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Billie Marie Jul 2020
The point of pain
is to get you to notice
if your trigger warnings
to flee the scene.
And what’s that saying?
You want to see a victim
without help.
Who is the one snickering in the corner
pretending one didn’t eat all the cookies
leaving one’s neighbor to starve.
I see your passive headlights.
Super-flu-us of your own designs.
You only wish you could get to me
so you try to take my place instead.
How can one take another place
before finding one’s own?
Or supplant another’s home
without upending your own?
Foolish child hiding one’s own true heart
to be seen as a star
by putting on stuff that appears like stardust
blingy and bright but without any real light
of its own being created pure and supreme.
Somehow I see I’m already living the dream.
But you look and see
your projected screams onto me
and you can’t embrace what I bring
because what would that make
what you invested in saying?
Hold onto those words
to the bitterest ending
pretending the darker the chocolate
the better the berry.
It’s all finer still in the end
cuz no end is ever approaching
except the end you imagined for me
in your own dark hidden and ***** corners.
But what you don’t get
when you **** that trigger happy smile
is that the end is only real
from your own POV.
So you’ll be mulling
and overturning
with a smirk and clinked glasses
while I am always
and forever
only reposing in bliss
that you keep forever missing
sofia Jul 2020
nothing but emptiness.
a black hole filled with sadness
inside out nothingness
consuming me
leaving me with loneliness
i seek revenge.
IntoTheGale Jul 2020
“Poets never ****.”
            -V. Nabakov

Oh, but don’t we?
Our methodology might
Differ, our craft more subtle-
And yet the end result,
Escorting some poor soul
To the gates of whatever end
Awaits them beyond this frame,
Is abhorrently familiar,
Our motives no more pure-

We move in different mediums
Some artists in oils,
Others in brute force-
Working in time signatures
Of days and weeks, years-
not Mere seconds-
This is not impulse-
But words weaponized?
That is artistry refined.
We work in palettes of grays.

We need to know them
For the poison to take hold.
To work it’s way through
The bloodstream, through
Every muscle until it is absorbed
Into who they believe themselves
To be, something they can never
Change about themselves
That they are sure is visible
To every passerby,
Some fracture in the facade.

The planting of a seed,
A word, a phrase-
Insidious in its design
A dark spot on the mind
So small, seemingly
Insignificant, but the foundation
Upon which we build our
Scaffold, buried in some
Line of text, in some metaphor
That draws an indelible line
Between some worldly beauty
And a deep buried flaw
They try to hide from the eyes of the world.
It’s delicate business after all,
Planting self doubt and loathing
So ingrained that one is unsure
Whether they ever existed before
The thought that now destroys them.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020

Vengence on her brow
On her palm, crisp gold chaos
For the beautiful

Another woman of myth!
This haiku is dedicated to Eris, another favourite Greek goddess of mine.
How one action caused such great war...
I'm really enjoying this series, my list grows by the day!
Be back soon with more!
Here's the link for the growing collection:
A new letter for my new series will drop soon!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Dayda Jun 2020
I dreamed of this day since that moment
When you left me just like that
To mend my immensely broken heart

13 years have passed
And yet, here we are again
You looked at me and I looked at you

All those years, I practiced all sorts of scenarios
Most are me slapping you really hard
And me giving you a piece of my mind

Yet, we stood here, in front of each other
I smiled and you smiled back
All the hurt I let vapoured away

You told me I was your biggest regret
I stood there silently with a smile on my face
We both know that what was once there will never return

God gave me you back, served on a silver platter
Giving me a chance to give back what you did
But in turn, I chose that moment to forgive you instead

You always thought that revenge is what you want
When instead forgiveness is what you need
I am free now, free forever from you

Thank you
You hurt me so bad once and all I want was revenge. Somehow, when that moment finally came, it was never what I want.
Alicia Prakash Jun 2020
Blood for ink
As I seal your fate
A deadly pandemic
Will lead you astray
Bullets and politics
Won’t prevail
The strongest survive
While the weaklings fade.

Slowly but surely
I’ll take back what’s mine
Two thousand years
And a thousand designs
For vengeance, for justice,
Cold and cruel
A mother’s justice
Tough love- fuelled.

Warnings were spurned
Not once or twice
Greed and Envy
Took root in a trice
Beware, beware,
I surmise
That our cries and sighs
Will be our final goodbyes.
Jade Jun 2020
How I'd love
to spray paint the words
upon your white picket fence.

I will destroy
your every

pardon me.

I retract my statement--

we don't rhyme
where I'm from.
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

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