The faintest click of a radio button
a song that I swear I'd long forgotten
and I journey back to another time
happily quiet, but humming inside
running much faster than blue dinosaurs
I Spy much more than a boy really saw
different than walking, different like flying
moving so fast they can't hear my sighing
tremours of laughter on Radio 2
then singing out loud junior choice tunes
even when songs fade away in the hills
I'd rather be here than back at home still
wary of Jenny's sharp buckled shoes
breathing in clouds from dad's old Saint Bruno
holding on tight to my cool DB5
m'Lady's pink Rolls is off for a drive
I always I Spy with my little eye
3 for a girl and then 4 for a boy
I Spy mum’s constant quick fingered knitting
row after row with Sally still kicking
then I Spy Janet swinging her feet
I Spy other kids in other back seats
I wish for grandma's baked cherry biscuits
I see the first sign that we're near Tonbridge
these are old snatches of life in the 60s
this is me looking back from my 50s
I'll sit still back here, just one back seat song
from family trips where I still belong
A sing that took me back to happy days and a family trip to grandparents in Kent.