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destiney dawn Dec 2016
Hopeless nights of our lungs giving out. Last July, you promised this would all stop.

But here I am. Grasping the bed sheets wondering where you are? Do you want to be with me?

When you're alone you call me and kiss my face. I give in again.

But tonight is different the despair had won this race of lies. I'm tired of competing when I'm never gonna qualify.
lj brooks Dec 2016
You're going to be running for a long time.
Your eyes are on the finish line, your eyes are pointed towards-
What was that? Happiness?
No, that's not what you're chasing.
You want to be better than them, but that's not being happy
Because, and I'm sure you know,
It's all
You run and you run and you fall and you get back up
To beat them, of course. To show that you can go further
You can push yourself to do whatever they're doing
(Your friends, your enemies, what's the difference anyways?)
But a thousand times better.
Better yet, make that a million.
What you don't understand though, is that the tables have turned
And now it's a race to see-
Who's sadder? Who's suffering more?
Nobody pays attention to what you feel, you think to yourself.
You have to show them. You have to fight.
Show them you're hurt or make something up!
As long as the attention is on you!
Are you happy? No.
Are you successfully taking advantage of others' pity?
You're **** right.
But it's all a race, a fight, a competition, a
Pile of crap, that's what it is.
You won't get anywhere pushing yourself to be more ******* up
You think you're outside of the box and unique because you have feelings.
You're just like everyone else, you don't even try to be happy.
Have fun fitting in with those who bury themselves alive.
It's not a game.
Abhishek P Dec 2016
Maybe if the noose around your neck wouldn't cinch so tight, when you deliberately wander off the path that has been chosen for you; maybe if you wouldn't perish, the day you lay your back on; maybe if your certificates and other materials gatherings weren't made your only primal instincts; maybe when you'd be treated with the same reverence as the man landing his foot on the moon, for he was only doing his job; Maybe if we the rats were friends for once not foes, this world would have been much better than this false pretense.

Maybe on that day you'll appreciate the happiness of true freedom!
Dexter Terzungwe Dec 2016
(in honor of 16shots by Vic Mensa)

humans :  dec. 10, 2023.
                         subject X
                         wavy hair, African descent.
                         command issued: bow down
                         return: subject X fails to conform
                         return: subject X fails to bow down.

subject X: Resist

humans : Subject X seems to have rejected        
                         our psych training.
                         return: conversion to slave failed.
                         inference: indomitable spirit 
                         advise: imprison subject X          immediately.
                       new orders: We have a rebel.  
                       I repeat: we have a REBEL!
This poem is dedicated to all of us that have had to go through different struggles in life; gender, race, being told that you're different even at home, running away only to get caught up in another mess. I just want to tell you all that everything will be okay. Just keep pushing and take time out to celebrate every little victory.
Steve Page Nov 2016
I'm a Londoner
I embrace diversity
I relish cultural complexity
I feed on cross border connectivity
I laugh at the concept of heritage unity
I revel in the uncertainty of multi race identity.
I love my God, in His graceful domesticity
Here across this broad city.
The world's come to London, giving us unasked for diversity as a gift we did nothing to deserve. Relish it.
K G Nov 2016
This chair rigged me to the cross after my tophet
This chair was clutching hell while serving heaven
This chair was hemmed by apartheid
Which felt younger than yesterday
This seat was daubed for a height
The apathy melted its own pipe
When a spark of distrust shorts out our delicate circuits
Utopian structure slewed right back out
These chairs grew wild, imperfect, and infinitely nervous
Devin Ortiz Nov 2016
Democracy is a funny thing
It works for some, but not for all

Lovely when it works for you
When your voice that matters

But a **** shame, when it doesn't
To be at the whim of a majority

A majority who had to vote
Against owning another human being

A majority that said well
Unless you're in prison, then its alright

A majority who said
Being black without a job is a criminal offense

A majority who refused to hire
And who paid next to nothing

A majority who finally agreed for women to vote
Finally an opportunity for them to speak

A majority who said sure minorites you too
But that voice doesn't matter

A majority that makes a the rules
And a minority that has to wait

Wait for a time when its okay
For the majority to give up power

Wait for a time when enough is enough
But until then I'll scream my silent scream

The voiceless will topple towers
And remember it was you who
Silenced them.
belbere Nov 2016
you said i was exotic,
and i said ooo
what do you mean?
exotic like a fruit?, like
i don’t know what tropics
you think i came from, was
imported from, but you read
my skin like the label
on a flavour of coca-cola
you had never been
offered before and i
was refreshing, and
different. and you liked
the way my coke-bottle
curves felt beneath your
fingertips, said you’d never
tasted caramel
like me before,
you said i was exotic.
like i was a work
of west african art,
even though my mother’s
from the east, like
i was from a storybook like
1001 african nights, like,
you saw my cover and you were
hooked, never did think to
look beneath the jacket,
just wanted stories like the
ones scheherazade sold,
i was your sheba
and you my solomon.
we rode lions across
the sands, your kiss
was salt on my lips,
i needed to quench
my thirst and you offered
me the brand new flavour
of coca-cola.

you said i was exotic,
like a pretty foreign thing,
some mail-order thing,
special delivery
just for you,
a flavour of coca-cola that you
had never tasted before.
it's not a compliment
Devin Ortiz Nov 2016
You mistake my tears for sadness,
Instead of lakes of rage

As I scream in defiance,
against the status quo

You fall in line with the masses,
And you are now my foe

Whether in opposition, or the silent approach,
You've spoken volumes, to disenfranchised folks

Is ignorance your anthem,
Or is your lack of caring a joke

Blind eyes or indifference,
Cities go up in smoke

A pattern to repeat itself,
Until false realities are broke

The time for waiting is over,
We've pulled off racism's cloak

With us or against us,
Its time the people woke.
storm siren Nov 2016
I have friends who have gotten hot coffee thrown at their backs
for only half of their heritage.

and I have friends who have been told to hang themselves
with things they only wear on special occasions.

and I have friends who know nothing of these fears and these events,
because their privilege is as dominant as their
and they're as seemingly neurotypical
as it comes.

but still,
they empathize.
they understand.
and I'm certain if they were asked,
they would fight alongside
us too.

there is hope within this darkness,
there is warmth within this storm,
we will fight until the end of days,
and then we will fight further on.
please just stay strong.

it would be easy to give in,
it would be easy to give up,
it would be easy to let this be the end,
to sigh and wrap our time up.

but this is just the beginning,
and we know nothing of the end.
so stand against us as our enemies,
or rise with us as our friends.
Having an election was a terrible idea. What happened to electing cool grandpa instead?
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