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Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2018
On behalf of all,
A common denominator




Diary of all Humans

What I did,

What I am doing

What I will do

You too, following
the same

The Heart stops running.
Theme: Human Race
Katelynn Mar 2018
the smell of fresh beans
fills by dreams
beckons me forth to my culture, to my people
acceptance is key, but I'm rejected by the world
simply because I don't fit the stereotype
rejected by my people because I don't speak their language

engraved in my heart are the traditions and beliefs of my people
but my body betrays me
I am Mexican
I am American
but the world makes me choose one
because I don't look the way I'm supposed to
Devin Ortiz Feb 2018
The problem,
One that I keep coming back to,
In America,
Is one of Identity.

It's a thing that ebbs and flows,
With the coming and going,
Of whatever agenda is pushed.

Now, if I'm pulled over, or looked over by name, or dare I associate with color.

Then they'll **** me and my blackness.

Now, should I take it personally, or empathize within the box they put me.

Then they'll curse me for denying the whiteness.

In this tug of war, I write my own story.

Two races,
One mind,
But the spirit of millions.

I am my ancestors, black and white.
This is my perspective.
I'm taking it back.
a bell
is really  
blue as
pug desire
her stepper
to classify
cardio that
variably arms
her visit
with a
spall of
society where
doves fasten
their seatbelt
but mark
this lore
of strumpet
a bell peepper of strumpet
ln Feb 2018
where is my indian
is it in the way i don't use my palms as a medium to transport rice into the back of my mouth
is it in the way my face turns gloomy at the sight of spice and curry
is it in my skin color that isn't as brown as you need it to be
is it in my eyebrows which aren't as bushy as per your requirements

is it in the way my tongue twists awkwardly as i say happy diwali
is it in the way amma is the most fluent piece of tamil i speak
is it in the way i didn't know how to recite the words at my grandpas funeral
is it in the way i cannot, for the life of me, name you another tamil movie besides chandramukhi?


is it in the religious classes i took up until age 12
is it in the ramayana epic that i learnt, age 8
is it in the sanskrit bhajans i was made to sing, not knowing what they meant, age 10
is it in knowing that ganesh is the remover of obstacles,
brahma, vishnu, shiva - the creator, the preserver, the destroyer

is it in the eyeliner drawing a bindi in between my eyes when i
head to the temple, to present myself as indian

where is my indian
is it on a checklist, is there a passing mark?
where is my indian
please tell me,
because i am tired of feeling like a foreigner in my own skin
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
“Son, how much did you score?”
Beside you, who else did score that?
     ●2 others
“You have to work much harder”, she told.

Let me know,
If possible, scores above 10/10.
I’d like to join too.
Theme: Expectation Vs. Investment. [Roadside conversation]
Wanderer Feb 2018
I feel like I am in a race against time
It's not even that I'm trying to get ahead
I just want to keep up
But every time I look ahead
I see time just effortlessly passing me by
I have to keep running
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Accept the limelight,
When the time feel content
Knowing you all are just like me
Reached the edge of 2017.

On the way,
So far, treasuring hope
Fortunate to land on 2018
Yes, We will gain insight
Holding memories, a constant companion
Gravity of 2017,
Imbedded within heart and mind
We will never be apart,
Singing a new melody
All we were, All we will be…..

All we were, All we will be……
The same,
Joining a human race,
Trying for a comfortable breathe
Warm embrace of happy new year.
Let’s wish,
A beautiful sunshine in await.
Happy New Year 2018.
let the race
go on and
be won and
be lost
without me

I will be
on the side
of the road
with the daisies
and the crickets
and the wild-growing

a fleeting whoosh
to the rushing
and they a whoosh
to me

as clouds
hang humid
and yearn to
speckle their
summer mist
a-top puffs of
breeze and
rosy cheeks

I will be
spending my
sunshine day
with face
upturned and
hair a-mess
eyes not
looking where
they're going

© 2017 Adelaide Heathfield
You can choose to race toward a predetermined end alongside a slew of equally eager competitors. And end up exactly where you decided to be, with a number fixed to your shirt and if you're lucky, a medal hung round your neck.

Or you can choose to wander off the track completely and see where it takes you. It might be dangerous. It might be lonely. It might be peculiar.

There are racers and there are gallumphers, I suppose.
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