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Archer Feb 12
Two heavenly hands hold hues of their own
A hell in the night we live all alone
The greater and the lesser light will see
She here with her one and he with his three
He sleeps and wakes up to discover names
The unfortunate truths of life are blamed
When they choose to allow her to have this
Cathar reveals itself, tetractys
A maiden resides and is instead shown
Not pen, but pencil to see The Lupeon
Erwinism Dec 2024
some of the best recollections i curated is that of chaos.

i know you hate it, so i will make you remember.

how you lolled your tongue at the sight of garlic in your porridge when we’ve got nothing else to eat on a rainy day.

bowls of getting by squeezed out of tired pores, crated palms with puddles of a won day, same palms like coveted napkins on the lap of the rich wiping the long breath of hopelessness from your cheeks.

reed-thin body,
bones as if wafers,
yet we sprung forward.
not a care as we watched
the jowly cheeks of wanting
puff up.

how hand-me-down yesterdays were worn—a tradition tied around a last name like All Souls’ Day candles. they peer from behind the stars, thoughts of them sparkle, they are reminded of fights, they are reminded why they left in the first place, just in case boredom pays them a visit.

i’ve come to know, the most practical way to get a golden ticket to the land of happiness is to have it handy in my heart.

but you locked it up in a gilded cage and you chased a star not knowing it’s a sunset and it just kept dipping into peaks jutting out of nowhere, you had worn out your heels and you were left with nothing but midnight instead of holding on to your blanket and watch a new day spill out of the sky.

you were insane that way.

remember the shame how magic belts turned us red and purple and upright, and how we were the grinch who stole baby Jesus away from his nativity set and got caught and were taught grownups pick on kids who didn’t know better?

remember how mathematics predetermined our future as undisputed champs of failure courtesy of our clairvoyant aunts?

it mattered little—
inconsequential, so to speak.
we heaved our arms,
hoisted our dreams
onto our scrawny frames.
our bulging chests
were enough
for us to beat,
like bongos,
we fanned the flames
until they voices
throughout the milky way.
our mother
in her innocence believed
we were capable
of many a great things
between the better parts
of her mood swings.

we were mirrors more than we were humans portioned in parts bitter and beauty, we rummaged through every chance hoping we could unearth change, but we never did until it was too late.

yet, i always had your hand in mine. we dropped out of the line and strayed away from paths stamped with footprints of approval and wandered on roads no one can see but our hearts knew.

remember the day you let go so you could hold bottles thinking they were looking glasses, thinking they fermented clarity aged in oak barrels, and day after day you took a drop until you had an ocean dissolving you?

remember how i found real estate in the promises of a girl, how i grew a house there, but then, time mistook her for dorothy and blew her away like a tumble **** into the arms of another boy?

how i bawled out and how you had a ball at my expense, laughing at my silence at open mic night?

remember when we heard a drop of a needle the size of the moon hurtling down the earth when father sat up on his bed for the last time with his eyes open as if he saw an unseen door somewhere. somehow, we heard him skittering away while he left us a fertilizer for everyone to cry about?

remember how we forgot. we dreamt under the same roof before our feet carried us away.

into the mist went we,
threads began to fray,
we forgot.

i will make you remember,
before all that i am unravels.
Sally A Bayan Aug 2021
(Be Relevant)

By a beading table, is where i sit,
a few steps across a desktop corner,
a sky-lighted, cozy space, a vantage
point where i see and hear clearly, as
i'm easily heard and seen...close to
the kitchen, where home scenes and
sounds...and scents of home-made
food, inspire and influence creativity.

here is where i mend torn garments,
repair anything that must be mended.
here, i'm found when my presence,
my sentiments and advice are sought,
when they ask what's for dinner, or,
just wanna hug...reasons for one's
existence, speak loud, just as my
thoughts...speak loud, too.

"is this why i'm here in this world?
why i was created here, and not in
other livable spaces in the universe?"

purposes and roles come to mind,
when hope is nowhere, and thoughts  
of an ungrateful world, an ungrateful
surrounding, drag on...

while the rest are still hushed by
the twilight of dawn, my eyes are
half-closed, but the mind is already
up and about...deaf and blind to
disappointments and frustrations,
oblivious to estrangements,
because, always a priority.

no arguments, just a
live through this purpose-driven life,

to be relevant,

to be involved, to be a part of the long as time allows.  


sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    August 15, 2021
Happy Sunday everyone!
I miss you all.
May happy thoughts prevail on this rainy August morning <3
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Why do we ask the same questions
Using the same words
And hope it is any more relevant
And meaningful
Than it was before?
Simon Jul 2020
Time is not as relevant as they say it is. (Tripping over their very senses in the very process that’s getting them…NOWHERE!) It could be, only if “space and time” both actually mattered. Which they entirely don’t when there’s something else that should be added to both space and time, whilst one or the others should be removed (becoming their own stated claim). Meaning space isn’t as relevant as they it is, either. Instead of saying space and time, you should actually be removing the “space” itself and putting the word “pace” in it’s (once thought “spatial” place). Now calling it both “pace and time” for ALL (in due time) too essentially bear! So, if both space a-and time are not relevant, then why does it seem like time doesn’t get the credit it deserves for being the more recognized characteristic of this discussion…? Because space goes in a category of it’s very own. That’s why! Something that need’s ONLY a good pace and time too filter it on through. Because pace is nothing more than the aptitude for something that needs a good time management either (ahead of time or beforehand) for time to not become as relevant as they say it is. Showing the truth behind the matter, altogether. Time being a thing that truly does “transcend” ALL states of matter! And ALL states of consciousness! Even going beyond what any state of consciousness could ever “assess” simply what the entire magnitude of the force of “time” itself truly is about? Nor can consciousness even define its own properties against time, instead (“with time”). When its very meanings aren’t always accountable when trying to always reason through something that essentially goes beyond yourself. For consciousness tries (as it must) to traverse every property of it’s very meaning in order to redefine over and over again. But essentially, doesn’t get anywhere. Its pace is foreboding a claim that is merely (not to be). Ordering a newer service too take its rightful place. Space on the other hand, can’t afford consciousnesses claim to help traverse ALL states, when consciousness is still a very limited piece of source material of its own former limited boundaries. Making time less relevant in this scenario. S-so space and time are out! But “pace” still is the “ticking time clock” that keeps on moving forward, even if consciousness isn’t exactly doing anything. (When it truly is…it’s just tripping over it’s very senses the same way people have said “time is relevant”.) It’s still the functioning and operable thing it’s always been. So, in order to simply traverse every property of its very meanings over and over again… Needing pace in order to hold on tightly, as both space and time is limiting their own resources each time that consciousness suspects something could be wrong. Space being in a completely different category of it’s very own needs to own the newer characteristic into being defined as both space and time. Taking time’s spot. While pace takes one half of the spot that space (was once and still currently is in a way) than for it too essentially be removed in order for it to be then (in due time) called simply “pace and time”. Marking space as the newer ownership as being both itself and time (simultaneously)! All at the same point in time. However, that doesn’t exactly mean time is anywhere now but undefined…. How all this essentially works is that when time is not relevant, space takes over ALL priorities (even time itself)! Then pace comes in because time is becoming more and more nonrelevant the more the truth is truly “perceived”, than for it to be normally seen, (as a result). Forcing time to reveal why it is not in fact, relevant. When (truthfully) it is entirely something else altogether. It’s entirely made to go beyond ALL states of matter and consciousness. Simply because where time truly flows from… Or “flows out from” (to be more accurate). Is something going beyond the normal universe (as we know it today), essentially! Some type of known space (I guess too essentially call it) that’s trying to take over the normal universe’s current representations. Something like space wanting to essentially own ALL! Abruptly becoming top dog for ALL staring representations (in the current normal universe) to surround themselves in awe around and around… Showing no further representations available, anymore. Just an empty abyss! Until there was nothing left, but true…empty space!
Space could very well be a non-realistic form of a past impression that says it’s merely the pale imitation of a simple illusion! Yet, a simple illusion that (still to this very day) could defy ALL comprehension towards the one’s who are tripping over their very senses saying things like “time is relevant”! When that get’s them only so far, before they start to eventually realize that something could be amiss….
Teddy Maloney May 2020
Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone,
However, on this summit - no person can stand alone,
Cast the zealot from the thorny throne,
Beat them until you hear their soul groan.

For it is this persons' mad ignorance,
That caused civilisations to be ravaged by pestilence,
Causing man to **** man in profitable wars,
Bodies of innocence - dream on the calm shores.
Sergio Gonzalez Apr 2020
Light years away
You can find what you’re looking for
You feel like you’re trapped
In the same routine, it’s monotonous
I know
But life has its responsibilities
And if it didn’t
How long can you hold for
Because it takes time to change things
It takes effort to do things
And it takes passion to be patient
For you’ll never know
What the future holds

Some look for happiness
Some look for love
And others wonder
What’s up there up above
The clouds hold the truth
As the sun spills its secrets
The Earth spins round and round
To keep you safe and sound
We are all walking paradoxes
Waiting for our turn to be relevant
Light years away
I hope you’ll find what you were looking for
starsnwaves Jul 2019
coexistence: intr.v. to live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy.

she had a bumper sticker on the back of her car
with the word
made up of differences
that at the time seemed impossible
to be able to live in the
same world
that car was my childhood
even though i never really took
the time to think
about interwoven
ideas until now
when it feels like
values are being torn in half
with a line down the middle
good from good from bad from bad
in greyscale

coexistence seems possible in many things. but as much as i want it to be, i don't think this is one of those things.

and i'm not ready to lose friends over this when i'm not even sure what i believe.
hi you should like this bc in response to reading it a very cute boy said "wow that's good". so yeah :)
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