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Paulina Nov 2014
My words sweet as honey
Will leave a bitter taste in your mouth .
Revenge isn't best served cold- it should be sweet with a hint of poison.
You've got a shield to hide behind,
For now.
You've got his eyes locked on you,
For now.
The day will come.
His eyes will widen in realization of your selfish carcas of a personality,
Your shield will dissolve away with your fears beginning to consume your body inch by inch.
And when that day comes you will wish you never stepped a foot on this planet, your worst nightmares will become your dreams.
Succubus will become nothing to what the glass shattered before you will reveal.
No number of ghosts or demons will compare to what your eyes will feast upon the day this world reaches through your chest and clenches the rock of a heart you posses tearing it out of your frail body.
You will sit in a chair strapped as can be and watch as your pebble of a heart is crushed with the hammer of your own self pitty.
Beg for nightmares for they are the least frightening for what will stand your way.
And as your blood runs from the slit in your throat to the paved floors, a smile bigger than sunlight will stare right at you.
Thirsty for blood and no blood tastes more rewarding than the one from the knife which penetrated right through your worthless body of a harlet.
The night the psychopath within will be unleashed to feast on the taste of your selfish, ice cold blood and flesh.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Jane Halliwell Nov 2014
Counting crows at twilight
the maiden could not see
the knave who sat beside her
in all his gallantry
So he cut off her pigtails
he took them to his home
but dropped his hat along the way
and she found him all alone
He counted sheep at midnight
lying in his bed
and could not see her standing there
as she cut off his head
me turning a bad experience into a silly tale
Ominous Nov 2014
I’ll make you feel the heat of my blood,
but only when I feel yours
in my tongue.
Evan Hayes Nov 2014
In the graveyard
I've come to hear your voice
and I'm all alone again
I've brought my toys

You're going to burn
I'm making sure
You're going to love
What I've got in store

It's 6 am
and I'm coming for you
it's 6 am
You're way past due

Choke again
You're not my friend
Choke again
Let's play pretend

I'll be the demon
and you'll be me
Lets swap sides
It's all I need

I'm not like you
but i can fool
My board
Torment the ghoul

I'm glad you're gone
Burning with fun
I've got my gun
I hope you can run
A bit darker than most of my others
Revan Thrashin Nov 2014
In our tine of war
You seized your chance
Left me in the hands
Of our enemies

Treachery against your comrade
Turning my own on me
Leaving me for dead

I never saw it coming
When you left me
At the gates of hell

But I'll return
You can not
Simply lock me away
I'll crawl back to hunt you down

I'll find you
Rob you of your joy
Leaving my misery on your shoulders

You know I'm coming
We'll meet again
At the gates of hell

You're in ruin
Not worth a dime
Or anybody's time
No longer in power

After twenty-five years
I've paid you back
With what you deserve

I'll leave you
Just as you left me
At the gates of hell
I'll bring you back here. One day, Anthony.
Dexteix Oct 2014
Five years hiding
preparing and binding
reading and writing
Five years bent over old crumbling scrolls
weaving old words into wards
molding spells of fire and lightning

Five years  plotting underground
in an unending round
of clandestine sabotage
with knives and lies

Five years to find men and women,
willing to help him atone
and the tyrant to overthrow
Five years to forge
them the swords and axes
shields and armour
that would crash and crack,
splinter and shatter edge to edge
for the sake of
his soul

Five years to the day,
the bells and trumpets rang
The horns were blown
and drums beaten
The earth was shaken
as the host marched forth

Five years to the day
the banners were flown
and in defiance of the dark king
the white pennants bore a fiery eye

At its head hooded
strode a man with a glowing staff
unbent unbroken and unbowed
proud, determined and uncowed
ready now at last
Noandy Oct 2014
When the first wind blew
From fire’s sorrow, tangled by chains
The scarlet remains you left put me in sanity
For the sake of bitter gain
And pride-degrading fables
When i wanted you to lie still
After you got the hearts to ruin
For the sake of the lone pendulum
That sways from your very own blood
Your veins are the chains
That bind me down to hell
With the pests of your past
Crawling to grant my shallow wishes
With neither payment nor reward
But your hatred was as much
As the soul you have abandoned
Your revenge was pure
And forest red without cherish
Without no one to welcome you
Nor a home where you can ease
Your weary heart clasped in blade
Dragged by corroding chains
Is injecting me with lethal hatred
Of pain
In admiration
And in my older days should I have known
You were my fragments of haunted joy
Kneeling in festering blades
Until the chains slowly possess and
Rage, in the blue robes of haunted night
Against the spinster spider’s love
Painfully degrading your inability
In knowing that you killed your soul while
Kneeling down in corroding chains
Against the loyal spider’s shame
D'Arcy Sahn Oct 2014
I sat on a rock and stared
At the wisps of cloud
Obscuring the blue of the sky
The grey drew nearer
And I realized it was not merely grey
But aqua, navy, burnt, and yellow
I tried to scream
No words left my mouth

Then they left the sky

Plummeted to the earth

From the shelter I had taken only seconds before

I saw them

Those ducks

Those stupid ducks

Those stupid suicidal ducks

Destroy what remained of my garden

May one thousand starving rednecks boil you alive

As I watch my garden be avenged.
Constructive criticism welcomed. Thanks to Ena for the idea.
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