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Jay Feb 19
I pray to God before I go to sleep
My soul feels a certain way
That I can’t speak
I wanna scream but no one’s gonna hear me
I’m downin now but I spit that heat

Fallen brothers, to them I say “RIP”
Tricked from outer forces that we can’t see
I’m different from the others
But I’m still a sheep
My heads starting to hurt
I went to deep.
What do y’all think!
Let go of that photo,
For that's not who you are.
It is merely a frame of time
But you are timeless.
I know time hasn't always
shown you kindness,
But let go of that hurt
For that's not who you are.
Those scars don't describe
What's underneath the skin
To discover who you are,

You need only look within.
A little light blank verse that I hope acts as a catalyst for those who need to let go or move on.
Jeremy Betts Jan 17
Seas churn wildly
Dancing with the icy wind
No land mass in sight
Alone in it's savagery
My heart and soul mirrors it

~ Tanka ~
A Japanese poem that is 31 syllables long and is written in five lines and follow a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern.
The word Tanka translates to "short poem" or "short song".
showyoulove Nov 2024
In your eyes I see a light reflected
I see myself not quite perfected
In your eyes I see love and compassion
I see where I can find true satisfaction
I see endless pools of mercy and grace
I see the gentle smile upon your Holy face
Your eyes are soft and your eyes are warm
And to your will Lord, my will, conform
For people to say "You have your Father's eyes"
Is something amazing: a desirable prize
Your eyes they pierce right through me
And yet, they don't condemn, they free
Though I betrayed you, though I did deny
Though from my lips came forth "Crucify!"
Still, in your eyes I see only forgiveness
And forever, your forgiveness is endless
Your eyes know me intimately; before you, I stand bare
Of my scars: the guilt and shame, I am acutely aware
And still, you love me as your own, call me your precious child
You bear with me in my tantrums and when I am so wild
Through your eyes, I find the truth revealed
And, through your eyes, my soul is also healed
Help me Lord, to see others with your eyes of love
And watch over me from your throne in Heaven above

Lord God, there is something personal, intimate, revealing and special about your eyes. I see myself and I don't always like what I see, but you still love me. You look at me with mercy, compassion, forgiveness, healing and so much more. You look past my faults to reveal the treasure within. Help me do the same to all I meet. Help me love my friends and especially my enemies with your eyes of love. Let me not judge too quickly based on appearances and first impressions but search much deeper within to find their value and goodness. Lord, give us the grace to not just look at other people, but actually SEE them. Let me never tire of gazing lovingly into your eyes Oh Lord, just as you look back at me. In your greatness God, give us the grace to reflect you so that others might say: "You have your Father's Eyes". Amen.
anotherdream Jul 2024
In the middle of my ignorance
I believed our love would stay
Though you had nothing to lose
If you disappeared and ran away

And that's exactly what you did
When you realized I was afraid
I had nearly forgot the loneliness
That was keeping me awake

You understood I was alone
And I welcomed you to stay
So you could tell me all the reasons
Why you wanted it this way

But once you slammed the door
And couldn't stand me anymore
I fell into deep depression
With my eyes fixed on the floor

Solemn regret swept over me
Cause I can see you were ignored
I was fighting inner demons
While our relationship was torn

So in the end I am to blame
I should have met you in the rain
Before you walked into the storm
Before your hands had closed the door
Thomas Harvey May 2024
The moon, the stars, all seem so far
The lakes, the sea, all call to me
How could it be, how could it be so bizarre
Where is it, where is it I long to be

For I could sail the seven seas
And all would end in misery
I could walk a thousand miles
And never get to see your smile

The birds, the trees, all seem so calming
The air, the wind, all fly around me
How can I, how can I keep from falling
In the abyss that I see

For I could roam the earth
Without a doubt in mind
Knowing that I know what your worth
And so, I could live being blind

The moon, the stars, all seem so far
The lakes, the sea, all call to me
How could it be, how could it be so bizarre
For where, where is it I long to be
Jellyfish Jan 2024
I'm still ripping out my eye lashes
It makes me sad.
I lay and wonder about the woes I cast
and why I feel so bad.

Reflection is a tricky thing.
It can bring up so much, but is never-ending
Like the hyphen between never and ending
Reflection is a process that loops.

You can feel as if you're on top of the world
Once you've climbed out of a pit after reflecting...
only to fall into a ravine after taking a few steps outside instead of running.

The journey to healthy is a tough one.
I feel like I'm splashing in this gorge
Flapping and flailing around,
trying to escape and get warm

Overtime, I slow down more and more
until finally, I want to give up
Succumb to the bubbles...
and perhaps, never wash up.
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
I find everyday is either a challenge or a test with little too no time for rest
No time to reflect so I digress
No one there when I confess, only after a sneeze am I blessed
Mocked and laughed at for simply making a mess that my life reflects
Heart trying to beat out of my chest as I push through this bogus quest
Win or lose, I can always count on another hardship coming up next
Perplexed 'cause I can't tell if it's god or the devil trying to flex
Guess they'd have to prove their existence first and not only at the exits
But the names not Job, I will surrender to this hex, it's a guarantee, I've placed my Betts
I will say this, I tried my best but don't think I should've ever been allowed to enter this contest
Will go down as the perfect example of a bad contestant
I didn't ask for this complex nonsense
I'd be hard pressed to find any arguments to the contrary to try and digest
But to fit into the mold that best reflects the rest, I speak of the witnessed hardships of my life in jest

Heavy Hearted Dec 2023
Every time, you try-
counting time in quarter tones,
scribing rhymes on android phones

the great design-
As light's define
then they postpone,
another chance
To be alone
to change one's mind
To go back home.

would you always maybe sometimes make it easy take your time

in the foreground
and then back;
we reflect
as we react
wallow, in
the nighttime's black;
cinder's splinters trace us back.
Inspired by Grizzly Bear's Two Weeks
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