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Nolan Willett May 2020
Truth is found when one can
Reconcile the irreconcilable
That’s why it’s so elusive
And Illusive
Because you can’t,not completely,
At least not humanity,
Paradoxes obscure, but also vindicate,
The all
And everything.
And creation is a scientist
And we are its Petri dish,
And creation is a mystic,
And we are its parish.
Science the soul
thepoeticwit Nov 2019
Hold not my sins against me,
For I am only human:
Scarred, broken, fallen.

Give me grace, and you'll have my faith;
I forgive and love you all the same.

Til next we meet, I pray instead of enmity,
It'll be in a sweet embrace.

But for all the tension I've caused--
I'm sorry for my mistakes.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
Everything happens for a reason,
one of the important lesson I learnt with the change in season
and people.

Some moments hurt, scar and engrave
an important lesson.
Protecting you from future treason
Making you deal with it even better.
Some moments exhilarate happiness and positivity
Fueling you with love and treasuring the memories.

Some people come as blessings
Building homes in our hearts;
Helping us sail turbulent waves;
Acting as starlights in our dark sky.
While some leave us lessons
Vacating their homes in our hearts.

Twist is some, come back
and some only stay a flashback.
Some are are sent for exile
and some come back to reconcile.
People come and go.
Some drawing a smile on our face;
creating a beautiful and positive impact.
But leave for certain reasons,
To those people I am thankful,
to have had my paths cross with them.
And grateful to the ones who’s chaos and storms,
I survived and bloomed from.
Not forgetting about the ones who stayed
even when some left,
Appreciating them for still standing by my side till the very end.
Here’s to ones who drifted and faded. Here’s to the ones who became closer. Here’s to the ones who left, leaving me to bloom. Here’s to the loyal ones, who fueled with me love and strength. Here’s to the ones who who came back, making me believe in forgiveness, hope and chances.
winter Mar 2019
release our tensions
and dispel of this worry
after all that we've been through
your words and my words
my hurt and your guilt
to reconcile our hands
and disprove every doubt
i lend you my hand
joyful and beautiful and miserable man
you're confused and i'm tired
i'm confused and you're tired
however many times it comes back
to you, to me
let's try this again
plat Nov 2018
What do I do
To make you cry
What do I do
To make you feel like you should die
How did I
Make you meet your demise

I'm the one who has to pick up the pieces
I'm the one who has to carry you around
But now
I'm the one who gets stomped into the ground?

I sit here
Day by day
Doing nothing wrong
In my chair is where I stay
But here's all the flashing lights and sirens
Bells and whistles here and there
From the ocean up to the highlands
A spotlight with such a glare

And I ask myself
What did I do
To make you cry
And does that mean
That I deserve to die?
Another chance, is all I ask from you.
Hank Estrella Oct 2018
Don’t forget me when I am gone,
Even though I never left.
Even though you don’t see me
Or want to.

I am still here, overwhelmed
Worried.  (You don’t love me)
Ashamed.  (Of what I’ve done)
Hurt.  (Of what has become)
Needing.  (To be understood)
Wanting.  (You and all of you)

I am seen.
Learning to live.
Accepting it all.

Don’t forget me when I am gone,
I am right here.  I’ll be back.
You’ll see me again, you’ll feel me again.
But for the moment, don’t forget me when I am gone.
It won’t be long, you’ll see.  
It won’t be long.

My heart says, “I love you”
My tears say “I miss you”
And my soul says, “I don’t want to be without you”

And my brain, the logical of all, the problem causer says “I am sorry”.
Karisa Brown Oct 2018
Your tongue licks
Against my vertabre
We reconcile violent colors
Underneath these sheets

Here comes the breaking of day
Letting our shadows be undressed
In the lightest orange and rouge
Let's stay in and play
Let it not spoil our progressive
Repossesions of One another

I've waited too long
To sink my teeth into you
b Aug 2018
let us reconcile
in the moment,
for a moment.
the tiniest
of tensions are so
malleable to the parts of
me that know im
not worthy.

i fixate on a star
to the point that
if i stare long enough
i dont see the others
and it will dance
through a clear sky
like it could breath.

no one is ready for
my sweater. i work to
give but have yet to
pull sword from stone.
either i am not worthy
or i am not ready, but
defeat always feels
the same.

i see a real miracle
over and over.
things have never felt
so futile.
a star will crash
into the earth
and i will never
hold a sword.
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