouldnt it be selfish of me to not give it back?
I owe you that, payback.

Carsyn Smith Nov 2014
Great blind men see all,
But you are no gifted prophet,
Your claims are hollowed out
Your visions are tenebrous and ignorant --
Stop acting like you know me,
Stealing days, months, years
Does not mean I am yours;
My wings are clipped, but I still fly
My voice is silent, but I still sing.
You avoid my eyes, yet
You do not own your wrongs,
These bruises that go unnoticed,
These scars that are invisible.
Stop ignoring me! I’m still here.
I’m still trying to heal what is hurt,
Bind wounds opened by your hands.
Blind man, with eyes that do not see me,
Thinks he has ascendancy over me.
Blind man, oh my dear Blind man,
I hope you fall in your chosen darkness.
I can't believe I gave you so much of who I am....
Suzy Hazelwood Nov 2014
Like a dove
I land softly on shoulders
I'm kind in nature
generous in discernment

But cross me once
the suspect will be marked
cross me twice
and my friendship
will be no more

It's a waste of breath
for me to show
the extent of violation
to intend to destroy

I have no need
to action revenge
when a clown
can quite easily stumble
over their own stupidity

I won't lower myself
to the mire
when I can sit by fresh waters
and observe
the downfall
of a dumb mind
rantipole Nov 2014
"the battle is over!
the war has been won!"
claimed the soldiers
while tallying scores.

although blood
had been shed,
soldiers severing heads
rejoiced all across the moor.

"someone call the king!
we must tell the king!
we now own this here land,
how divine!"

but the king had been found
being renegade 'round
his opponents,
while out guzzling wine.

"I killed my dear brother;
beheaded my mother
to service you and
this ****** rotten realm!"

so I'll see to it, you!
if it's the last thing I do,
that you're found
drinking wine in hell!"
I beg inside my soul to have you.
I don't love you.  
I want to feel passion, desire,  and the warmth of another body pressing against me
I could grab any man I wanted, but I want you.
I see your brown hair
let me run my fingers through, just once
Your eyes
soft earth
Your lips
pink lilacs
And all I want is your body
Which is very saddening.
To only want to use someone, then toss them aside like trash
How can you?
And still fall asleep at night without thinking about a face wet with tears
your fault
I simply want to do to you
What you have done
To All the women before me,

The same song as a trickery

I want you to fall in love with me
an instrument meets the music
I want you to hold me close and kiss me, as you share your fears and truths.
a melody plays softly
I want you to believe in love because of me
Think of me,  breathe me,  and miss me when we are not together
accelerato tempo

Until one day you meet me in a corner booth at our favorite restaurant, and I rip your heart to shreds

Look,  I never loved you. I lied.
I used you to get what I want.
You are a pathetic, self-serving dung heap that only thinks about himself. You wooed me, I pretended to like you, so I could dig under your thick facade of masculinity, and discover your sensitive side. I know what you are--man *****--and I enjoyed using you. You can lie to everyone, every woman from this point on, but ten years from now,  when you are married to wife number four and you are waiting for her to come home and she never does,  I want you to crawl into the bed you made and bawl like the whining,  sniveling baby you truly become at night when no one else is around you.  I hope 'lonely' presses you down so hard it hurts to breathe. And maybe then you might turn into a different man or at least your miniscule brain will have an inkling of true heartbreak. Doubtful though--I win.  You lose

Then I get up and walk away from you,  ignoring any pleas and ****** slurs.

"Underneath the monster lies a man, under the man lurks nothing at all. "--Katherine

Caesura is a musical term for a sudden stop in music-I discovered this new word and I started thinking of things that stop suddenly... which led me to this.  Hope you like it!!! Thank you to all who read what I write,  it lifts my spirit to know that I am seen and heard
Kwanele Nov 2014
she said: " there's no real peace in revenge. "
i could never hurt you like you hurt me.
i could never make the pain beautiful or seem like it is worth it either. 
 i love you.
it was worth it. i don't think i can let her go. i am trying.
Joseph Aaron Nov 2014
A desolate desire, a rambunctious hope.
To see the burning fire within this zealous stroke,
With inflamed vessels of red to be seared,
The beat of a heart with a sound quite fickle.

Undecided fate, lack of concentration.
  In a mind of dissipation, despise the renunciations.
Piece together the puzzle of the human mind and rip apart to be in the mad man's confines.
Fortitude to bear, uninterrupted disaster.
  Tutor the wreck less with ambition, explain your own maddening rendition.
  Take back the flames of a stolen heart, hope it lasts before it starts.
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