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David Ehrgott Jan 2016
Gonna take my dial from five-fifty
to a hundred and eight miles an hour
The radio surfer
radio radio
radio surfer
radio radio
radio surfer
radio radio
radio surfer
radio radio
radio surfer
radio radio
radio surfer
radio radio
Gonna move my dial on the radio
Surf it
See what pleasures I can find
Surf it
Look for something on the radio
Surf it
It's always changing all the time
A middle-aged man with a radio
Can feel like a kid sometimes
Bringing back memories of when I was a kid
Staying up late to get more stations
I could listen to baseball from Missouri
Or alien stories from K L Kooky
It made me feel "what a great nation"
An idea improved by innovation
I can move my dial anywhere I want
Go up or down for a different spot
Maybe tune in to a song or two
And then sports or news, or baby you choose
Or a Spanish station that rocks the nation
With the craziest sounds that cause vibrations
Could be variety or a southern country jamboree
AM or FM, to me it's all heaven
Just to be surfin' the stations I'm searchin'
Cruising for blues or a song that is new
Maybe I'll search for religion or something
Or talk to a sports nut who's a news ******
I can go classic or talk of the town
Listen to jazz or the new rap in town
All kinds of rock, RB, rhythm and blues
Maybe the standards, pop, just what is new
Anytime, anywhere, anyway too
That's what I like about radio, you
Radio surfer
surfer surfer
Radio surfer
surfer surfer
Radio surfer
surfer surfer
Radio surfer
surfer surfer
Radio surfer
surfer surfer
Radio surfer now!
Paul d'Aubin Mar 2016
Radio Matin, mars 2016

Radio Matin, mars 2016 ; Tu écoutes la radio du matin ne pouvant te replonger dans l’oubli Et les nouvelles ne vont pas vont pas bien Il paraît que les Grecs auraient abusé, Des subventions de l'Europe se seraient gavés. Et, qu’horrible angoisse, Picsou craint de ne point être remboursé. Mais où va-t-on, si les créanciers rechignent à payer leur dus ? Tu écoutes la radio du matin Et les nouvelles ne vont pas bien. Les banques aussitôt sortis du coma, ont refilé en douce leurs pertes sur le déficit des Etats et ainsi créés un grand branle-bas Et se sont mises comme l’usurier Shylock A provoquer de grands entrechocs. Tu écoutes la radio du matin Il parait que les «marchés» ont le bourdon Car les européens du sud auraient croqué tout le pognon. Les marchés en perdent leur latin De voir la « dolce Vita de tous ces profiteurs. Quant à l’Espagne n’en parlons même pas ! C’est certainement la faute de la sangria. Tu écoutes la radio du matin Et les nouvelles ne vont pas bien. Il va falloir travailler plus longtemps, et du code du travail si ventripotent décréter la grande disette, d’ailleurs Manuel l’a dit, l’ « ancien socialisme » n’est pas « moderne » car il ne se plie pas aux contraintes de ce que nos gourous savants, nous dictent comme étant « la Modernité », d'ailleurs la barbe de Jean  Jaurès ne fait pas assez jeune cadre dynamique ! Et puis il paraît que nous vivons trop longtemps et pour les fonds de pension cela est certes démoralisant. Pourtant ne souhaitons guère tous atteindre cent-ans, Et préférerions disposer librement de notre temps. Tu écoutes encore la radio du matin Et les nouvelles ne vont pas bien. Un tanker s’est est échoué Laissant le pétrole s'écouler, qui sera difficilement colmaté et tue mouettes et cormorans. Les centaines de milliers de réfugiés, souvent par nos propres bombes déplacés ont le toupet de vouloir partager l’espoir de vivre dans un oasis de Paix ; mais pour combien de temps encor, cette paix des cimetières peut-elle durer, et bous laisser consommer seuls dans nos lits pas toujours si douillets ?
Tu n'écoutes plus désormais la radio du matin et la télévision encore moins. Car toutes ces nouvelles te rendaient zinzin. Tu n’es plus sûr, du tout, de la vérité apportée dans cette Babel sonore et tu es consterné par une vision si étriquée de l’humain.
Comment pouvons-nous tant ingurgiter d’insignifiances où se noie la lucidité ? Comment pouvons-nous partager les vrais progrès des sciences et du creuset Mondial des pensées ? Sans jamais nous interroger et garder le nez au raz de cette marée d’informations non triées ? Comment avoir un bon usage d'un village planétaire si divisé ? Et comment redonner le goût de l’Humain pour le plus grand nombre à la participation aux choix dont nous sommes si souvent exclus bien que surinformés ?

Paul Arrighi (Toulouse le vendredi 18 mars 2016)
it was on the 2nd floor on Coronado Street
I used to get drunk
and throw the radio through the window
while it was playing, and, of course,
it would break the glass in the window
and the radio would sit there on the roof
still playing
and I'd tell my woman,
"Ah, what a marvelous radio!"
the next morning I'd take the window
off the hinges
and carry it down the street
to the glass man
who would put in another pane.
I kept throwing that radio through the window
each time I got drunk
and it would sit there on the roof
still playing-
a magic radio
a radio with guts,
and each morning I'd take the window
back to the glass man.
I don't remember how it ended exactly
though I do remember
we finally moved out.
there was a woman downstairs who worked in
the garden in her bathing suit,
she really dug with that trowel
and she put her behind up in the air
and I used to sit in the window
and watch the sun shine all over that thing
while the music played.
anastasiad Dec 2016
R / c hands free operation applications are the very best resolution pertaining to automating all your broadcasting requirements whether you would like to supply music for your bar, clb, look or some other type of consumer area otherwise you would like to present intelligent stereo broadcasting intended for on the internet or perhaps terrestrial radio. RadioBOSS gives exactly what you might want to have a tendency to all aspects of airwaves transmitting from promoting trails for you to exceptionally high-quality mp3 play-back. Exceedingly simple to use, RadioBOSS continue to comes with a wide variety of options to help you effortlessly customize your sound recording play making it since ideal as is possible for ones area. RadioBOSS is potent and firm and due to this, you can with confidence get forced out managing unwatched for as long as you're looking for. You may have the idea take care of all of your current transmissions demands as long just like you need.

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Time was you could turn on the radio
And the first song you heard would contain
A message to you directly from God
He'd tell you what was happening in your life
Sometimes He'd tell you what to do about it
Always a surprise, good to hear from Him
But not always what you'd want to hear
A lot of it depended upon the radio station you chose
These days fewer people listen to the radio
Opting for streaming music or perhaps internet or satellite radio
The last two sometimes seem to work in a pinch
But it's just not the same, I don't know why
Yahweh just seems to like good old fashioned terrestrial radio
Probably makes His voice clearer on the AM band than FM
Not that He doesn't respect progress
He's got a nostalgic streak in him, that's all
And some really poor people can only afford a cheap AM radio
So there you go
Practically any song can drip with profound meaning
If you use the radio like a Ouija board
Try it sometime
It could change your life
Even for the better
I sat down to watch the radio

There was nothing on TV

I have two hundred channels

But there was sweet F.A for me

I could have watched one channel

And learned to fricasse

A chicken raised on wild grains

By a woman chef named Bea

I started checking channels

But I decided in mid flick

That I was getting tired

And I was also  feeling sick

So I sat and watched the radio

Since there was nothing on TV

I have two hundred channels

But there was sweet F.A for me

I worked on through the listings

English, French and some bad ****

There were movies on one station

That were made 'fore  I was born

Out of all the things I saw on there

The best show I could see

Was something shown in black and white

Made in nineteen sixty three

My TV s high definition

With cables left and right

But to find a show I'd like to watch

Was taking half the night

So I sat and watched the radio

Watching nothing happen fast

But as I sat there watching

I travelled bckwards  to my past

Still flicking through the channels

Trying to find something to see

I thought I'd found a hockey game

But it was all in Punjabi

So, I listened to the music

Watched the radio, passing time

Then I thought, why do I have this?

With what I paid, it was a crime

eleven channels showed the same

times 8 networks made

at least eighty eight tv stations

That didn't make the grade

Twenty two were pay for view

The French networks were ten

Then the networks there in Real HD

And so, it started once again

Pay for **** was fourteen strong

New shows added two

Weather, sports and info shows

Now I was at one eighty  two.

I could have bought alot of stuff

On informercials through the night

I could have bought Pro Active

But instead I watched the light

I turned back to the radio

With the station light in green

It was better than the tv set

And all the crap I'd seen

So, Tonight I watched the radio

There was nothing on TV

But as I sat there bathed in that green light

The music showed me all I need to see.

— The End —