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Miss Me Nov 2017
I knew the pain
  She would feel today
When I whispered to her
  There can be change
The fight to step high
  Might be a reach
Now my babe
   See her relaxed asleep
To my oldest daughter Sheri thank you for letting me be me
BSeuss Sep 2017
the light of the Creator is tattooed into my soul; as it looks at its reflection, through the window I call my eye.
Cat Wilson Jun 2017
Sleepy knees, struggling to keep one up. Slipping minds hang on the faintest peice of reality to keep us sane. (Ticking time bombs, one tick and we're e gone. )Weak hearts, broken so many nothing will heal all the damage. Lost people: the act they put on is soon turning into a life style. Voices get drained out by those with more importance. Those with more importance shun the ones with no voices, little by little shadows engulf the voiceless. The shadows hold more stories than one can tell. Stories of great triumph, lost souls sleeping, whispering for god. Stories of dread......
My view on life. And how it works
Elliott Jun 2017
I am reaching out for you. I reach to the deep corners of my heart where the darkness begins by its shadows cover; where there was a small hole from the first woman I loved.

I'm reaching to pull the arrow that grown baby in the diaper shot me in the *** with,

I'm reaching for where he's missed and shot and left scars is big as that gaping hole in my heart that Never seemed to heal correctly.

I'm reaching. I'm reaching for the day I saw you in that wheelchair my first day of marching band and someone said we'd be a cute couple of shorties.

I'm reaching for the day I switched seats and you were directly across my black eyes and I could feel my pupils dilate at least 45 percent.

Oh god this is amazing.

I'm reaching into the corners of my mind where I keep my biggest secrets and I'm reaching for you.
Another lovesick love poem
Sadia May 2017
We were both flying high, reaching out to one another.
I felt our souls collide; we shook the skies like a rumble of thunder. The lights flickered, lightning struck.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
the longing behind fingertips
reaching for hands
snatched away so quickly.
i forget their feeling so quickly
i forget your flinches so quickly.
and so it repeats.
can you feel the longing left
somewhere in the empty air?
RisingUp Nov 2016
Second year started
And so did her second round of battles.

Her struggles with the voice in her mind amplified
Walking around campus terrified

This creeping sense she wasn't okay
Slipped more into her mind each and every day
But I'm supposed to be better, what can I say?
Silence engulfed her.

Reaching out seemed like reaching across a chasm.

That voice is relentless, it never stops.
Anxiety and depression come out on top.
Controlled by her disordered mind.

On the outside, "I'm fine"
Her weight hasn't plummeted so she's fine.
She's fine.

Walking on a fine line.
Between two walls closing in.
Remnants of an eating disorder on one side and anxiety on the other
Threatening to crush her.

Yet no matter how far the chasm may seem,
it's another illusion my brain just perceives
Help is all around.
There is no shame.
Asking for help won't taint your name.

No matter how far your arm has to stretch you will find something to grasp.
Helping hands to push the walls apart.
Helping hands so your life doesn't seem so dark.
Helping words to counter that voice.

A second year started wrong,
yet it's never too late to turn things around.
To diminish that voice until it's just a faint sound.

A second chance to grow.
Marcus Belcher Jul 2016
Gripping the clouds
To fly upon their wings
Heaven's delight
Every time it sings

Tell me father
Tell me now
Show me the way
Show me how

To educate
To show them the light
Teach them when to bend
Advise them when to fight

We demand change
While staying the same
Want the power to fight?
Pick a different flame
A reflection of the times
Lunar May 2016
we chased after each other
becoming dog-tired and yearning
to rest in each other's arms
i tried to reach out for him
my fingers almost touching his
but no matter how hard we try
we just can't seem to lock hands
i pushed at him and he did the same
i banged the wall, he called out my name
until our frustrations to hold each other
finally die down in our sleep
because he tells me i'm the light
and he's the shadow on the wall
and that is only how we can meet
i thought of this as i played with my shadow on the wall
and i imagined it was you {wjh}
All these kids are homeless with dead parents from all these ignorant wars, the ghetto, tragedy and famine and you're complaining about how you hate your parents that are there for you?
What in blue blazes has gotten into you?
People who are good to you
Should never be rejected
I'm sorry, but i cannot accept those words as a fact
Because they're filth painted with temporary coat
Am i supposed to be impressed?
Because i'm not
You did far worse than that
My parents couldn't do everything for me, but it wasn't due to the lack of wanting
It was the lack of everything that prevented them from doing so.
I want to tell the homeless help is on the way
I will be your guide today
But they forgot the language of caring
Due to all their previous mistreatment from other souls
They now almost forgot how to feel
I'm not going to put them on a reel
To give them bait so i could just throw them back into the river
I'm understanding of your pain
And i want something to guarantee you constant gain
Because they deserve it the most
I want to cry every time i see them digging for food out of the garbage can
But i need to stay in my poker face
And stay strong
But i'm not sure it might be for long..
I had to write this.
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