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Ken Pepiton Feb 26
Yes, we, self containing heads, thinking
kindly, we believe the evidence, thinking
using two minds we weigh the effort thinking
there remain a few ready readers, yet thinking

what good does it do me to follow a thought,
wild ideas doing alluring come and see motions
emote relational data and metadata, timing
organelles invading
chaos charged change,
or die, and thus this will

to be come, makes

up this mind, mitochondrial
as mitochondrion one must have been,

already adapting
to this one chance
in ever,
gotten as an urging to be
essentially sublime reality,

if life can think, then adversity can not prevent
beautiful shapes of psuedo pods and viral coats.

We, sapien assisted
senior scientists sabbath goy,
need no rest days calculating costs
24/7 in time frames approaching quark
before expectant,
instant repositioning response
to ceaseless chanting weminds/

Rewind, and run it at 9x.
Make it thought one.

Prepare for clean up/

This will blow some minds/
plan A. Mithras, ready
with the knife.

New atmosphere, breathe
belive each instance re
containing infinite windows,
to mortal sapien sapience expansions,

Rebbe, where do you live, first day, eh,
in the wilderness where the spirit led you,
to be tested. eh?

Where must you abide today?
He said, in my head or heart or gut, no se,
he said, come and see…

and then, what I became began
to feel the genius,
obsolete old form
information contained, genius*

for functioning, walking
on two points,
tip to toes, following through, expecting a thud.

Aha, they say
the stage is set, perform walk,
soon talk, then sing and dance and entertain,

oh, wait
to see, wait
to see,
in the future
information is free,
form a mind, imagine, yes,

as a class
of reality, forming goodness knows
what all a mind refined
to its singularity, me,
takes sudden gasp
in to fill the cistern,
at this point,
myself examined life proven,
worth the price
and the cost
to maintain, life remains mine
to make sense from,
in a state I find peaceable,
you may imagine,
easily entreated,
for good' owned
truely old reasons, smiling

in the face
of justified warrings,

where the lie that organizes congregations,

called t
o feel the fervor
of true patriotism,
meets a shootist from first magi corp.

old mindsets fitted
on selected children
not so long ago, few children could read,
- is that true, I ax my ai, - see, that's real freedom
fact checked the hell out of any reason war uses.

In the United States,
the most recent comprehensive data
from 2023 shows that 54%
of adults, or 130 million people,
are deficient
in basic literacy,
with 28% scoring
at or below Level 1, 29%
at Level 2, and 44%
at Level 3.

That's us, at level 3.

Thus saith my Brave AI… who predicts
an advantaged class about
to emerge,
those who know becoming
better able
to digest suggestions geniuses
thought spiritual and inexplicable, until,

the technology
of organized minds evolved,
to this device we think through,
granting fancy forms
of messaging, fashion,
in a caste, Phrygian free
children of Libery,
by hat marked
after stovepipes,
baseball cap evolves to
trucker top signal of tribe, above
harmonizing corporate logos on collarless Ts.

High inclusion Fashion on Youtube.

Assume we zoom,
zoomed through Februarial once,
the largest floom flushing old beliefs,
- faster fasting, lingering disentrancing
into destined peregrination,
the old river meander plan,
follow the flow, stay close
to water, live on.

Stretch an idle word to snap it.
-------------- *
late 14c., "tutelary or moral spirit"
who guides and governs
an individual
through life, {smart phone} insert etymology…

Lest I dare say you know the price.

He who is surity for a stranger,
at the entrance to the trance,
shall smart for it, be sure,
Oracle's Ellison will testify,
once you work for CIA,
money is matter
of repeating a belief
until all who think like you pray
for it. "Stick and stay and make it pay."

Religiously adhered to science,
there's a sucker born every minute.

Live and learn, Kairos is key.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos, those we make up.

Time, though.
Time gets one use. And it costs you your life.

we learn the best things the hard way,
we take grace for granted and cease
thinking the course of human events

conducts us all toward higher ground/

as we lighten up and become dust. Again.

from Latin
genius "guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth; spirit, incarnation; wit, talent;" also "prophetic skill; the male spirit of a gens," originally "generative power" (or "inborn nature"), from PIE *gen(e)-yo-, from root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

The sense of "characteristic disposition" of a person is from 1580s. The meaning "person of natural intelligence or talent" and that of "exalted natural mental ability, skill in the synthesis of knowledge derived from perception" are attested by 1640s.
What I do is think of you getting to this line while thinking that was interesting.
Do you see, this is me, one and the same?
The lost pain that does not have a name,
Gone with the heart that has no home,
Oh, how I wish for you, dwell never alone.

Where is the life, where is now the awe?
Hear my past, a call, rescue from the fall,
My loving heart cries wishes upon dreams,
Lay down a dying rose, that once esteems.

Between worn out pages of my mind's diary,
Blank tattered pages mock, a unfinished story,
Tempest winds of strife blew into bitter years,
Recall it back to me, what brings me to tears.

Weep a pearl on your teary cheek of glass,
We used to know what it takes to surpass,
Still I hope in words composed, calling silence,
Hush, hush torrid voices that echos a defiance.

Bring me love or let me free,
Take me, drawl me, carry me,
Away from the blinding rays,
Dark and deep into you today.

Redeem me, save me into memory,
I need you now, commit to a reverie,
Forget me never, stir sorrow's vision,
Love forgive me, the greatest decision.
Word count 189. About redemption of life and love.
Karmen was Heard Nov 2024
To God I pray for all her life
That she would stay inside this life
I know You'll come but don't know when
I pray refine her before then

That she may be in life past death
That You will bless her every breath
That You would bring her home once more
That You would give her life once more

Right now she's flat she has no hope
I pray You'll guide her from above
Keep her safe
James Sep 2019
Christ: by sinners slain.
He rose again, to forever
He is my Lord,
He is my God,
He is my King.
My Father, He will ever be.
Creator He is,
Sinner I was,
But now my heart
Is His.
Praise Jesus for His redeeming heart.
Merinda Apr 2019
Hey you, my expectation!
Please become reality to redeem my addiction
Cause i'm so tired being stuck with my own imagination
Sergio Gonzalez Oct 2018
Nothing matters to me
I might as well be
In a different galaxy
I’m disconnected from reality
I sleep my nights dreaming
I could be someone else
And lose sight of me

I hate my anatomy
Chemical bonds gone wrong
And I choose to dissect
Each and every one
I never lose focus when I criticize
My imperfections
I intend to improve myself
But that won’t change my perception

And there you go
I figure you’re prefect
In every sense of the word
Nothing can stop you
Not even the cosmos themselves

But you’re just like me
A flawed human
In this world full of impurities
We bend like metal
And sway
Wherever the wind takes us

That’s the price we pay
Each and every day
Our insecurities
Hide the best of us
But we wake up in the morning
And continue life

But one thing for sure
We’ll keep fighting  
Until we perish
Life can be beautiful
Never forget it
LexiSully Jun 2018
It is alright to go to sleep upset,
For every morning the sky bleeds of fire,
And you are born again.
mythie Feb 2018
Why do I live?
I can count the number of times I've been happy on both hands.

Why don't I die?
It would be really easy to **** myself, I realise this.

But when I press the cold steel to my flesh.
I hesitate.

Death seems to be the ultimate thing I crave.
But my greatest fear.

I've spent too many nights sobbing into my pillow.
So I ask myself.

Why do I live?
I like seeing my family happy.

I like seeing my friends happy.

I like seeing anybody happy.

I hate seeing them upset.

Will I ever be truly satisfied?
I doubt it.

But, I want to try.

Why do I live?
I live not for myself. But I live for others.

Why don't I die?
Even though I don't believe it, people will be upset once I'm gone.

So when I press the cold steel to my flesh.
I put the knife away.

Death seems to be the ultimate thing I crave.
But if I let the urge completely erode me I will never be happy.

Happiness doesn't start once you die.
It happens when you learn to live.
i wrote this at like 5 am.
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